R | 16 October 1992 (USA)
Candyman Trailers

The Candyman, a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, is accidentally summoned to reality by a skeptic grad student researching the monster's myth.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
jerralagbayani !SPOILERS IN ALMOST EVERY PARAGRAPH!This film is outstanding in amazing ways. To it's score to it's storytelling Candyman is sure to brighten your day with sweet thoughts!This film kept you going with the littlest soundtrack to the most in a scene leaving the drama and mystery into play until about the last 20 minutes when she confronts the Candyman.The Candyman basically is a legend about a man with a hook who died by getting stung by hundreds to thousands of bees. Only coming back to life to get his revenge(correct me if I'm wrong).This sets off a killer soundtrack, amazing acting, and scenes that'll leave you off of your seat! The candyman can do what no man has packed. To it's high strewn score to it's beautiful last act, in amazingly an 1 hour and 30 minutes possibly more, this film in public makes it impolite to snore, for the Candyman will come knocking at your door. 1,2 ,3 4, how about letting the bees pour! Now be careful and watch out for what you have said, say his name 5 times and your definitely dead. So basically watch this film, it'll be a treat, don't throw it in the kilm, for this movie's unique! (See how I said C****** 5 times?)
meddlecore A couple female grad students are researching urban legends, when they accidentally summon the demonic spirit of "Candyman"- a man who had his hand hacked off and replaced with a hook...before being stung to death by bees...who now goes around killing that his legend can live on in the minds of his "congregation".His hunting ground is the Chicago area projects...and his congregation is made up of all those who fear him.The two young ladies head into the projects to do some research. Hoping to find the place where the last Candyman killing took place, and to ask local residents what they might know. But they are asking too many questions, and this gets them some unwanted attention...leading to Helen (Virginia Madsen) getting beaten up.The guy who beat her up was pretending to be Candyman, in an attempt to intimidate people. Though, in reality, he is just the leader of one of the local gangs.So Helen becomes skeptical of Candyman's existence- thinking this is the source of the urban legend that the community holds onto so dearlyBut that was her greatest mistake...for now Candyman seeks vengeance...for f*cking with his legacy. He starts to take over Helen's mind- making her do things she would- she could- never fathom doing. And forces her into a position, where she must accept a deal with the devil...or, well, order to save the life of an innocent baby who he has kidnapped.Now, she is wanted for murder, kidnapping, and animal cruelty...and finds herself institutionalized.Is Candyman really responsible for all these crimes...or is it all in her head? Nothing a quick summoning test won't clear up...This film is a pretty cool combination of slasher and psychological thriller, with some decent gore and awesome death scenes. Honestly, I'm really surprised I've never watched it until now. It sets you up for the gore with some cheap scares. But that final scene where Candyman is about to kill Helen is wicked. And the final twist at the end was a welcome surprise.Looking forward to the rest of the trilogy.6.5 out of 10.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Candyman is still one of the few horror films that scares me in the primal, flight or flight way that puts a chill down my spine. Interesting, considering that on paper the idea is more in the vein of shocker and gory slasher stuff, which is the last thing that scares me, movie wise. Threason this one triumphs over so many: atmosphere. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the most important thing in a horror flick is atmosphere. This one jumps at you with an ambient, dilapidated, forgotten ghetto aura that stays with you. It takes place is Chicago's sketchy Cabrini Green, a run down project and breeding ground for filth, poverty and despair. An urban legend circulates about the Candyman, a tortured slave who returned from the dead with a hook hand to wreak havoc, brought about by saying his name 5 times while looking into a mirror. Virginia Madsen plays a determined woman who investigates this, much to her dismay. Tony Todd is a velvet voiced, imposing, terrifying gentleman as Daniel Robitaille, the ghost of the former slave, and the titular Candyman. He bites into his role with a malevolent grace and all knowing mirth that jumps out of the screen at you, creating a horror legend and archetype that would carry on for two vastly inferior but interesting sequels. Like I said, few horror films can really frighten me, but this one has that magical eerie spark that's so hard to capture, but does the trick, causing you to leave the lights on in bed after watching it.
kvnseconds913 I remember this movie creating quite a "buzz" when I was younger. I decided to give it a watch, since I haven't seen a decent horror movie in a while. It has a good start with an interesting background story to an urban lore. The middle of the movie slows down a little bit, but leads to a relatively interesting and exciting end. It definitely has it's share of moments that'll make you jump, but they are mostly based off of cheaper gimmicks such as sudden loud noises that coincide with a quick scene change or appearance. It probably won't keep you up at night, but it is worth a watch, even 23 years after it's release date. For entertainment value I'd say it still holds up. If I were younger, I'm sure I'd be freaked out and tempted to dare a friend to try giving Candyman a call ourselves.