Killing Bono
Killing Bono
R | 04 November 2011 (USA)
Killing Bono Trailers

The true story of Neil and Ivan McCormick, two Irish brothers who attempt to become rock stars but can only look on as their high school friends U2 become the biggest band in the world.

Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
benfizzsafc Killing Bono reviewAs always, I'll start this review with info on the film. Killing Bono was a movie released in 2011 and was based on Neil McCormick's 2003 memoir 'Killing Bono: I Was Bono's Doppelgänger.' It was shot in Northern Ireland, funded by Northern Ireland Screen and was released by Paramount Pictures. Directed by Nick Hamm plus, the cast included some great young, upcoming talent in Ben Barnes and Robert Sheehan. In a nutshell, Killing Bono is a rock 'n' roll comedy about two Northern Irish brothers trying and struggling to forge their path through the 1980's music scene. At the same time, their old school friends successfully add their band name in the history of British rockers, their name being U2. Plunging the brothers' band deeper and deeper into the shadows, just like the thousands of other musicians that didn't make it. It has a great story: ambition, ego and the comedy of the 80's music scene all blended together. It's all told in an authentic, light-hearted way by director Hamm, who brings out the best in Barnes and Sheehan. The film overall is enjoyable and the main storyline- continuing dreams of stardom even when they remain out of reach-are hauntingly familiar for some. So it relates to many people well, but in my opinion it needs more funding to transform onto the big screen, although it does well considering the budget. If you're a British music fan or if you want an easy way to tell your kids it's not easy making it in the music industry I highly recommend this film, make sure your children have a working knowledge of U2 beforehand though. RATING: 7.3/10Best parts: The making of 'Bono' and 'The Edge' The "it's the Pope, or me" speech The ending-I won't spoil it
Agirlonline I really enjoyed this movie. I have to admit, I initially had NO interest in the story, and only set out to see it to check out Ben Barnes' latest project. But within 10 minutes I forgot about watching "the lovely Mr. Barnes" (which he is not, in this movie) and was genuinely captivated by and became engaged in the story, the characters and the humor. I'd seen clips and responded with a yawn; thought the comedy portrayed in them was obvious and heavy-handed. But the trailer doesn't do it justice. The laughs were real and unexpected and the dialogue quick, natural and enjoyable. All of the supporting characters were excellent. Robert Sheehan, whom I'd never seen in anything prior, did a good job and Barnes disappears into and owns his character. All in all a fun watch, I'd recommend it.
BOOGIEMAN-pN ... given that I went watching it without reading a book, seeing trailer, heard which actors are involved or anything else about it. In case you don't know what is it about, let me repost the plot: "Two brothers attempt to become global rock stars but can only look on as old school friends U2 become the biggest band in the world."Story is the best part of this movie. Throughout it's entire length I was wondering which way will it go. Will it keep it's mild comedy tone from start to the end, or will it turn to tragedy, given the main character's auto-destructive nature ... or maybe, could it even have some alternative history ending like in "Inglorious Bastards" ? Well, it could have gone either way, and because I don't wanna spoil anything for you, I'll just say I'm most satisfied how it finished.Also, I have nothing but praises for the cast. Ben Barnes... I'm surprised you still aren't big thing in Hollywood. Weekest link might only be his on-screen brother, the guy with curly hair, but he's not bad enough to ruin the movie ... go watch !
shenster The Good: Well done Ben Barnes with the accent, very well done, good performance. Pete Postlethwaite RIP hilarious performance. Costumes were excellently done.The Bad: Robert Sheehan where do I start. His acting is disastrous, he looks the part but does not fully convince the audience that he is Barnes brother in the film comes across as a annoying sidekick friend more so than struggling musician.Unlike Barnes, Sheehan has never convincingly played a character without a Irish accent so Sheehan take a note from Barnes. The story as a synopsis had so much potential to be great but promised more than it delivered, on a side-note the trailer for the film makes it seem epic and exciting this is far from what is presented in the filmOverall: Forgettable, there are better films don't waste your money or time