PG | 13 December 1985 (USA)
Clue Trailers

Clue finds six colorful dinner guests gathered at the mansion of their host, Mr. Boddy -- who turns up dead after his secret is exposed: He was blackmailing all of them. With the killer among them, the guests and Boddy's chatty butler must suss out the culprit before the body count rises.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
SimonJack "Clue," the movie is based on the board game of the same name, originally produced in 1950. The characters and settings follow the game with the addition of the staff. But it seems to me that the Paramount folks were trying to follow the plot design from a decade earlier film. Neil Simon's "Murder by Death," was a 1976 blockbuster hit. Not so, this film. The acting is OK by most of the cast in "Clue." Tim Curry carries the bulk of the humor with his frantic running around. But the screenplay is almost devoid of witty and hilarious lines. It has none of the snappy or wacky dialog that characterizes the 1976 film. Even people today who may not have read or known of the great characters parodied in "Murder by Death" would find many laughs in that film. Simon's many plays on words and phrases – "Lionel Twain," "Two, two Twain," and similar lines are sure to get laughs yet today. Unfortunately, "Clue" doesn't have such a witty script. The movie failed to recover its budget when it came out, and in spite of something of a cult following that developed later, it's still just a fair comedy-mystery. Even with its gimmickry of three different endings in theaters, "Clue" couldn't rise above a mediocre film.
Realrockerhalloween Clue was a movie based on the board game of the same name and thus consists of a murder mystery in an old mansion.I went into the movie expecting it the plot to be thin, the characters one dimensional and a slow pace.It was a root from start finish with characters that felt alive. The women were stunning in their evening gowns and all had different personalities. Mrs. Peacock was my favorite. Her line delivery was always spot on, funny and always original. The men were strong, viral and always taking charge. Mr. Green's over reaction had me in tears from laughing so hard. Christopher Llyod is professional as ever and out shines his fellow colleges. His youthful list for women was way different from doc Brown from back to the future and breaks him from the mold of type casting.A special honor of recognition goes to Tim Curry who played Walsward the butler who hams up the part speculatively.The plot never felt lacking. There was suspense, action and twists at every turn. I didn't know what to expect next. Not once did I ever think this character could be the killer since they were all so likable.A few new characters are introduced who serve only serve as cannon folder or to move along. The maid had potential, was sexy and sweet. I wanted to see her used more.The sets look amazing with no detail left upturn. It was a 1950s mansion with fire places, trap doors and even a pool table. It was a Labour of love.What makes it true my interesting is who the killer may be. It always sets it up to be anyone of them or a new guest all together. In this regard it was very clever and unique.I wish it could become an anthology series where new characters are set up in the mansion and have to solve a mystery. I couldn't find anything to grip about since the production set out to make a cult classic and succeeded.Clue will excite you, make you laugh and on your toes.
wiholke2020 To be honest, I did not grow up playing this game. I kinda knew it had characters like Mr. Green and Scarlet, and it was like a detective game, but this kind of stuff never fascinated me. But boy was this movie extremely entertaining.I loved each and every one of the characters. They were all so interesting and funny and I cared a lot about them. I was on the edge of my seat throughout this whole movie wondering who was gonna die next, who was it, and what was gonna happen. Yeah. You can tell how amazingly shocked I was to find the alternate endings. Gosh that shocked me and the fact that the movie got me jumping in the air wondering what the heck just happened deserves recognition.Yeah everyone needs to see this movie. It was very good and very fun to watch. And I totally knew it was the butler ;)Yeah go watch this movie now.
durrantmax Clue, when it was first released, received less than rave reviews, leading us to believe it wasn't well made. But Clue should be seen as much deeper than the sketch, gag filled, shallow comedy one may be subjected to see. It is a powerful teaching tool, an exploration of morality in an unstable society. The movie puts to use the all star cast, using their skills to paint a tableau of characters deeply disturbed, yet perfectly matched to teach a message subtly, steering away from didactic ism. In its effective combination of satire, social issues of the time, nutty characters and an outrageous setting, a brilliant message shines through. It will have you laughing until the end and you will come away better than before. When seen in the right light, Clue is a masterpiece ripe with witty interchanges, clever subject matter and a lesson for its audiences.