Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough
Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough
R | 19 February 2005 (USA)
Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough Trailers

Two young women will stop at nothing for one to gain a $4 million inheritance of two priceless diamonds, while two detectives try to thwart their plans, but find complications abound.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kris Some Sundays you just want to stay indoors, sheltered from the poor weather, watching movies and eating popcorn. And mostly you do not really care about the quality of the film you are watching. Unfortunately, having too little to choose from, this does not always end up being the case: I had a bad feeling about this one, and did only see the movie because a friend of mine gave it to me for free (and I wonder why...). This boring and VERY predictable flick contained tons of cartoonish stereotypes, pisspoor acting, lousy editing and a script worse than in most cartoons for kids. Even the wannabe sexy seminude girl-on-girl scenes are so put on that they get you less hot than outdoor swimming during a snowy winter. Be warned, spend your two hours doing something better!
disdressed12 while there was no reason to make this movie,at least it is better than the 2nd one.the acting is better,the twists are more believable and the characters,while not overly developed,have at least some dimension to them.the movie is much better paced than its predecessor,and will hold your interest for the most part.though you may wonder,as i did,why we needed two sequels to a movie that tells the same basic story only much more effectively.there is not a lot more to say about this one.it certainly falls short of the original.it is still a less than average effort for this genre(just not as bad as the 2nd installment)and offers nothing new.but if you have nothing better to do with your time,you could do worse than watch this movie.keep your expectations low and you may not be too disappointed. 4* out of 10
chillyfil I'd like to say that this movie has some nice scenery in the make believe town of Blue Bay, Fl. aka Miami...lol My DVD had an A side & B side....The B side had commentary from the director & actors during the scenes while the movie was playing, kinda kewl hearing Kevin Bacon, Matt Dillon bitch about the mosquito's in South FLA. lol...They were talking like how much money they saved, aka low budget on the film in general and it definitely shows.... They were also talking like the movie was a smash hit !....personally I paid about $3 for it on Amazon. A bargain? nnnnot...oh well...... I want to see "Wild Things 3" chillyfil p.s. remember, just don't buy it..
kaiisgod I think WT3 is a pretty decent movie, much better than the second, but don't expect a clever movie because you'll be disappointed. The plot doesn't differ too much from the first movie, a man accused of raping a young girl plus the difficult relationship with his step-daughter (Sarah Laine) with the diamonds in the middle. The low-class girl is interpreted by Sandra McCoy as Neve Campbell did that role in the first. Both girls are very good-looking, especially Laine. There's treason, blackmail and a well-thought scheme (at least in the minds of the characters). The revealing ending shows with flashbacks during the credits the key points of the plot, a surprising finale that is hard to anticipate. So, if you like WT1 you definitely will enjoy this one. I give WT3 Diamonds in the Rough 6/10.