Godzilla 2000: Millennium
Godzilla 2000: Millennium
PG | 01 November 2023 (USA)
Godzilla 2000: Millennium Trailers

An independent group of researchers called the Godzilla Prediction Network (GPN) actively track Godzilla as he makes landfall in Nemuro. Matters are further complicated when a giant meteor is discovered in the Ibaragi Prefecture. The mysterious rock begins to levitate as it's true intentions for the world and Godzilla are revealed.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Sean Newgent One of the facets I enjoy about the Godzilla franchise is the campy practical effects. Miniatures abound; eventually exploding or crumbling in glorious fashion. In this film, what I recall was meant to be an apology for the American travesty of a film starring Matthew Broderick, JPEGs and green screens clash with terrible CG in one of the ugliest Godzilla productions I've ever seen. Godzilla faces off against a weird UFO very reminiscent of the T-1000 and the battle for Tokyo is pretty unenjoyable purely because of how dumb it looks, even for Godzilla. That doesn't make this a campy delight nonetheless. If only for the shock and schlock value of the special effects should you come to this film. The story is a mess, the villain is unmemorable, and you'll leave it thinking "eh, it was a Godzilla movie".
intp Egad, this was horrible. Unfortunately, the version I watched had only the awful, awful English dub, which featured an insufferable brat kid who delights in calling a female reporter an "imbecile" and such memorable dialogue as, "why does Godzilla always protect us?" with the "moving" (sarcastic) response, "I guess there's a little Godzilla in all of us." More significantly, the storyline was incoherent, dumb and (worst of all) just boring. Basically, Godzilla resurfaces around the same time as an alien ufo that had been underwater for something like 60 million years, for no good reason. The alien (there only seems to be one) decides to somehow use "Godzilla cells" or some such nonsense to adapt to Earth's environment and synthesize a (yep) giant monster body, presumably to use to ravage humanity. Human weapons prove absolutely ineffective. The main human characters are a pro-Godzilla ex-scientist (the one with the idiotic ending dialogue quoted above) and his former friend (who more sensibly wants to kill Godzilla, but that guy turns out to be a moron as well). The brat kid is the daughter of the first guy. Godzilla spends most of the film letting himself get shot by both human and alien weaponry while he just roars, stands there, and takes it-- what is this sh**? What happened to the awesome king of the monsters? Finally, much too late into the movie, Godzilla starts using his atomic breath, which is about his only effective weapon here.Naturally Godzilla ends up saving the Earth from the alien. But there is an idiotic scene afterward where the anti-Godzilla dude just yells at Godzilla and stands there like an idiot while Godzilla swats and kills him! Pro-Godzilla dude yells at anti-Godzilla dude to take cover and tries to save him, but the dork just ignores him and lets himself be killed. What was he doing, trying to prove he was a tough guy? In the dumbest way possible?I'm a pretty big Godzilla fan, but this is not a movie I'll ever care to watch again.
gavin6942 Godzilla saves Tokyo from a flying saucer that transforms into the beast Orga.There are some noteworthy firsts in this film: we have the first green Godzilla (no longer the dark gray we are used to), and the first Toho Godzilla using CGI (for better or worse) in some scenes.No, could this be the best looking man-in-suit Godzilla yet? I think so. While a bit more "rock star" this time around, he looks incredibly mean and aggressive, the monster you do not want to mess with.This may have been the last good Godzilla movie made (as of 2014). Although, I suppose that is all a matter of taste. Some people probably dislike this one while others probably love the Gareth Edwards version.
gwashington1732 The Japanese need to give up. They need to do everyone a favor and just stop making movies. They obviously can't do it right or they'd have it down by now. Why? Why would you make this kind of movie and who would watch it? The old Godzilla movies were at least funny in their cheapness but I couldn't even laugh at this one and that's pretty bad. I would rather watch the bible channel than this crap that's just terrifying. If you took a handful of nails and scratched them repeatedly up and down a chalkboard you could have more fun than if you watched this foreign trash. In other words, do not support the creators of this 'movie', if you could call it that, by spending money on it.