Death Race 2000
Death Race 2000
R | 30 April 1975 (USA)
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In a boorish future, the government sponsors a popular, but bloody, cross-country race in which points are scored by mowing down pedestrians. Five teams, each comprised of a male and female, compete using cars equipped with deadly weapons. Frankenstein, the mysterious returning champion, has become America's hero, but this time he has a passenger from the underground resistance.

Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
videorama-759-859391 Yes, the one that set it off, when Jason Statham was just a pup (there's also a new one, that's lingered on DVD shelves for a few months). This is that one, so unique, loudly and beautifully shot, while being conservatively or cleverly funny, due to it's concept, but also being ultra and graphically, sickeningly violent in some cases. Carradine at the wheel again, another cross country race to win, but more so, a race of survival, where the competitors earn points for running down humans, bloodily, different genders and ages, earning different number rewards. Sly as a dirty, mafioso type contestant, playing Carradine's Bill Mckinney to Carradine in Cannonball, is a nice piece of character work, while Carradine is Carradine in an unexceptional performance, as the legendary Frankenstein. It's fun watching Sly get angry, and he gets angry a lot. People who want to take digs at his acting, should watch this. One major highlight is the fast talking, rhyming, and energetic, commentator. Simone Griffith, as Carradine's hot navigator, has beautiful screen presence beauty, especially in the raw, while Lilyan Chauvin lends fine support as the head of a movement against Frankenstein, while we have a Barbra Eden looking like, news reporter, who has many dear personal friends of hers, while we have a president, who's hauntingly memorable. This unique piece of film making, stands unique to anything else around. When I think of Death Race 2000, that's what I think, a colorfully loud gem of a movie, an original, one of a kind, with beautifully and carefully shot images, some of them, nicely angled, that no other movie can touch. Could be A Clockwork Orange, if a road, by those splendid color. A must see for movie buffs, and conniseurs.
Aleksandar Sarkic I really love 70's decade, it is full of interesting stuff, and it looks for me that in that period people were more open minded than now-days. Also in the 70's we had many interesting movies, one of them is definitely Death Race 2000. I have find out for this movie on IMDb, it was suggested on the page for Rollerball movie, i really love Rollerball it is more known movie that Death Race 2000, but i must admit i was more blown away with Death Race 2000. There are similarities between the two movies, both are happening in the future were everything is controlled and only entertainment for the masses are violent sport games. Here the center are racing cars, and for drivers the main goal is not just to win the race, it is to kill more innocent people on their way, more kills, more points, there are no emotions, just violent show for the masses. It must be shocking for the 70's still it looks very brutal, it is double violent than Rollerball for sure. It is also worth watching because of David Carradine in main role of enigmatic driver behind the mask "Frankenstein", great performance, also worth mentioning Sylvester Stallone as the main opponent of Frankenstein, and yes a lot of beautiful women in this one, just gorgeous natural looks, but the main reason to watch this movie is it's message, is the system guilt for raising violence and controlling our lives or we as human species love to be controlled and to do violence to others, think for yourself. This movie maybe looks outdated but if you are true movie lover and seeking answers watch this one. I give it 7.5/10.
Leofwine_draca This cheesy cult classic has a great premise which is unfortunately spoilt by poor direction and a whole "cheap" feel to the film, due no doubt to the low budget. For fans of cult films though, this one is worth a watch, and Roger Corman was also involved in its production, making it unmissable in some circles. It's one of those films where the fun comes from watching things get destroyed - lots of cars get blown up by explosives, pedestrians are continually splattered by fast-moving vehicles, and in an exciting moment a car is chased by a plane dropping bombs! Aside from the entertaining chase bits - which only become vaguely repetitive - a whole lot of other stuff is thrown into the script. There's a vicious streak of black comedy (the "hits" scored by the drivers as they run over the public are portrayed amusingly), and even a social comment in there somewhere on America's obsession with violence - a theme which became even more popular in the '80s. Intermittently there are bits of romance and drama, but these never get in the way of the trashy spirit of the thing. We've got gratuitous nudity and gratuitous gore (wheels running over heads, etc.), sure factors to appeal to any red-blooded male.As for the acting, most of it is quite bad, but in a fun sense. Nobody really takes themselves seriously. Sylvestor Stallone - in one of his first roles - isn't afraid to be the obnoxious, violent villain of the piece who's out for himself and himself only, and his portrayal fits the character very well. However, it's David Carradine who stands out as the crippled Frankenstein, a man who always wears a fetish rubber suit and mask due to his various limbs having been replaced by surgeons after many, many accidents. Due to obvious budgetary constraints, these mechanical additions are never seen but rather implied. It's difficult not to like a film which takes literally the term "hand grenade", a film which has an annual euthanasia day where old residents are wheeled out into the road and left to die, or where a band of rebels do their best to destroy the opponents. And watch out for that twist ending! Camp, cheesy and quite bad, DEATH RACE 2000 disappoints yet remains influential to this day, via the computer game CARMAGEDDON and its sequels.
Scott LeBrun "Death Race 2000" is adrenaline-charged fun, a fast paced, funny, satirical, and bloody sci-fi action picture loaded with political commentary and a cast of B movie icons to die for. Produced by the legendary Roger Corman and directed with gusto by the late Paul Bartel ("Eating Raoul"), it has a wicked sense of humour and also benefits from a bunch of colourful characters and their equally colourful cars. It hits the ground running and rarely lets up, with a particularly delicious wrap-up.It's the future (at least, the future as it was envisioned in 1975), and a no holds barred, brutal cross county car race known as the Transcontinental Road Race is the national sport. The points are scored by running down pedestrians. This sport is used by a totalitarian government to keep its violence-hungry population satisfied. The star of the race is the peoples' champion, Frankenstein (David Carradine), who has had various body parts replaced over the years. His chief rival is the foul tempered Machine Gun Joe Viterbo (a hilarious, scene stealing Sylvester Stallone). Competing against them are Calamity Jane (Mary Woronov), Matilda the Hun (Roberta Collins), and Nero the Hero (Martin Kove). Seeking to put an end to the race are a group of rebels known as The Resistance.Carradine is lots of fun as the cynical Frankenstein, although Stallone is the one who really walks off with the movie. Simone Griffeth is lovely as Frankensteins' new navigator, Annie; she, Woronov, Collins, and the always cute Louisa Moritz all make for fine eye candy. Adding to the entertainment value are other familiar faces such as Don Steele (a riot as annoying announcer Junior Bruce), Joyce Jameson, Fred Grandy, and Leslie McRay. (Look for John Landis in a bit part as a mechanic.) Director Bartel has an uncredited cameo as a doctor."Death Race 2000" is full of high speed action, explosions, and a genuinely interesting script by Robert Thom and Charles B. Griffith, based on the story "The Racer" by Ib Melchior. It does make us consider our own appetites for destruction while sating them at the same time. It may strike viewers as being dated in some ways, but it has an undeniable campy and cheesy charm going for it, making it hard to resist, and entertaining to revisit on a regular basis.Nine out of 10.