| 01 September 2010 (USA)
Tabloid Trailers

A documentary on a former Miss Wyoming who is charged with abducting and imprisoning a young Mormon Missionary.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
mingsphinx Even if you know all the lurid details about the Joyce McKinney sex in chains saga, it is still well worth it to listen to the protagonist tell her side of the story. It would have taken a lot of courage/narcissism for anyone to agree to be interviewed for a documentary after going through what Ms. McKinney went through, but what is even more astounding is just how self assured and confident she was throughout the interview.Ms. McKinney acquitted herself well and leaves the viewer with a sense of her human frailties as she tells the story of her remarkable life. There are those who would condemn her or write her off as sick and demented -- and even in this documentary it is possible to see where these people are coming from -- but the film also presents another side of the woman, one who loved absolutely so much so that she thought nothing of cloning a dog she cared about.There will probably never be another Joyce McKinney. If you wrote a movie script that was true to her life, it would probably be rejected as too far fetched and absurd. Watch this documentary and judge for yourself what sort of person Joyce McKinney is. I think that is all she would ask of you.
spelvini There's a theory that acting (playing out a role) is something everyone does all the time, and that the artifice is essentially a streamlined version of living. For an actor on stage with a ready script in hand there are clear definitions outlined for his actions, but for regular people who are proceeding with some internally generated script, goals and motivation can seem fuzzy.Joyce McKinney may seem like a lost loony under the inspection of Errol Morris's camera and interviewing skills, but she comes off as someone completely in control of her emotions and someone capable of justifying all of her actions. This woman is speaking years after her incarceration in Great Britain for the kidnapping and sexual violation of Mormon Kirk Anderson and the sense of joy she exudes in accomplishing her task is something the viewer may be surprised at.Joyce McKinney, beauty pageant queen from a wealthy family who moved to Utah met and fell in love with Mormon Kirk Anderson and decided that their love was a divine fate. When Anderson was called by the church to travel to England to minister to the folks there, McKinney followed with bodyguards. Funding her mission with surreptitious money McKinney lured Anderson away to a remote location chained him to a bed and had sex with him for 3 days. McKinney's intention was to seduce Anderson away from the stifling atmosphere of the Church of Latter Day Saints, and restore their union as a couple. The British law saw McKinney's act as one of kidnapping and rape, took her into custody and tried her.Some interesting facts about the woman arise, like her activities as a nude model for top dollar in Britain, and further, her sex-phone franchise that brought in money to fund her stalking and detaining of Anderson. To look at the woman from twenty years back, she is capable of turning heads and certainly capable of earning professional fees as a model, with and without her clothes.What filmmaker Errol Morris uncovers is the "something" about McKinney that makes her stand out, that special light she seems to stand in. What Tabloid shows is articulate, extroverted, and manipulative and not only is confident in her present status as cultural iconic kook, but her acceptance of it and how she understands its power as her ticket to celebrity star.Errol Morris additionally refuses to add any editorializing to structure some sort of rationale or judgment on his subject. What he does well is bring forth others who have know McKinney and allow their comments to create a visual background to the world McKinney inhabited, and today lives in while still crating weird controversy.It would have been great if Kirk Anderson, the Mormon whom McKinney claims shared true love with, allowed himself to be interviewed for the film. Having that side of the story could have given the viewer some real substantial core truths to go away with. Regardless, Tabloid is a fascinating tale, made more shocking because it really happened.
bob_bear By the last quarter of this turgid, unremitting virtual-monologue, I was in fear of losing my own marbles -- Joyce having clearly lost hers long ago. Pointing a camera at someone and letting them damn themselves with their own deluded waffle is not my idea of effective film making. Completely lacking in visual impact, this "film" might as well have been done on radio.The supporting cast of tabloid creeps interviewed herein are enough to make one's skin crawl. Exploiting a crazy lady is neither funny nor clever so quite why the guy from The Daily Mirror appeared to be so proud of his machinations is beyond me.I'd hoped for some deeper insight. I didn't get any. Only denial and madness. On this showing the woman needed to be sectioned. Too late now though. Far too late.
anthonydavis26 This film was reviewed for Cambridge Filk Festival (UK) - 15 to 25 September 2011 I was not really of an age to have known about Joy(ce) McKinney at the time that she rose to prominence, but, as the former Mormon who was used in the documentary to explain various things remarked, what she said was one thing, what the Mormons said was another, and maybe what actually happened fell in the middle somewhere.Be that as it may, it is a curiosity of this subject that The Daily Mirror says that (as a result of what happened to Mirror Group Newspapers) it no longer has much of the evidence showing that she performed sexual services (although not intercourse) for money before meeting her ideal man, and that Joy herself says that a large amount of original material that proved the contrary was stolen from a vehicle of hers. She states that the material that the Mirror used at the time was faked, whereas its photographer says that he saw the negatives and prints, and the magazines in which the images appeared.Altogether intriguing, though nothing was as significant, for me, as the account of the cloning in South Korea of five puppies, all with sub-names from their beloved 'parent' Booger, and courtesy of some tissue from his stomach. The practitioner who had performed the procedure said that he wasn't playing God, because he wasn't creating life – well, you could have fooled me, if that's not what those five Booger replicas were…!