Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe
PG-13 | 12 May 1997 (USA)
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Robinson Crusoe flees Britain on a ship after killing his friend over the love of Mary. A fierce ocean storm wrecks his ship and leaves him stranded by himself on an uncharted island. Left to fend for himself, Crusoe seeks out a tentative survival on the island, until he meets Friday, a tribesman whom he saves from being sacrificed. Initially, Crusoe is thrilled to finally have a friend, but he has to defend himself against the tribe who uses the island to sacrifice tribesman to their gods. During time their relationship changes from master-slave to a mutual respected friendship despite their difference in culture and religion.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
ma-cortes A mediocre adaptation stars Pierce Brosnan: Robinson Crusoe , telling the well-known story of how a Brit becomes stranded on a desert island . As Robinson escaping from England aboard a ship , after killing a man .Then , a wreckage happens and Robinson washes at a mysterious island .There he frees a native , William Takaku , who is nicknamed Friday .So-so recounting about the classy castaway novel with the loner Robinson who meets his pal Friday , retelling their adventures and unfortunes . While sticking some incidents close to original tale , others are utterly fictious. Being narrated under his point of view . The picture has nothing to do with the classic original by Daniel Defoe , taking freely parts here and there ; but where are the thrills and chills? . The movie relies heavily on the relationship between Robinson and Friday , charting the peculiar treatment the native receives of the civilized man ; as Robinson teaches English language to the escaped native until evil slave traders spoil the fun . Pierce Brosnan gives a passable acting as the distressed castaway stranded on a deserted island and he tries to civilize the proud native Friday . It boasts a good secondary cast with very brief interventions from notorious secondary actors such as Polly Walker , Ian Hart , Damian Lewis and James Frain. The motion picture produced by Robert Halmi and was regularly directed by George Miller : The man from snowy river , Zeus and Roxanna , Aviator , Neverending story 2 , and by Rod Hardy , a Tv usual filmmaker : Mentalist , Librarians , Supernatural , Covert affairs , Mental , Doll house , X files and occassionally for cinema : December boys , Two for Texas , Over the hill, Thrist.Other retelling of this prestigious novel are the following ones : silent version 1927 narrated by Don Carney . Mr Robinson Crusoe 1932 with Douglas Fairbanks . Robinson Crusoe of mystery island 1936 by Max Wright . Robinson Crusoe by Luis Buñuel with Dan O'Herlihy .Sci-fi interpretation of Defoe classic titled Robinson Crusoe on Mars , 1964 , by Byron Haskin with Adam West . British rendition titled Man Friday 1975 by Jack Gold with Peter 0'Toole , Richard Roundtree .Robinson Crusoe and the Tiger 1972 by Rene Cardona with Hugo Stiglitz . Castaway by Nicolas Roeg with Oliver Reed . Robinson Crusoe TV series 2008 with Philip Winchester , Sam Neill
blrnani There is no point being faithful to a book written far in the past if you want to make money from the film, as the cultural bridge would just be too huge. Nevertheless, I think this film does a good job of adapting the story for a late 20thC audience. Perhaps its biggest achievement is that you don't think "Bond" at all, once you move beyond the opening fight scene. The notion that a year at sea will make everything okay, in a country notorious for nurturing grievances over centuries, stretches credibility, but one can understand he's loth to be parted any longer than that from his great love. By the same token, the idea that she would've waited over 6 years for him to come back to her, in an age when a woman's only hope of preserving/improving her standard of living was to obtain a good marriage, beggars belief, but is nicely romantic, amid the immediacy of our present times (cf. the ending of Cast Away). "Swiss Family Robinson" is more fun as an adventure story, while "Cast Away" handles the logistical and emotional challenges of being alone on a Pacific island superbly. Robinson Crusoe's strength is in bridging the cultural divide between a Christian European and a cannibalistic islander at a time when the former considered themselves so superior to the latter that slavery was considered normal practice - showing the common bond between humans that transcends all the superficial differences of gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, class, etc that so easily divide us. So there is plenty of food for thought here, but it can also be enjoyed as a simple adventure story.
vikpk This on screen interpretation of Daniel Defoe's masterpiece is a mockery of the original. As typical of mainstream movie-making - the anti-Christian propaganda is badly veiled in artistic deviations from the book. Robinson's religious feelings are exaggerated and overblown. The pagan religion of Friday is presented as wiser and calmer. One cannot but sympathize with the wisdom and maturity of the cannibal. In the original Friday becomes a Christian and leaves the island with Robinson. Here Friday converts (almost) Robinson to the bliss of multiculturalism and diversity. In the book Friday lives, here he dies. Otherwise the acting is good and believable - Brosnan and the man acting as Friday deliver. However, the ideological agenda of the Hollywood of the late 1990s spoils the fun.
plerophoria I have a high tolerance of bad movies, but this one had me flabbergasted. I remember Brosnan as Remington Steele, and he wasn't too bad in that. He should stick to such cartoony characters, though. His performance as Crusoe was lame. His "preaching" the Bible to Friday was absolutely ridiculous-- Brosnan must have studied televangelists for HOURS to get that right-- and Brosnan's own sneering of the Christian faith comes through pretty well. Producers, if you are going to cast an actor who must play a Christian, get an actor who can ACT and at least make an effort to conceal his personal contempt.The movie bills itself as "Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe" but nothing about the movie lines up with the book, except the character's names. If anything, the movie goes out of its way to pervert everything Defoe tried to get across in his story.I would have tolerated variations of Defoe's story, but this movie takes the cake of "creative license." It gets weirder and weirder as it progresses, eventually ending in a moralizing scene of slave traders who win the day but kill Crusoe's pal (who "gave his life" to "save" Crusoe-- no religious undertones, here, right?) I wouldn't watch it again if you paid me. It is THAT bad.By the way, does Hollywood give any awards for Worst Actor and Worst Screenplay? This movie would walk away with them all...