Deadtime Stories
Deadtime Stories
R | 28 November 1986 (USA)
Deadtime Stories Trailers

A babysitting uncle tells his charges three horror stories: about a killer witch; Little Red Riding Hood and a werewolf; and Goldi Lox and the three bears.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Michael_Elliott Deadtime Stories (1986) ** (out of 4)Brian is staying at his Uncle Mike's (Michael Mesmer) house and wants to hear some bedtime stories. Mike agrees to tell him some as long as he goes to sleep after. The first story has a couple witches using a boy to lure a woman into their home so that they can kill her in exchange for their long dead sister. The second story deals with a Little Red Riding Hood theme as Rachel (Nicole Picard) is taking grandma some medicine but she's sidetracked and soon a wolf show up. Finally, Goldi Lox (Cathryn de Prume) escapes from a mental hospital when she ends up at the Baer's home and they too have just recently escaped.After the success of George A. Romero's CREEPSHOW several anthology films popped up with this one here being one of the weaker ones. It's really too bad that this film isn't better but there are all sorts of problems throughout the three movies. It should also be stated that it appears the MPAA got their hands on the picture because a lot of the death scenes have weird jumps, which is usually a clear sign that something had to be cut.As far as the three stories go, each of them deal with a familiar subject but writer-director Jeffrey Delman was obviously wanting to do something different with them. As is the case with any anthology, the quality varies from story to story but I'd say the first two are the best but even they are flawed. Both the tale with the witch and the werewolf have great conclusions but sadly everything leading up to the endings are pretty bland and boring. It's really too bad because the first story has some terrific special effects and especially during the sequence where the dead sister is coming back to life.The third story is a complete misfire as they're going for some camp and it just doesn't work. The idea for the spin on the story is a good one but the execution just isn't there, although you've got a young Melissa Leo playing Mama Baer. The performances throughout are above average and as I said there are some good special effects but it's too bad some of them were trimmed. Still, DEADTIME STORIES tried to do something different but the end result isn't as good as you would have hoped for.
Vomitron_G Fairy-tales gone bad, devilishly bad, in this total "B" cheese-fest anthology movie from obscure 80's horror heaven! It's an oddball flick, adding a lot of absurd and black humor. Bad actors and very low budget but still some cool & gory special effects (one scene in the first segment even had me thinking about the resurrection of Frank in "Hellraiser", of course a little less impressively staged this time). The last segment is as retarded as it is genius. And it's got Goldilox showing some upper nakedness. I just cannot flunk this bad boy; I had way too much fun with it. And regardless the painfully low production values, it does manage to be fairly original & spirited. Die hard horror anthology lovers should check this out some time.
Jonny_Numb "Dead of Night"..."Trilogy of Terror"..."Creepshow"..."Twilight Zone: The Movie"..."Cat's Eye"...yessir, the horror genre has had its share of fine anthology films; films that crawl up your sleeve and slide down your spine to produce commendable shivers. "Deadtime Stories," however, is a horror anthology like no other, basically because it's utter CRAP. Via a lame, low-budget framing device, a 'randy' uncle tells his restless nephew fairy tales in an attempt to get the brat to go to sleep (I, however, had no trouble falling into a somnambulant state while watching this). The silly script takes a darkly farcical view of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears,' 'Little Red Riding Hood,' and some story about two witches looking to resurrect their dead sister. While obviously low-budget, we do get some fairly impressive, "Hellraiser"-style FX work...but that's about all "Deadtime Stories" has to offer. The soundtrack, the fashions, and the hairstyles, combined with a script that's obnoxious when it wants to be funny, and eye-rollingly stupid when it wants to be scary, sends "Deadtime Stories" to a watery grave in the latrine of '80s nostalgia.
preppy-3 I saw this back in 1989 and its 1 week long stint at a local multiplex. Me and my friend were desperate to see a horror film. Well--that IS what we got! This is an anthology film about some annoying uncle (horribly overplayed) telling his bratty nephew some fairy tales to put him to sleep. Naturally these are all turned into "horror" stories. None of them were interesting, scary or much of anything. The acting sucked and the special effects were VERY sub-par. The only relatively interesting part was seeing Scott Valentine strip nude in the first segment. All you see is his butt and a VERY brief side view but he was young, handsome and in good shape. Also interesting to have male nudity in a horror film. That aside this was boring and just jawdroppingly stupid. In a way me and my friend sort of enjoyed it. It was so hopeless it was actually kind of fun! Seriously though a must-miss unless you want a textbook example of how NOT to do a horror film.