The Iron Giant
The Iron Giant
PG | 06 August 1999 (USA)
The Iron Giant Trailers

In the small town of Rockwell, Maine in October 1957, a giant metal machine befriends a nine-year-old boy and ultimately finds its humanity by unselfishly saving people from their own fears and prejudices.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
realtalkrealfolks The first time I saw this, I was only six years old, but I remember it so vividly. It was one of the earliest movies I saw in a theater. We came in a few minutes late, during the diner scene when Hogarth is trying to convince his mom to let him keep a pet squirrel. I remember Mansley getting his face squished in the door was one of the funniest things ever. I remember memorizing the scene of him pestering Hogarth with constant questions, after he rents the empty room in his house. The exchange of Mansley asking "Where ya going, champ, chief, slugger? Where ya going? Where ya going?" and Hogarth screeching back, "I'm going out!!!!" is something my siblings and I still quote to this day. But mainly I remember being absolutely flabbergasted when the Giant sacrifices himself to save Hogarth and the town. Growing up in a a Christian household, going to church twice a week, a story that ended with someone giving up their life for everyone else, was, well...biblical. I remember sitting in the theater and having the thought, "He gave up his life so all those people could live", running through my brain over and over. I couldn't comprehend it. I was too shocked to cry. Watching it for the first time as an adult? I sobbed. The tears started when the Giant realizes he can fly, and Hogarth gleefully tells him, "Try holding out your arms in front of you, like Superman!" and they didn't stop because I knew what was coming. When I was a six year old child I was too young to understand the themes of xenophobia, patriotism, choosing a different path than the one given to you, etc. All I knew was that the Iron Giant "gave up this life so those people could live." Superman, indeed.
maxlovstedt This heartwarming film shows the great talent of director Brad Bird in every way.
tomgillespie2002 The roaring success of Disney's The Lion King (no pun intended) in 1994 inspired something of an animation boom, during which various production studios attempted to cash in on the trend to varying degrees of success. Warner Bros. Feature Animation had a moderate hit with Space Jam, but underperformed with the likes of Cats Don't Dance and Quest for Camelot. They had one bona fide hit with The Iron Giant, a truly wonderful little feature adapted from Ted Hughes' 1968 novel The Iron Man. It didn't leave much of a dent at the box-office, but found a loyal audience on home video. In the 19 years since its release, The Iron Giant is fondly remembered as one of best animated features of the 1990s, and saw director Brad Bird poached by a little up-and-coming studio called Pixar.In the fictional town of Rockwell, Maine in 1957, the residents are busy gazing up at the sky in fear of the Soviet Union's satellite Sputnik spying on them, and school children are shown Duck and Cover style educational films to prepare for a nuclear attack. In the surrounding forest, a huge object crashes down to Earth, alarming local fisherman Earl (M. Emmet Walsh). 9 year-old Hogarth Hughes (Eli Marienthal) spends his nights watching cheesy sci-fi movies and dreaming of owning his own pet. His mother Annie (Jennifer Aniston) thinks they cause too much mess, a point that seems to be proven when young Hogarth accidentally releases a squirrel into the local diner. With his mother working late one night, Hogarth wanders into the woods and comes across the object Earl insists he saw: a giant alien robot (voiced by Vin Diesel) that enjoys munching everything from train tracks to the local power station.This kind of allegorical coming-of-age tale has been done before (think E.T. but with an adorable weapon of mass destruction), but rarely with such charm and genuine emotion. It's influence can be felt in everything from the recent Pete's Dragon remake and A Monster Calls, and it's no surprise that the film continues to attract new fans. The Iron Giant questions what would happen if a gun could feel. The titular giant occasionally turns aggressive in the face of possible danger, as the alien's true purpose becomes increasingly and unnervingly clear. But with no memory of his mission, it's down to Hogarth to teach metal hulk kindness, and the youngster does so in a way that only an innocent could. A moment in the woods sees the unlikely friends come across the corpse of a deer. At first, the giant cannot comprehend death as he can regenerate, but Hogarth manages to teach him about the finality of death. It's incredibly powerful, and it's message is even more relevant today than it was almost 20 years ago. We all have choices in life, and sometimes simple human kindness and empathy can be infinitely more powerful than brute force.
grantss 1957, the Russians have just launched Sputnik and Cold War fear and paranoia is the order of the day. Hogarth Hughes lives with his mom, Annie, in the small town of Rockwell, Maine. One day a very large robot lands on earth from outer space. After some adventures, Hogarth befriends the robot. However, the US government has sent a special agent to investigate the strange occurrences in the area (unbeknownst to them, caused by the robot) and his intentions towards what's causing the phenomena are less benevolent.Predictable and dull. Quite conventional, linear story with an overused, unoriginal story line. Replace the robot with any other harmless creature that a kid might befriend but the authorities will be suspicious of and you have the plot for heaps of children's movies. Doesn't add anything new or profound and is only mildly entertaining.Kids should like it though. Is essentially a made-for-kids movie and they won't be disappointed.