R | 16 February 1990 (USA)
Revenge Trailers

Michael ‘Jay’ Cochran has just left the Navy after 12 years and he's not quite sure what he's going to do, except that he knows he wants a holiday. He decides to visit Tiburon Mendez, a powerful but shady Mexican businessman who he once flew to Alaska for a hunting trip. Arriving at the Mendez mansion in Mexico, he is immediately surprised by the beauty and youth of Mendez’s wife, Miryea.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Predrag A story about uncontrollable passion and desire that forces two people to act upon impulses they know they should put aside but they cannot control their true feelings, and act with reckless abandon. Madelaine Stowe is the lovely lady in an unfulfilling marriage to Tibby Mendez (Anthony Quinn) that Jay, Costner's character, almost immediately falls in love with. Tibby belongs to the Mexican underworld, probably a drug king-pin, and befriends Jay who saved Tibby's life in a hunting accident. When Tibby invites Jay to spend a few weeks at his estate in Mexico, he never imagined Jay would attempt to steal his lovely young wife.This is a solid story, with strong characters, and fine acting all around. However, understand what this film is not. This is not a 'date movie', and not a 'happy' story, but it does indeed reflect real life, and how things do not always end up rosy in the end, or the way we want them. It simply tells a good story, something many films never seem to accomplish, and we get to come along for the ride. It's racy, violent, passionate and moving all wrapped into one. I felt an understanding of the love, pain, betrayal and yes the need for revenge. It was entertaining and an epic portrayal of love and pain.Overall rating: 8 out of 10.
LeonLouisRicci Not a Full Fledged Tony Scott Film as it is Presented, More or Less, in a Straight-Forward Style, Minus the Camera and Editing Shenanigans that Became the Director's Trademark. It is Still Violent and Sexy but Seems to Lack Something in the Way the Revenge Motif is Handled.Kevin Costner is Better than Usual and is Playing a Grittier Character with Some Interest and Manages to Pull it Off. Madeleine Stowe does a Good Job with the Limited Amount of Character Development, and Anthony Quinn Exudes Enough of an Evil Underbelly to Make the Villain Dangerous and Scary.But it All Doesn't Quite Work. However it is Worth a Watch for Costner's Against Type Portrayal, Some Nastiness, and the Usual Fondness the Director Exerts on the Look and the Cinematography. The Film is Less Satisfying than it Should be and May be a Disappointment to Some that Expect More Razz-Ma-Tazz and Fanciness.
esoterc_circle I have an idea why : the title and the general genre of this film being 'Action', it has attracted that particular 'action-oriented' and maybe not so 'enlightened' crowd looking for a little, or a lot, of action, and instead what do they get? A Tony Scott curveball in the form of an engaging, often slow-moving (but thoroughly-interesting, if one can appreciate it) LOVE story - and the poor hooligan viewers are all thrown off, so since they can't begin to fathom the depth of emotions between a man and a woman that is touched on here, they resort to bad-mouthing a film they can't understand. Well, you'd think that this film had enough violence to keep this kind of crowd happy (and it certainly does!), but then there's all that 'weird romance stuff' for quite awhile.Oh well, guys - better stick to straight-forward 'shoot 'em up and mow 'em down ' - and stay away from those scary deeper emotions!
Frederick Smith No matter, this film is a true tragedy with the roles being portrayed with an air of believability rarely witnessed in today's films. Set in the Latino culture where men of wealth are expected to have female "friends" but their women are to remain faithful, the real drama her lies in the danger of violating this taboo. Kevin Costner's portrayal of the Navy pilot and Vietnam veteran who has spent the last twelve years of his life piloting fighter jets is remarkable. He is the man without a vision of his future, a man seeking meaning in the world and hoping to find the reality of his life. But with no purpose in his life, he quickly becomes enamored of the beautiful Madeline Stowe, the bored and unhappy wife of his "best friend", played by Anthony Quinn.Quinn is the wealthy and dangerous maker of politicians, and an associate of many people in power, but he is also both hated and feared by the common people. Around these three principles are Miguel Ferrer, John Leguizamo, and Sally Kirkland, an impressive trio of character actors who lend a hand to Costner in his search for Stowe. This is not a film with a happy ending, and the question you must ask yourself at the end is who is responsible? Rated R for violence, nudity, language, and sexual situations, this is definitely not for the teens or the children, and while I have a copy, I will leave it to you to decide to include it in your collection.