Time Walker
Time Walker
PG | 01 November 1982 (USA)
Time Walker Trailers

From deep within the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, Professor Douglas McCadden ships the coffin of Ankh-Vanharis to the California Institute of Sciences where X-rays reveal five diamond-like crystals hidden within the coffin. Technician Peter Sharpe steals the crystals but doesn't notice that the powerful X-ray has revived a green fungus. When the coffin is opened at a university press conference, the reporters uncover more than they bargained for. The mummy has disappeared... and the Time Walker is alive again!

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
drloomis666 A combination of your classic Mummy movie mixed with your typical 80's slasher fare.Throw an alien in to the mix and you get Time walker.The execution wasn't anything new but I thought the genre melding plot was pretty original.Not a bad movie IMO.Above average 80's semi slasher,semi sci-fi movie.Ben Murphy was fine as the lead.The rest of the acting was so so.But if your a fan of 80's horror movies like me,especially slasher movies,then you should have no problem looking past that.I wonder what the planned sequel was.They must have had one in mind since they ended it with that ambiguous to be continued ending.
Vomitron_G Boy, I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid. So naturally, I almost remembered nothing of it. Except for the fact that it somehow left a strange impression on me, and a dormant urge to some day revisit it. That urge awakened recently when I found this obscure gem on an old ex-rental tape, so this was my chance to re-watch it. As to be expected, this is by no means a 'good' movie. Far from, probably. But it still remains a curious and strange gem.A mummy gets dug up in King Tut's tomb and transferred to an American University. A student finds 5 diamonds hidden in the sarcophagus and steals them. The next day, the mummy is gone too. I'll just stop describing the story now. But if you want to know how a mummy, ancient diamonds, green dust that turns into flesh-devouring fungus, a blue-skinned alien with big black eyes and a college campus tie in all together, then you might want to consider watching TIME WALKER. But be warned, most people might generally classify this as a bad movie, and I don't even have much arguments to compete with that. The acting is just tolerable and the directing isn't top notch either. What had me chuckling most, were many inserted reaction shots of certain actors, just standing there looking for a second, not saying anything, or just giving a short stupid reply. But here's an interesting contradiction: Not much really happens in this movie, but still there's a lot going on (just remember the previous things I mentioned). Everything ties in together nicely, but it's all very predictable. The mummy prowling the campus provides a couple of nice and creepy shots, but his green-colored POV vision was a bit cheesy. Of course he kills a couple of people (not just randomly, I might add), but the kills themselves aren't much to write home about. On the other hand, the murderous mummy encounters a topless female student on one of his escapades and most of his kills are filmed in shocking slow-motion. The movie builds up towards a nice twist-conclusion too, but sadly when you know the tagline to this movie, or just take a glimpse at the front or back cover art, you already know what's going to happen. Also, the story severely lacks a climax at the end.TIME WALKER tries really hard, remains an offbeat, weird gem, but in the end doesn't succeed in what it sets out to do. There's plenty of interesting elements, but they are rigged together in a below average sci-fi/horror flick with a conclusion that leaves a lot to be desired. Given the nostalgia feelings I treasure for this one, it is with grief I have to flunk this baby. But don't let that discourage you to check it out if you should ever stumble upon it. And then come around some day and blame me for having watched a bad movie.
Troy Whiteley I just have to say that this was the worst movie I have ever seen. And to think the writer is trying to teach my video class...The movie is a waste of valuable time. Don't even bother. If you must watch it, check out episode 405 of Mystery Science Theater 3000, even then it was hard to get through without walking away. The only payoff of the MST3K is the end credits where they say it was the worst movie ever.The author himself claims that E.T. was a ripoff of this movie, but I think that Time Walker (Being from Another Planet) is a ripoff of E.T. and written much better.Other than the lacking plot line, the acting is simply horrible. Not much more to say about it.
kmw2051 OK, let's face it... this movie stinks out loud. HOWEVER, there is one recommendation: You must check out the MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 episode that tackles this terrible film!! MST3K thrives on poking fun at the worst movies ever made, the worse they are-the funnier the show is. For those who don't know what MST3K is, it's a TV show that ran in the 90's. It had a simple idea, a mad scientist forces a guy to watch horrible, mind-numbingly bad movies to see which one will make the young man crack. In an effort to keep his sanity, the guy,Joel(and later Mike)is imprisoned on a satellite. So he builds some robots who watch along with him. The three of them completely rip on these movies.The films are shown in their entirety, sometimes along with old shorts and newsreels as well.If you haven't had the pleasure of this show, look it up and treat yourself. TIME WALKER(know as BEING FROM ANOTHER PLANET,for the MST3k episode) is one of their best.