Phantasm: Ravager
Phantasm: Ravager
R | 07 October 2016 (USA)
Phantasm: Ravager Trailers

Brothers Mike and Jody join family friend Reggie to battle the Tall Man and his evil minions from another dimension, for the final time.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Platypuschow It's hard to believe that the Phantasm series started back in 1979 and sporadically released it's 5 movies across the decades.What's even harder to believe is that every major player from the franchise has stuck through it and is right here in 2016 for the final chapter.Reggie returns one last time to reunite with his friends, fight the forces of evil and go toe to toe with the Tall Man for the ultimate confrontation.Now I don't think that the Phantasm franchise is that great, I think they are original titles and I applaud them for lasting as long as they have but they've tended to be confusing disconnected movies.Alas this is no different, in fact I have to say it's the most confusing of them all. Regardless it's a nostalgia trip, everyones along for the ride including the films original creators.Though the sfx are ropey and the plot makes very little sense Ravager isn't that bad, it's just not a fitting finale for a series that has lasted this long! What makes it worse is that the highly ambiguous finale does it no favours.I'd say this is essential viewing for fans of the series but all things considered it should have been considerably better.RIP Angus ScrimmThe Good:Nostalgia filledSome new and interesting ideasThe Bad:Plot isn't greatPacing is a bit of a messFinale is terribleThings I Learnt From This Movie:Reggie Bannister is immortalWhen a franchises sfx haven't improved since the 1970's you need to have serious words with your sfx guys
Michael Ledo This is for the 2016 Phantasm Ravager and not the superior Phantasm which Amazon has lumped together in Reviews.The film gives us a recap of Reggie's (Reggie Bannister) battle against The Tallman (Angus Scrimm), his silver spheres and his quest to find Mike (A. Michael Baldwin) and maybe his brother. The film has the action taking place in various times and dimensions, jumping from one to the other at random. These include: The desert scene, the hospital, the new destroyed world, and the nether world. Clearly the Tallman is in charge of everything and the whole film was rather meaningless as neither Reggie nor the audience ever know what is real and what is not.The film was more about creating scenes then any attempt of creating a meaningful plot. I found it to be a confused mess. I did not nearly enjoy this as much as my peers and wonder if we watched the same confused mess.Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity
SteveResin I've loved the Phantasm series since I first saw the original on VHS in the early 80's. Sure, they're not Oscar worthy or bursting with state of the art SFX or A-list talent but they never pretended to be, they were just a continuation of an interesting premise with fun characters and a first class bad guy. Sadly, this final installment is an enormous let down.There's not much satisfaction to be found for Phantasm fans in Ravager. Well, not for me at least. Reggie is still great, it was nice to catch up with old characters again like Mike, Jody, The Lady In Lavender and even a surprise appearance by Rocky from Phantasm III. It starts quite well with Reggie reclaiming his stolen car and meeting up with a hot chick, even trying to seduce her by writing her a song on his guitar beside a fireplace. Classic Reggie! Some of the effects were OK, I especially enjoyed the shots of the dystopian Earth with enormous Sentinels hovering over everything. And that's about it.The rest is pretty bad. The storyline descends into chaos, with alternate realities coming and going with zero explanation or real purpose. The movie is shot on digital cameras which makes it look cheap and nasty and doesn't do the low budget SFX any favours. I'm not sure what's up with A. Michael Baldwin here but he just didn't turn up for this film, his acting is just abysmal. I have a pine coffee table in my home that is less wooden. And sadly they just left it too long to make this sequel. Angus Scrimm, God rest his soul, was a superb and truly horrifying villain but here he just looks too old, a shadow of his former self. Not that any of that is his fault. He does his best but I dunno, the fear factor has gone. It's hard to be terrified of a guy who looks like he needs oxygen and a lie down.I rated the film 4, because it's Phantasm, and there's always something to enjoy, but sadly the bad outweighs the good massively in Ravager and it's a feeble and inadequate way to end such a magnificent franchise.BOY!!!!
MartinHafer A very, very long time has passed since the first Phantasm film...and even since the last movie in the franchise. Now Reggie is 71 and The Tall Man is almost 90!! I am surprised that at this advanced age they'd come back for yet another film together. And, despite Angus Scrimm dying around the time this movie debuted, I STILL wouldn't be surprised to see another installment one day...perhaps when Reggie is 90!!When the film begins, Reggie is wandering around the Western part of the US--where is is mostly desert and scrub. How long he's been doing this is anyone's guess. What follows is a very, very confusing involving Mike in a few scenes, The Tall Man, a woman named Dawn who dies and then didn't die, possible dementia on Reg's part, an invasion by aliens, a super-virus and a lot of other things...all of which feel less like a plot and more like a lot of plot ideas tossed together haphazardly. Little of it made much sense and the film just bounced all over the place in time as well as plot. After a while, I just gave up trying to keep up with it. As far as the ending goes, I have no idea WHAT the heck even happened!!So is it any good? Not particularly. As I said, it's a bit of a mess plot-wise and all you have left are the usual killings, blood and gore. For some, that might just be enough...for me, it wasn't. The film should have stuck with a single, coherent plot. Instead, it looks like they tried filming a lot of different scripts and then tried to piece them together in post-production. The notion of all this being explained by Reg's dementia just seemed awfully contrived and silly. I now have seen all five films. I'd give the First and Third one an 8--very creative and well done. The Second (5), Fourth (3)and Fifth was all disappointments...with the Fifth being the worst and least necessary. I think a score of 2 is clearly warranted, though I even considered giving it a was often that bad. The only reason I didn't was that Rocky (Gloria Lynne Henry) made a cameo in this one....and she was one of the reasons I loved "Phantasm III"! It's fair to say this was the last...and the least of the series.By the way, in addition to Reg often being the most impossibly good shot ever in the history of cinema in this film, he never once seemed to have to reload!! Truly amazing seeing him use his pistol to knock out those spheres with incredible ease and never running out of bullets!!