Black Rock
Black Rock
R | 21 January 2012 (USA)
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Three childhood friends set aside their personal issues and reunite for a girls’ weekend on a remote island off the coast of Maine. One wrong move turns their weekend getaway into a deadly fight for survival.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
michaeltrivedi Black Rock started off pretty decent. Three girls reunite years after college to go camping on an island and reminisce about old times. And the star power of Kate Bosworth makes the film seem like it will be quality.But the movie just drops off from there. The characters camp out with some army guys, one of them tries to rape one of the girls, and then the girls kill him, and his buddies end up chasing them for the rest of the movie. At least I think they do. I hope they find them too.2 Stars
caroeb I'd like to respond to reviewer rchoyle who asked, " I wonder if anyone else will be hating on these women?" Yes! What was everyone involved with this movie project thinking??First, these three actresses and the screenplay failed to convince me that these characters have ever been "best friends." They all appear to be self-absorbed and to have no feeling for any body else whatsoever. Their chatter chatter is vacuous and its irresponsible sexual content is disturbing.These girls could have had "stupid" written on their foreheads. These are the sort of people you might want to strangle, not root for! They go "camping" on a deserted island with no apparent thought for their physical safety overall. They invite three male strangers to join them for supper on the beach. One of them then proceeds to converse about her past casual sex. By this time, it's all too clear that there are no "good guys" and that this screenplay will bring out even worse in everybody.
stephenbwickham Everybody associated with this movie should be ashamed. I've never served in the military, and this film still made me sick. Feminists vs returning vets. Guess who the bad guys are. I'll NEVER watch another film with any of these people in it. The premise is stupid. Thea actors are lame. The plot is predictable Hollywood bullshit. I'm having trouble writing ten lines about just how offensive this movie is. If you, or anybody in your family, or anybody you know has ever served in the military, do NOT watch this movie. It will only infuriate you. How sad that this is how Americans want to portray those who defend us. Two naked girls running through the woods trying to defend themselves from returning war vets and working out all their drama queen bullsh@t differences in about 20 seconds along the way. Disgusting. Shame on you all.
Sherazade I mean I don't want to knock this low budget thriller but it was very poorly written, poorly acted, poorly edited, poorly shot and unnecessarily vulgar.So three childhood girlfriends meet again as adults and decide to take a trip to a deserted island known as 'Black Rock' a place they visited as kids and had buried a time capsule there. The minute one of them deems cancer a disease funny enough to joke about, you can pretty much guess where this is heading. Upon reaching the island an underlying rift between two of the friends surfaces and causes them to deviate from their main quest which was to unearth the time capsule. While the two squabbling friends sort things out, they discover that they are not alone on the seemingly uninhabited island and what ensues following this discovery is a series of catastrophic events that alters the lives of these three women forever. Kate Bosworth co-stars but please don't waste your time on this crappy movie.