The Amityville Curse
The Amityville Curse
R | 07 May 1990 (USA)
The Amityville Curse Trailers

After purchasing a property in Amityville, New York, Debbie and her husband invite three of their closest friends to help renovate. Immediately uneasy in her new surroundings, she begins experiencing shockingly vivid nightmares.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
callanvass This series has a few crappy STV sequels, but this one is the worst of the lot by a wide margin. It is cheap as hell, dreary looking, and extremely boring. NOTHING happens for the most part, aside from a bit of chaos in the finale, and even that was tame. I'm not an Amityville fan at all. There isn't one movie that stands out, not even the theatrical releases, except for Amityville Part II. This movie is approximately 87 minutes long. It honestly felt like two hours. I was pleading for the running time to move quicker. There isn't much gore and the makeup is terrible. We get a nasty cut on somebody's hand with broken glass, people get hit with nail guns. We get deformities on people's faces, and a little more. If I wasn't angered enough, they even play the start of the Psycho score during a lame Tarantula scene. It doesn't have much going for it, so it tries to use classic things. The house used in this one looks nothing like The Amityville house. It wasn't eerie in the slightest. There are far too many scenes of people wandering around the house with nothing happening. It was nothing but "Talk, talk, talk, talk, and more talk" Like most of these movies. I really question the motives. Why do they stay in the house so long, knowing very well something isn't right? Get out! it shouldn't take life threatening experiences to discern such a thing. The acting is awful. Kim Coates sleepwalks through most of it before waking up in the finale. He decides to ham it up. I didn't buy it at all. He also smokes way too much in scenes. Dawna Wightman (Debbie) is one of the most insufferable women I have ever had to endure a movie. Her constant sniveling and OTT hysterics made me wanna slap her silly. She over did it completely. Cassandra Giva is pretty sexy, but her character is stupid. I'm guessing Jan Rubes needed to pay some bills pretty badly, because it screams "Paycheck" role. The finale tries for controversy, to try to spice things up a bit, to no availFinal Thoughts: I hated this movie. It is the worst STV sequel in the series. That is saying something, believe me. It has no suspense, no thrills, and you'll be bored to tears. Stay away! don't put yourself through unwarranted torture.DUD
lost-in-limbo This straight-to-video effort has somewhat of a terrible reputation, especially compared to the rest of the series. I haven't seen any of the other films to follow it, but the ones before; the theatrical releases (1, 2 & 3) and straight-to-TV (4) production were much better for entertainment. Were as the previous entry "The Evil Escapes" didn't feature the haunted house; "The Amityville Curse" goes go back to the earlier films formula, although the house has taken on a different transformation and the visual impact of that is less imposing. But that wasn't the main issue. This goes to the storytelling (which this plot has nothing do with the actual Amityville curse), pacing and performances. Especially the acting. David Stain and Dawna Wightman simply aggravate as the obnoxious leads, one being pompous and the other simply whining. An unbearable combination. Helen Hughes gives the usual batty old lady shtick. Then there are static turns by Kim Coates and Cassandra Cava. Only Anthony Dean Rubes showed any sort of spark. Father Parcaecus is brutally murdered in his own confessional by a mysterious assailant. After the murder, the church is closed and the belongings along with the confessional are sealed in a small room in the basement of Parcaecus' house. Years have passed when Debbie and Marvin come across the vacant house and decide to purchase it for their investment club. They invite a couple of friends up to help renovate the old house, but this weekend turns out be a nightmare with a wave of supernatural events occurring. Bog-standard shenanigans (disappearing ghostly figures) populate mostly an uneventful and tedious haunted house story spending plenty of time on filler (house in need of repairs) and non-existent chills. The story is uninteresting, plods and the final revelation you can see coming miles away. The stale script is terrible. It throws many different and hysterical ideas about, but never convincingly gels them together and leaves things rather unfulfilled. Like Debbie's baffling connection to the house. Loose and lazy work with mystery plot ties. Technically speaking it's solid, but mechanically tired and flat in its execution. Not much in the way of bumps in the night. The "Curse" is a real snooze. "Things are usually cheap for a reason."
Toronto85 The fifth Amityville movie. Oh boy where to begin....Well this one has nothing to do with Amityville except the fact that it is in the same town. The story is pretty much a murder mystery. Kinda like an episode of Matlock or Murder She wrote, except with no watchable qualities to it. The movie drags on and on. The plot is about a priest who was shot to death years ago during a confession. The confessional booth that the priest was killed in is brought to an old house. Twelve years later, a group of stuffy middle aged people move in and strange things start to happen. Broken mirrors, bad dreams, ghost sightings, etc.Now the funny thing is, the man who killed the priest in the beginning is shown smoking. Out of everyone in the movie, one person is a smoker. Gee, it doesn't take Perry Mason to put two and two together when it comes to naming the killer. The acting isn't the best either. Kim Coates appears bored with the whole experience. Unknown actress Dawna Wightman did okay portraying the innocent and sweet danger sensing lead character. The rest are practically meaningless to the movie. But the biggest problem with the movie is that it has nothing to do with Amityville.So we have a mixed up plot, poor acting, and a murder mystery that can be figured out in the opening twenty minutes. Not a very fun watch at all. I will say though, the confrontation with the killer in the last fifteen minutes is kind of fun. It's really the only watchable part of the whole thing.3/10
atinder This movie starts off in a church and someone is confessing their sins in the box and then we see that the priest as be shot in the Confessing box that end up being in the Amityville house.Then movies moves on to number of old adults moving into the house and then Marvin and Debbie buy the house and three friends: Frank, Bill and Abigail come to stay for a while and the former housekeeper, Mrs Moriarty also stop by now and again.This movie did not feel like Amityville movie at all, as there were no Haunting scene in this movie at all saying that there were two haunting scenes in this movie made no sense what so ever and not even scary or creepy at all they were just pointless Dream scenes to waste time.This movie is more like a Who done movie and then near the end of the movie we find out who being killer is and turns that person as been possessed since start of movie, we never saw any signs of that person being possessed at all. (As to been one of the worst twist ever!) I have seen all the Amityville movies now, this movie is the most pointless Amityville sequel ever and there no need to see this movie at all, there is noT one second worth watching in this movie. If you don't want to waste 1 and half hours of your life Please!!!!! skip this movie and Carry on with the rest of the series they are better then this one (not great but better).