Hate Crime
Hate Crime
| 14 January 2005 (USA)
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Robbie Levinson and Trey McCoy suddenly encounter intolerance and hostility at the hands of their new neighbor, Chris Boyd, the son of a fundamentalist preacher.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
bkoganbing I recognized a whole lot of character types in Hate Crime as I watched this film. It ought to be shown to various police departments as part of LGBT sensitivity training.Seth Petersen and Brian Smith are a gay pair who have a new neighbor move next door. When he finds out that Petersen and Smith are lovers Chad Donella becomes downright hostile. He's the son of local preacher Bruce Davision who takes his theology from the Fred Phelps school.While planning a commitment ceremony and remember this 2005 and Texas did not have same sex marriage legal then, Smith goes out walking their dog one night and never returns. He's found unconscious in the park as Matthew Shepard was and dies a few days later in the hospital in Dallas.The original cop on the case Farah White realizes this is a hate crime, but when it goes to homicide the new lead detective Giancarlo Esposito starts working on a new theory that Petersen killed his partner for the insurance.Back in my working days at Crime Victims Board in New York State I had a double claim for a lesbian couple. One was wounded and the other killed in a break in robbery. The cops in the Brooklyn precinct where this happened insisted it was something cooked up by the surviving partner and my agency would not pay because of that. By dumb luck they caught a burglar on another case and he confessed to the homicide and the other shooting as well. I can totally sympathize with the frustration that Petersen and Cindy Pickett, Smith's mother must have felt that led them to do what they did. Oh, we did eventually pay our wounded victim.It's good to remember that this is Texas where gun laws as we know are loose and the right to bear arms is held sacred. My attitude has always been that I've paid for the burial of a couple thousand homicide victims in my 23 years at CVB. Gun control to me seems a no brainer. But God help us if in the LGBT community we ever do an about face and decide maybe bearing arms is in our interest. Seeing what I've seen I'm amazed that something like what unfolds here hasn't happened in real life.As it turns out Chad Donella is a closet case and hates himself for it. Are there straight viewers of this film out there who don't think this is a recurring story? I give you Ronald Crumpley who one night in December of 1980 who was a closet case himself took an Uzi and shot several people congregating in front of the Ramrod and Sneakers bar on West Street in New York City. I two of those cases myself back in the day in my second year of service at the agency.This is a fine film and one can only that it is not a predictor of the future.
donaldsmedley For movie night tonight we have chosen Hate Crime. What a disappointing and lack luster movie this turned out to be. I have lost 100mins of my life that i will never get back. To its credit there are some positives: * Gay characters that fit into society like in reality. They aren't cliché queenies. * A clever twist to finish it off. Now why didn't they put this creativity into the other 80mins of the movie. * Closets are usually gay themselves. I love this revelation and believe this to be true in most instances of homophobia. A great expose of the psychological dynamics of straight s who hate gays. Now the negatives: * The movie evolves so slow i started to focus on the irritating texture of the couch covers i was sitting on while watching this. * Characters lack depth, i had no emotional connection. So when the tragic pivotal event occurred I decided to make a cup of coffee. * Its like a B grade thriller. With little build up and suspense. I was never participating in the movie itself. * This movie's content is created by the intolerance of one way of thought to another. Yet portrays intolerance itself in it's journey. ie. Church mongers hate gays. Horrible events occur. Church people are closeted gays who hate gays!. As a gay man this film has a responsibility because of its content which it clearly ignores. "I don't put down others to make myself feel better". The content base is controversial. Though this movie is not the movie to depict it. Stay Clear...
daleminer2004 This movie contains a good story and plot, but more important, it has characters that are real and likable; Characters that you want to see in another movie, living out there lives before or after this period of time. That type of writing and directing make it a great movie. After seeing it the first time, I couldn't really remember all of how it how it ended. That made seeing it again, that much better. I have my copy reserved on line for when it is released.The soundtrack and music score where great, and kept with the movie's writing and plot line, i.e., keeping it light, suspenseful or intriguing.
f-meikle I saw this movie tonight. Thank god it was for a good cause ACOL in London Ontario. This movie was awful, every stereotype of gay men relationships and homophobia was trotted out so that somehow people might be able to identify with the characters. What a load of crap. What's even more annoying is that some will say oh you should support it cus its gay themed. BS I should support it because its good, it has value, not because of the subject matter. It's a damm shame is all I can say cus this subject has a great deal of potential and it could have been a great movie but alas it wasn't. Wow now they want me to rant on here for 10 lines about a movie that well frankly doesn't quite deserve that much attention, so I'll fill with nothing but this nonsensical crap. Crap on crap i guess the theme is.
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