Area 51: The Alien Interview
Area 51: The Alien Interview
| 01 January 1997 (USA)
Area 51: The Alien Interview Trailers

A documentary about aliens and UFOs with re-enactments of alien interviews and video of a supposedly real video of an alien being interviewed by government officials.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
lweber86 This video is definitely entertaining. I enjoyed watching it and the video of the interview is somewhat convincing the alien, to me, looks real.But, I believe that the entire thing is a huge fake. Not the just the video itself, but everything. Rocket Pictures is (was) a real company, but that's the only real part. The whole story is fake. It isn't like someone faked the video and then this Victor guy is acting like he worked at Area 51 and trying to fool Rocket pictures. My theory is that "Victor" doesn't exist. He is an actor. His answers to the questions aren't consistent. And if you watch the version that has the second interview with Victor, he is an entirely different person- meaning the way he acts is entirely different (obviously you don't know if it is or isn't because his identity is concealed). He is much more opinionated and discloses all sorts of information that really doesn't have anything to do with the original interview with the Alien. It all just seemed very theatrical to me. Also the supposed owner of Rocket pictures is not a good actor. He is clearly lying about Victor. He won't hold eye contact with the camera for longer than a fraction of a second. And the story about when Victor first approached him over the phone about the tape he thought it was his brother playing a prank on him just seems a little cheesy and fabricated. The video of the interview itself is pretty neat. Ill admit it had me going for a while, but there are holes there too. Why so dark? Because the alien is sensitive to light but then the "doctors" fix the supposed seizure by shining a light in his eyes and wiping his mouth? And I'm not a video expert but it seems to me that you could change the voices on the tape like they did with victors instead of just deleting them. All in all its pretty entertaining, if nothing else, watch it to decide for yourself. I would love for a real alien video to someday make it out, so I'm not a "skeptic" per say. This isn't it though.
Lukaswolfe This is the worst attempt at an alien interview I have ever seen... The creature looks totally fake even in the poor lighting conditions it's filmed in. "Victor" answers no questions relevant to the authenticity of the tape or the filming, he even attempts to cover up the pitiful attempt of the "medics" tending to the creature. The movements of the creature indicate a hand puppet or a head-mounted mask. The medics have no idea what they are doing - Victor goes on to say they are selected for their ability to keep secrets rather than their expertise - Well you would hope that's the case cos these guys clearly have absolutely no expertise and tend to the creature in the manner of a butcher in an abertoire. As a creature sensitive to light I'm sure it would not appreciate having bright lights shining directly into it's eyeballs. Altogether this production is very cheap and disappointing..
Mag05 maybe you want to watch that video yourself Travis and actually listen to the dialogue, it tells what the 'doctors' are doing and why,it also tells why its in near dark and even why the 'aliens' head appears jerky ('like most animals', bit of a strange thing to say when we are talking about a supposed 'alien being'). I'm not saying its real or not because I simply don't know, but your comments were all centered on things that were explained in the video. Watch it again but this time try turning your sound up a notch.Its certainly thought provoking if nothing else, I really wouldn't like it to be real because I'd hate to think we treated any supposed ET's in the way depicted in the video.One of the things that did stick in my mind was the special effects guy saying he could do better, but we had already seen his 'creations' in the reconstruction sequences and they looked laughable.
Max_Doobermin Now, I am a person who believes the stories about the EBE and the reverse engineering of crafts, and alien intervention in human evolution. I believe those kinds of wild things. But there is just something about this interview for me that doesn't hold up. The director is doing "Night of the Living Dead 3D." The supposed production company in the movie doesn't even exist as far as i can tell (Rocket Pictures). In the IMDb company credits for this movie there is a company whose sound stage was used. The company also did the animatronics for Star Kid. Star Kid is a sci-fi family adventure with a strange looking robot like alien. However, the basic design of the animatronic face is eerily similar to that of the EBE in this interview. Perhaps Broadstreet and Benson had a cool concept of creating an elaborate mockumentary based on all the information they had heard about aliens. Or perhaps they were even paid to put on such a hoax to provide disinformation. Vega 7 produced this movie and only this movie. Is it not possible that this animatronics company created EBE and used their sound stage to record this infamous footage? I am not saying for sure whether or not this is real. I am just saying that this image could easily be achieved through puppetry and animatronics. But then again...this could be the only known footage of a real live alien being. I guess ultimately it's your call.