Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter
R | 12 June 1974 (USA)
Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter Trailers

When several young girls are found dead, left hideously aged and void of blood, Dr Marcus suspects vampirism. He enlists the help of the Vampire Hunter. Mysterious and powerful, Kronos has dedicated his life to destroying the evil pestilence. Once a victim of its diabolical depravity, he knows the vampire's strengths and weaknesses as well as the extreme dangers attached to confronting the potent forces of darkness.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
dworldeater Captain Kronos is a little different for Hammer, but a worthy addition to their canon of films. Fitting into Hammer easily with the same feel and Gothic style, but different in its approach with some original and new ideas for its time. Just like the title indicates our hero is Captain Kronos and his occupation is to hunt vampires. He is an expert swordsman formerly of the King's Imperial Guard, self employed with his hunchback assistant Grost. They investigate a village that has their young women drained of their youth by a vampire. Speaking of women, our hero Kronos has a great one, picking up gypsy girl(Caroline Monroe) who is gorgeous, talented and worked on many classic horror flicks, most notably the ultra brutal 1980 classic Maniac. The rules for killing vampires are different and varied in this film and according to expert Grost there are many different kinds of vampires as well. Our hero Kronos , played by Horst Janson is kind of a half vampire who survived getting bit by one and continues to hunt them. Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter is way ahead of its time as a hybrid of horror and action, throwing in elements from western and samurai films. The action is not nearly as abundant as in a film like Blade, but I'm pretty sure Kronos influenced it. Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter is one of my favorites of the later Hammer films, as well as being one of the most well made also. If you are a fan of both action and horror, Kronos comes highly recommended.
Theo Robertson An unnamed region in 17th Century Eurpoe is being stalked by a vampire . The bodies of young woman are being found who have lost their youth , their vitality and lifeforce has been drained from them . In to this region rides a mysterious soldier of fortune Captain Kronos I first saw this in my early teens and remembered it well as a very creepy and exciting horror movie featuring vampires and their nemesis in the shape of Captain Kronos . Two scenes I remembered very well were the opening pre-title sequence of a young woman consumed by a vampire and the scene in an Inn involving a trio of loud mouthed ruffians . I couldn't recall any else from the film and that's simply because there's very little memorable about the movie . The opening sequence is striking and well done but the Inn sequence is ridiculous as it cuts to an Inn keeper and his daughter hiding behind the counter as Kronos gets in to a stand off with three hooligans . Some people seem to have described this movie as a " spaghetti horror movie " and you can see their point and much of this opinion is probably down to this silly scene which merely seems to exist to shoehorn a relatively well known name in the shape of Ian Hendry . Horst Janson has a dubious starring role as Kronos . I say dubious because he looks like a cross between Bjorn Borg and Roman Polanski and if someone is corrupting young girls then a Polanski lookalike is the last person you're going to trust to save the situation . Caroline Munro is very noticeable looking hot , sultry and sexy . No make up required and unfortunately no acting required eitherI can see what writer/director Brian Clemens is trying to do here and that is bring a new twist on the vampire legend for Hammer studios which by this point in its history was becoming a little bit too old fashioned . It was also meant kick start a series of films revolving around Captain Kronos but this film combining horror chills and swashbuckling thrills doesn't succeed simply down to the two aspects cancelling one another out . It is moderately entertaining and does pull the rug out from under the audiences feet as to who the vampires are but it's not a great horror movie
Bob Dobbs Saw this during a night of insomnia and liked it a lot. I know nothing of Hammer Films history or the horror genre generally. But I liked so many of the details and I'm sure I missed as many as I saw. Crooked candelabras, odd camera angles, spooky lighting and bombastic proclamations by overconfident undead built atmosphere and period. Though what period, I'm not too sure. Hints and suggestion substituted for budget: example; the special chapel cross. The borrowed/re-purposed/homage/stolen (pick one) scenes from other styles: Greek mythology: Medusa can't deal with a mirror. Western: The bar scene where the wronged lass is avenged by the heroic fighter. Kung Du: The simple ten against one fight in the cemetery where the minions respectfully wait their turns to be clocked by the leading man. The payoff sword fight wasn't much of a surprise and the vampire had a bad-guy sword; one that can only inflict minor cuts on the hero, nothing mortal despite several opportunities. The hyper-speed that I'd been using as an explanation for the Captains successes was not in evidence or maybe I missed it. The local villages must have been pretty special places. Their population seems to not have included any ugly maidens. However after this movie, there may not be any maidens left at all. They sure got rid of a lot of them. All in all, definitely entertaining and worth a watch.
gavin6942 A master swordsman and former soldier (Horst Janson) and his hunchbacked assistant hunt vampires.I was sold on this film as soon as a character said, "What could be more improbable than God? And yet, I believe in him." It was such a great reversal of atheist thought (that God is just as believable as unicorns) by saying if there is God, why not vampires and other ghouls? Clever! I also liked when Kronos called the various people "rat face" "fatty" and "big mouth". That was pretty funny, both for his choice of words and the way he delivered those words.