| 20 June 2015 (USA)
Identicals Trailers

Identicals is a highly unconventional romantic thriller: an obsessive love story stripped down and re-arranged into the looping logic of a nightmare.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
dragoshilbert Somewhere in the future, a couple have a romantic night and a swat team pay them a visit to kidnap the girl. The man, aka the hero, is receiving help by phone from a mysterious voice and leads him to a high-tech company. This hero is confused but focused, something that is hard to comprehend. Also, why in the future is still a need to use wiretap is beyond me.The visuals are nice, but the movie is annoying with repetitions and image shaking. It is like the whole point is to make you confuse, or maybe the Director thinks that you cannot focus so everything needs to be explained. The movie main point is the identity but why confusing people when this subject requires a clear discussion? Maybe some money to be spend?
jtncsmistad So Writer/Director of "Identicals" Simon Pummell. You've presented us with a perverse perception of a dastardly dystopian society. But what precisely do you mean to say with your sad and sullen story? And Cinematographer Reinier Van Brummelen. Your images are gorgeous. Breathtaking even. Yet what are we supposed to collectively draw from them? "Identicals" is the example-deluxe of a film that is staggeringly saturated with style and chic. And co-leads Nora-Jane No one ("Brooklyn") and Lachlan Nieboer ("Charlie Countryman") are scarcely a chore to ogle. However, when flair and flamboyance is evidently all you've got to dispense, we are rendered pulverized by a prevalence of pointless panache over substance.Only in the case of the slick but ill-conceived "Identicals", it is much more a matter of style at the almost absolute ANNIHILATION of substance.
Jeffrey Haton II When I decided to watch this movie, I was expecting exactly what the description said, the main characters girlfriend was kidnapped and he hunts her down. Instead this weird company that isn't explained (through the whole movie) places him in some weird futuristic city. Yet they place him right by where the girl is then they get mad at him for going after her. they kidnap her again and then it gets way more confusing, a guy shows up and gives him a gun, and then all confusion breaks out and the movie ends with zero explanation whatsoever. I also feel the need to mention that this movie is so full of filler more than half the movie contains long pauses, or repeated parts, or completely useless content, I'm sure this movie would have been more enjoyable if there was some explanation to replace all of the filler.
charles000 Apparently, some reviewers may seem to think this is some sort of techno futurist art statement film piece, probing an uncharted realm suggested by parallel existence pathways in an emergent world.But wait . . .Before heralding this latest film as probing new uncharted territory, not so fast.Much of this same concept was remarkably well done (much better than via "Identicals" in various ways, at least in my opinion), in the Rock Hudson film "Seconds", circa 1966.Identicals does deserve some credit for its stylistic motif, a uniquely strange mix of future and retro tech ambiance, and the lovely Nora-Jane No one is quite fun to watch as Nadia . . . but still, this film just doesn't quite fit all the pieces together well enough to deliver its entire message coherently.I certainly don't mind the time spent to watch this, as visually and aesthetically it's an interesting bit of filmcraft, but this could have been so much more, like a seed planted promising a magnificent flower, but ever quite reaching full blossom.