Invasion U.S.A.
Invasion U.S.A.
R | 27 September 1985 (USA)
Invasion U.S.A. Trailers

A one-man army comes to the rescue of the United States when a spy attempts an invasion.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
rambofanlife-41678 My number 1 personal favorite Chuck Norris film ever!!! Bad-ass action film. Best of the best action film of the 80's I ever saw. This is one man army against terrorists. "It is time to die" My girlfriend bought me this film on Blu-ray I just got it today and I am so happy about it. Chuck Norris is Matt Hunter and Invasion U.S.A. is his best film of all time. I would put this film with First Blood, Rambo: First Blood Part II, Rambo, Hard Target, Die Hard, Die Hard With A Vengeance, The Last Boy Scout, Showdown In Little Tokyo, Mad Max: Fury Road, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior and any other bad ass action movie. I would put this movie above Missing In Action and this movie just become my number 1 favorite Chuck Norris movie. Chuck Norris is a bad ass in this movie with his Uzis. Steven Seagal would not had a chance against Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris works alone his one man army. Jay Chattaway made a perfect music score for this movie the same he did for Missing in Action. Joseph Zito directed perfectly this actioner movie. Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter, The Prowler, Missing in Action and Invasion U.S.A. are his favorite films of mine. Richard Lynch was excellent and a bad ass villain bad guy I have ever seen. Chuck Norris also writes the screen play for this movie. This movie has ton's of action, explosions practical effects. Hunter blows up the bad guy with M72 LAW "It's time". I miss action movies like this where are action movies like this one today? I want action movies like this one back. As you know I am action junkie I love action movies to death and Invasion U.S.A. is a bad ass action movie ever! I have this movie on Blu-ray in 1080p HD. R.I.P. Richard Lynch I miss you. 10/10
Fluke_Skywalker There's a 20-minute stretch in 'Invasion U.S.A.' where Chuck Norris' Matt Hunter character keeps showing up out of the blue to thwart various Commie terror attacks that his character would have had no clue were about to take place. We all know the real Chuck Norris is omniscient, but who knew that his characters were as well? 'Invasion U.S.A.' is high on dead bodies, and low on logic and common sense, but it's a fairly well made film from the technical side, and seeing Norris operate at the peak of his hairy-chested machismo is always a treat.Best Chuckism; "If you come back in here, I'm gonna hit you with so many rights you're gonna be beggin' for a left.".
BA_Harrison Chuck Norris's second film with director Joseph Zito (the previous one being Missing In Action), Invasion USA sees the bearded karate champ playing one-man army Matt Hunter, tasked with stopping Russian terrorist Mikhail Rostov (Richard Lynch), who has invaded Miami with his personal army in order to somehow throw the whole of America into chaos. Outdoing even Bill Drago's baby-killing rapist drug-lord from Delta Force 2 in the evil stakes, Rostov massacres a boatload of defenceless Cuban refugees, kills Hunter's best buddy John Eagle (Dehl Berti), obliterates the residents of a peaceful suburban neighbourhood as they celebrate Christmas, and orders his soldiers to shoot kids at a community centre, blow up a church full of worshippers, and plant a bomb on a school bus.With a slightly bigger budget than normal for a Norris film ($12m), Zito is able to destroy lots of stuff and crash quite a few vehicles as his star goes in search of the despicable villain. Not that finding Rostov and his men is difficult for Hunter: Invasion USA proves unintentionally funny as Chuck conveniently turns up in his truck, twin Uzis at the ready, whenever and wherever the baddies are causing trouble. And the Chuck-les don't end there: giggles are to be had every time the wooden star solemnly spouts his truly awful one-liners, although for my money, the most amusing moments are when he dives behind office partitioning—the real flimsy stuff—to protect himself from enemy gun-fire, and uses his uncanny sixth sense to detect two gunmen hiding in another room (successfully killing them by blowing huge holes in the wall with his grenade launcher).Not a great film by any stretch of the imagination, Invasion USA is the epitome of cheezy 80s action—a brainless yet moderately entertaining 'Saturday night with beer' movie, with all that that entails.
CowherPowerForever Invasion U.S.A. from 1985 is personally my all time favorite 1980s action movie. It has everything that someone who loves this genre wants. The film features action legends. The film features over the top action. And best of all, it features some great cheesy one liners delivered by the man himself, Chuck Norris. Not to mention it was made by the Cannon Group. Those who know 80s movies should know them. The plot is goofy, I must admit that, but 80s action movies always featured goofy plots. That is what makes them so great. The following is my review of Invasion U.S.A..The story was written by James Bruner, Aaron Norris(brother of Chuck), and Chuck Norris. Bruner is known for having also wrote 80s films with Chuck Norris such as Missing in Action and The Delta Force. Aaron Norris however only had this effort under his belt for writing in the 1980s, and only three total movies. The story, if you can call it that, is pretty cheesy, but is fun as the actors and the action hold everything together. The plot follows Rostov(Richard Lynch) who leads a team of terrorists into America to try and invade it. However, he soon gets a rude awakening when his old enemy shows up(Hunter, played by Chuck Norris). So, with that basic plot outline, you get the idea. Hunter has to stop Rostov, and we all know the basics of the rest of it. As I said above, The film is fun because of the great acting and because of Chuck Norris. Personally, this is my favorite Chuck Norris movie, and the writers overall did a great job on molding together a good plot for this film.The film was directed by 1980s directing legend, Joseph Zito. Zito is very well known for his 80s hits like The Prowler, Missing in Action, and of course Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. His vision as a director always kept me interested in his work. I loved how on a few of his works he would just end a movie. No need for that happy everyone comes together ending. He just ended the film abruptly. The film looks amazing as well. Cannon Films was very well known in the 80s for making cheap films very quickly. So for this film to look as good as any action movie from that time says a great deal about what Zito was able to do. There are some fun action scenes as well. Some that will even make you ask yourself did that just happened. The action in this film is shot amazingly, and Zito deserves so much credit for his amazing work on this film. While Zito never hit it big and his career was short, he left us with some great films, and this is my favorite.The acting area has so many great names. Of course Chuck Norris is the lead and Richard Lynch is the main villain, but other actors like Alexander Zale, Billy Drago, Alex Colon, and Eddie Jones are in the film. If you want a fun film with some fun acting, this is the film for you. Sure Chuck Norris doesn't earn an Oscar here, but he plays the calm guy perfectly, as he always does. He also delivers those one liners perfectly. If you like that cheesy acting you see in 80s action movies like this, do not overlook this film.Jay Chattaway was the composer of this film. He is known for scoring some Star Trek TV series as well as films like Silver Bullet and Missing in Action. The Cannon Group was known for taking cheap ways out when making a film, so they would cut corners in this area of film making. Often reusing scores. However, this film was an original score, that was used later on another Cannon film. The score is fun and adds some nice depth, but probably wouldn't make my list for top scores in a 80s action movie. Chattaway is a great composer and his work on this film is still very much enjoyable.In closing, I truly love this film. I watch it as often as I can, and not only do I have it as my favorite action movie ever, I also have it as my favorite Christmas action movie. Yes, above Die Hard. So that is saying something. Of course this is only my opinion, and it is perfectly fine to disagree. Though you shouldn't overlook this film. If you get a chance to watch or buy this film, do it. Do not think nice. Sadly, this film still does not have a Blu-Ray release, so the DVD version is the way you have to go. Thankfully they are cheap at a used video store for around five dollars. So pick up this fun 80s action film, and I'm sure most will enjoy this film as well.9/10