Phantasm IV: Oblivion
Phantasm IV: Oblivion
R | 31 July 1998 (USA)
Phantasm IV: Oblivion Trailers

Taking off immediately where the last one ended, in this episode Mike travels across dimensions and time fleeing from the Tall Man, at the same time he tries to find the origins of his enemy, and what really happened the night that his brother died. Meanwhile, Reggie battles the spheres and the undead in a quest to find Mike before the Tall Man can complete his transformation.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
GL84 Fleeing through the countryside, the group of friends battling the Tall Man finds the spirit of his trapped brother is leading them closer to the secret of who The Tall Man really is and forcing him to unleash the full force of his demons in an effort to stop them fry ruining his plans.This here was one of the more impressive entries in the series. One of the best things it has going for it is the really big and grandiose action scenes that are largely familiar scenes of the series. Following on the majority of the series' efforts of continuing with the previous one left off, the opening escape from the mausoleum into the desert which is rather nicely handled in starting the action as there are a spectacular car flip and rescue, two exploding vehicles, some aggressive jumping dwarfs and a silver- sphere attack which occurs after the equally inevitable girl picked up en-route as well as the initial encounter with the phantom patrolman which proves to be genuinely creepy or the silver sphere attack in the abandoned motel. Equally effective is the flashbacks and alternate reality visions and memories, presenting absolutely unique scenes that are quite imaginative and really intriguing. The longest one, a night-time chase through a forest will get plenty of atmospheric scenes in, including the sequence where the hanging Tall Man ushers a big remark offering peace in exchange for his freedom or the sight of The Tall Man appearing as a regular human sitting on his porch offering a glass of homemade lemonade is pretty impressive as well. Another cool thing about this one is the atmosphere and suspense here, not only from the regular antics featured within but also the flashbacks that tie in all the events from the past into one rather cohesive whole. The other big plus here is the fine finale as there are some big moments in the initial battle with the dwarfs in the desert, the autopsy scene that reveals a big surprise for one of the victims and an attack from the spheres late in the film, leading to many of its true gore set- pieces as they cling to major body parts is something to behold. All in all, this is a very worthy sequel as although there weren't many flaws in here they were somewhat important. The main point in this one is the fact that it follows the conventions of the series closely. This one has so many of the clichés and plot-points that the other ones have, and it can lead to correctly predicting what will come next which can lead to many problems throughout the film. That is mainly because none of them are changed around or inverted this time around, which is where the problem lies. Nothing is changed from the expectations of the series as a whole, and that is something which can be used against it. There's also the fact that the film doesn't really move as fast as the others out there, which can be somewhat irritating. A lot of time is spent wandering around in the desert, which offers good scenery but nothing else, and by utilizing the clichés at hand, a long time is spent on other scenes that have nothing to offer in terms of action, and at times this can be somewhat dull. However, the main problem with this one is that there's no explanations for anything in the film, much less the series. This one probably should've done something to answer the questions the others have to offer, and it would've been a great time to do it. That is the biggest flaw, and it keeps it down the most.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
En Liten Räv Just watched this series of movies for the first time, and was very disappointed at the ending of Oblivion, there was so much promise in the story and characters, even tho it was getting pretty silly. In the end they just "dropped the ball" on everything, so to speak..I strongly recommend these movies to any horror/action movie fan, but its a huge shame the last movie was so.. just overall crappy. In lack of a better way of describing it. All the suspense and mystery was totally gone towards the end, and replaced with confusion and despair, as the movie suffered towards its inevitable credits text, leaving the viewer feeling sad and empty, almost betrayed.I struggled to give this movie a 4 rating.
siderite The fourth part of the Phantasm series is, as all before it, the continuation of the previous film, almost 20 years from the first. Mike Baldwin again is Mike, Reggie Bannister again is Reggie and Bill Thornbury is... well, Jody. Sort of. An attempt of explaining what happened is made, why The Tall Man seems so indomitable and yet he never gets the hero, with many self referential jokes and an origin story.This was funny at times, spooky most of the time, but mainly because of the music and the seriousness of Mike. The Tall Man speaks more and makes his evil faces. There are more chicks that Reggie can't bone and more scenes where the huge four barrel shotgun is completely useless. The story makes a little more sense than in the other three films, but not by much. In many ways, it showed the way the film could have gone, maybe with a little more focus on the characters and story and with a grimmer feel. The ending felt pretty disappointing, though.
Michael_Elliott Phantasm IV (1998) * 1/2 (out of 4)Fourth and final film in the series takes a different approach to the familiar storyline of the previous two films. This time out, starting off at the end of part three, the Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) travels throughout time trying to capture Mike (A. Michael Baldwin) who is trying to figure out the origins of the Tall Man and the secrets behind the death of his brother. Reggie (Reggie Banister) is also out there trying to locate Mike so that he can save him. This fourth film in the series at least had the Tall Man looking for someone instead of the same story of Reggie and Mike looking for him. The one benefit of this is that we get more screen time devoted to the Tall Man but most of the good stuff ends there. Seeing as how parts two through four take place as one continuous story, I couldn't help but think that had the three sequels been edited together as one movie then perhaps the series would have worked better. I felt a lot of the stuff in parts two and three was just carried on to the point of it being boring and I think that holds true here so if the director had simply made one good story instead of three weak ones, I might have enjoyed the series more. Once again the performances are decent, if nothing great with Banister and Scrimm standing out. The gore this time out is rather low, although we do get a few good kills scattered out. The story itself isn't the strongest in the world but it is a mildly interesting one but I wish there had been more backbone to it. We do learn a few new things about the Tall Man but there's still not too much and it really doesn't do any good considering the series is now over.