Turtles Forever
Turtles Forever
NR | 21 November 2009 (USA)
Turtles Forever Trailers

Turtles Forever is a made-for-tv animated movie. Produced in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, the movie teams up different incarnations of the titular heroes—chiefly the light-hearted, child-friendly characters from the 1987 animated series and the darker cast of the 4Kids' own 2003 animated series—in an adventure that spans multiple universes.

Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Finfrosk86 I very recently started watching feature length animated movies.. Like the Marvel and DC ones. I did some research to find some good ones, and among the ones I found, this one showed up.And man was it entertaining. I loved it. I really enjoy the concept of the Turtles meeting versions of themselves from other dimensions. Very cool.I'm not a die hard Turtles fan or anything, although I did like Turtles when I was a kid, but this movie just entertained the hell out of me anyway. The story is pretty good, and the dimension-stuff is awesome. The fighting and action is very good. And maybe the best part of the whole movie is the dialogue between the turtles, and the differences between the dimensions. The movie is kind of self aware, and that's cool.This is actually the first 9 I've given in quite a while, if I remember correctly.
joshuadrake-39480 TURTLES FOREVER is a 2009 American television film produced by 4Kids Entertainment and Mirage Studios.The movie is a crossover film featuring three different incarnations of the titular heroes throughout the franchise's history: the original Prime Turtles team from the 1984 comic book series, the light-hearted, family-friendly characters from the 1987 animated series and the darker, more serious cast of the 4Kids' own 2003 animated series - in an adventure that spans multiple parallel universes.It also marks the finale to the 2003 animated series and was produced in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.I just said the plot of this and what it was, so I don't want to explain the story again. I like this movie and while I don't know who plays the characters in this one. I would like to know who, but I don't know at all.The movie is just amazing. The music, editing, visuals, CGI, design and sound effects and action sequences are amazing and this one is fantastic.9 out of 10.
BrickNash Having never even heard of this film until now (mid 2014) I took a chance and gave it a whirl. What I found was a highly enjoyable film that is obviously made for fans.The plot is actually very, very good and ties in well with the concept of dimensions heavily used in the 80's series the action moves along smoothly although the screenplay will not win any awards.Special mention must go to the re-creation of the 80's style animation which I have to say is scarily accurate and a joy to watch again!The only two downside to this film is that the original voice actors of the 80's cartoon not be involved because of union disputes (and the sad passing away of James Avery (Uncle Phil/Shredder) means it can never be re-dubbed!) The second downer in the film is that the 80's turtles were portrayed far too goofily. It was a goof show yes,but having rewatched it recently I can honestly say that it was never as daft as is portrayed in Turtles Forever. Not disrespectful as they do have their great moments but there is just one too many obvious and unnecessary jibes.To end of a positive note another special mention must go to the animation and portrayal of turtles Prime. The are absolutely BAD-ASS and although no real violence was shown they had the attitude and I'll be honest....I wouldn't hate seeing a whole series done in that fashion with maybe a bit more gore and adult themes because lets face it, the child fans of the 80's like me are all grown up now and the comic on which turtles prime was based was much more violent and gritty.I enjoyed the computer animated TMNT film but I'd say this is a better film for the fans overall and is a hidden gem that really needs more advertising.if you can look by the borderline rude treatment and inaccurate portrayal of the 80's turtles then you will enjoy it greatly!
Nez-Alpha Having grown up watching the old 1988 series, it was great to see the specific characters of the turtles and their villains then, in the universe of the new more serious turtles that kids watch today. The whole thing is animated well and has an interesting enough storyline. The only thing I slightly disliked about this movie, was that the older versions of the characters, both good and bad, are depicted as being somewhat helpless in the 21st century Turtle universe. They mostly get the goofy lines and carefree attitude. However, to be fair the old show was never as serious as the newer one apparently is, and there were excellent tributes to the old show. One running gag in the movie I really enjoyed, was that the older turtles would sometimes direct their attention to the viewer, which would confuse the 21st generation characters. At some point a turtle is actually asked; "Who are you talking to? There is nobody there!"Although there is definite goofiness and corniness present, this movie offers a nice look at the turtles through time, and is a nice way to end this saga of the turtles (as Nickelodeon is apparently planning to make the next show fully CGI).