Deadly Weapon
Deadly Weapon
PG-13 | 15 August 1989 (USA)
Deadly Weapon Trailers

An experimental gun powered by an atomic reactor is misplaced when the transport carrying it crashes into a river. The weapon soon falls into the hands of a bullied teen named Zeke, who uses it to get even with his persecutors. An army team led by the overzealous Lt. Dalton is sent to recover the weapon before it's unstable reactor overloads and causes a meltdown.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Artiom Krainov This movie is the best in this thread. Story about teenager whom all hurt and considered worthless, he was made to kneel all people and made them tremble with fear, without deliberately killings. This movie is filled with feelings. The movie makes you think. Not just fun for once.Teen found the secret thermal weapon, that could destroy the entire planet. The U.S. army wants to declare martial law. This is a very topical plot.Michael Miner, gives meaning to every scene of the film. Teen imagines himself a stranger from another planet, and that's usually fantasize of children who no longer needed nobody, it helps them cope with depression. His mother left him. His stepfather is a washed-up crazy drunk. Sister, busy personal life.Having caught a powerful weapon, boy is not a killing spree, he only scares their abusers. He only explodes cars and empty buildings. It correctly. The film is entertaining, good special effects. The film, which is a must for everyone of us.
Scico1984 I thought this movie was pretty good . The movie had a weird plot but the overall message or theme was good . You would just have to be opened minded.If your the type that you have to follow the usual movie guidelines were every thing is perfect then this is not the movie for you . If your the type who likes watching movies with a fantasy and real life, type angle then this movie is for you . It gets you guessing and like reading a book you can only be intrigued and relate to the character .
Andras_J Like many other people, I only bought this movie because Joey (Rodney Eastman) of A Nightmare On Elm Street Part's 3 and 4 was the lead in it. And, erm....It totally sucks!! Occasionally you can get some pretty good "b" movies, but its movies like this wich make all "b" movies look crap.Lets start of with "the gun". What the hell was its cable lead made out of? Tin foil??! It was extreamly fake looking and looked like a rejected quazer lazer gun.And the acting was terrible! I'm sorry Rodney fans, but this movie is deffanitly made for you. There is no other reason to watch it unless you like Rod. Its very badly written. I wish I didn't buy this junk! Whoa, really. If Rods reading this (hmmm, a bit unlikeley) but I'm sorry man, the movie bites. And youve been in way better.DO NOT EVEN RENT THIS MOVIE
pseudo-3 The only reason I rented this flick, was because it starred "Joey" from "A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 - Dream Warriors", as well as "Heather Chandler" from "Heathers". And that is the only reason to watch this crud. You want to see an actor do their worst job, then rent this one.