Amityville 3-D
Amityville 3-D
PG | 18 November 1983 (USA)
Amityville 3-D Trailers

To debunk the Amityville house's infamous reputation and take advantage of a rock-bottom asking price, skeptical journalist John Baxter buys the place and settles in to write his first novel.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
AaronCapenBanner Third film in the series does away with any "real life" pretense but continues the series as a skeptical reporter(played by Tony Roberts) buys the infamous house to disprove the supernatural rumors(big mistake!) His ex-wife and daughter also move in, as the demonic activity in the home is now located in a well(not a red room?) in the basement. When a team of paranormal researchers set up shop in the climax, all hell really will break loose in explosive fashion...Well directed(by Richard Fleisher) film does create some moodiness and atmosphere early on(with an amusing prologue involving a fake séance) but ultimately self-destructs with over-the-top melodramatics that create more laughter than fright. Still, it does have a memorable end...pity it was disregarded later! Falls somewhere between the first two films, and originally presented in 3-D.
ersinkdotcom Everybody knows about the legend of the Amityville House at 112 Ocean Avenue in Long Island, New York. A family moves into the house and the older son murders them all in their sleep. When he's apprehended, he tells the authorities a voice told him to do it. Another family moves in a year later and they're plagued with paranormal incidences. Things get so bad, they abandon the house and never return.Whether or not you believe the stories are true, " The Amityville Horror" provides good times for horror fans. Some want to revisit their childhood fears. Others want the opportunity to share the experience with their children for the first time and scare them to death.Upon watching the first two films again for the first time in over a decade, I realized a couple things. "The Amityville Horror" isn't as hokey as I remembered it. The last time I watched it, I was disappointed by how tame it was. I found it to be a satisfying watch now. Maybe I've come to appreciate its subtleness in the wake of so many graphic gore fests and torture-porn films.
BaronBl00d Expectations were low to begin with and were even lower when finished viewing. The second Amityville picture gave us its rendition of what happened...sort of...with the Defeo family prior to the Lutzes moving in and then out 28 days later. Presumably this trash takes place after both of those incidents. You know you are in trouble when Tony Roberts is your main gate attraction. Trouble indeed comes, but first a brief look at the plot: writer for a cheap magazine called Reveal buys house cheap and things happen to people he knows. people start dropping like flies...for those that sat through that..get it. Yeah, I need some levity no matter how small the dose because I sat through a real bad picture. The story has no hold on you at all as things in the house just start to happen. First character actor John Harkins gets flies all over his face and dies belly-up(for him no small feat). Tony Roberts gets in a weird elevator miles from the house. Candy Clark, his friend and photographer, stays waiting in the house for Tony. A fuse is blown and she gets air blown all over her from the basement door. Tony gets home and she screams not to be touched in a truly funny(though not intentionally) moment. Clark later is burned to a crisp in a car. Meg Ryan and Lori Loughlin, both hot, look the house over when Lori's dad Tony is out. Meg talks about ghosts having sex. Yawn. Tony'ex and Lori's mom forbids Lori to go to the house. She does...and, well, things get even more bizarre, stupid, and wretched again. This movie has no real story. The special effects are constructed in such a way that every shot, whether it be a fly buzzing in an elevator, should look 3-d. Roberts as the lead had me laughing as he has virtually no acting range whatsoever. After a couple deaths he looks exactly the same. Like he just got through trading witty barbs(though none witty here) with Woody Allen. Check out the special effects at the end of the film from the water well. Phew! Who came up with that junk? This movie is poorly scripted, poorly directed, and poorly acted. It makes the second Amityville almost look artistic. A truly bad movie all around.
cal reid A reporter moves into the haunted house and is tormented by the evil within. Boring and stupid , this film might as well have been not made as nothing really happens apart from one or two supernatural occurrences but anyone with half a braincell would predict what would happen in them and this makes the result ineffective and not scary in the least. The only exciting part comes at the very end where a demon pops up out of a well in the basement ( discovered in the first film ) and for some absurd reason leads the house to explode this part is well pulled off but last about a minute and doesn't make up for the garbage that makes up most of the film. Not worth buying or watching.