Puppet Master 5
Puppet Master 5
R | 21 September 1994 (USA)
Puppet Master 5 Trailers

Sutekh, the dark pharaoh from another dimension, sends his own puppet, Totem, to continue his quest to kill Rick and steal the magic which animates the puppets.

Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
John Tedrick I've been a fan of Puppet Master for many years now. Despite this, I only very recently watched Jeff Burr's two entries in the series, 4 and 5. #4, I felt, was similar in quality to the other puppet master films; it was hokey, sort of cheesy, and the story took its time until the very end, then rushed headlong into a rather jumbled conclusion. It was the sort of "pleasure and pain" reaction that I've had to most of the series. Thus, I expected the same from #5, as 4 and 5 were filmed back-to-back. Then I watched the fifth film, and I can say I've never been so pleasantly surprised by Puppet Master. I was all smiles.I watched the film, about the final battle between the new puppet master and the Egyptian demon-lord Sutekh, who has manifested himself in the form of the mightiest totem of all (a last-ditch attempt, mind you), and I thought to myself that this is what the series can and should be. The foremost thing about this film that makes this film superior to most other Full Moon productions is the same thing that made The Avengers better than most other movies of its kind: it's fun. I had lots of fun watching the puppets at work against the evil they faced, I had lots of fun watching Ian Ogilvy's character and his bumbling henchmen, I had lots of fun watching the cute romance between Chandra West and Gordan Currie. The special effects, by David Allen and Mark Rappaport, are by far their best (in this series) and in the script by the five(?)writers, more does in this case mean more. Jeff Burr made this a very fun little movie, which in only the briefest of moments struck me as B-budget; it would have been good for theaters, in my book.Puppet Master 5 ends on what is probably the best note possible: a near-nonstop special effects extravaganza in which the puppets truly shine (if only for a time), followed by a heart-warming moment between all the leads. This was originally intended as the final film, and I almost wish it was, as it would have been a fun note to end on. However, although the series might have soured after this, I'm holding out for another Puppet Master as good as this one. Puppet Master Forever.
udar55 This picks up days after part 4 with Rick Myers being charged with the murders of his colleagues. He gets bailed out by the company he was working for and, while the authorities don't believe his stories of killer mini-demons, Dr. Jennings (Ian Ogilvy) is intrigued. He gets together a shady group of folks to head to the Inn to retrieve these puppets. Of course, Myers has shown up there too. And our old pal Sutek is still around and sends his ultimate creation (the same old mini-demon puppet but with a cape) back to kill. If you needed a sign that the wheels were coming off at Charles Band's Full Moon, look no further than this fifth entry in his top series. Showing pre-Weinstein intuition (without the dollars), Band chopped the script of one film into two and we get this sad excuse for a film, complete with credit padding and a 5 minute on screen recap of the previous entry. Poor director Jeff Burr, a true talent who has been relegated to lower level horror sequels. This just features folks walking around the hotel getting killed. The saddest/funniest/strangest thing is the point of this entry is to once again resurrect Decapitron and have Toulon tell Rick he is the puppet master. Didn't we already do that? Ron O'Neal and Clu Gulagher both have small cameos. Subtitled "The Final Chapter" on the VHS box, this was the last PUPPET MASTER film released by Paramount. The next entry, CURSE OF THE PUPPET MASTER, would appear in 1998.
Paul Andrews Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter (the actual on-screen title on my copy was just Puppet Master 5) starts with boy genius Rick Meyers (Gordon Currie) at a police station being interrogated over the murders of Dr's. Baker & Piper as well as his mate Cameron (who were all killed in Puppet Master 4 (1993)), the evidence against Rick is strong & he is charged with the three murders. Fellow Omega scientist Dr. Jennings (Ian Ogilvy) reads Rick's outlandish statement about living puppets & senses the opportunity to make a bundle of cash so he takes along three guy's to help him break into the Bogeda Bay Inn & steal the puppets for himself. Meanwhile Rick gets out on bail & heads for the Inn to get the puppets in order to help clear himself & the evil ancient Egyptian God Sutek still wants to kill Rick & destroy the puppets & sends yet another little monster to do just that.Billed & planned as the final Puppet Master film this was the fourth straight sequel to the rather excellent Puppetmaster (1989) & was in fact filmed back-to-back with the previous entry Puppet Master 4 & as such features a lot of the same cast, crew, locations, props & special effects as well as having a story which follows on directly from the events of the previous film. Again directed by Jeff Burr & written by the same five(!) people responsible for Puppet Master 4 this is a disappointing entry in what was a fantastic series of horror film up to & including Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge (1991) & you can see why the series has died a death if you compare this with the earlier entries. For a start the plot is all over the place, at first it directly contradicts Puppet Master 4 as the reason for Sutek wanting to kill Rick & destroy the puppets is because he wanted to protect the secret of life that Toulon had stolen from him but at the start of Puppet Master 5 it is said Sutek wants to kill Rick & destroy the puppets to learn the secret himself before reverting back to the premise of Puppet Master 4 for the final twenty minutes. Then there's the odd plot hole which states that Sutek can't travel between dimensions yet where did all the creatures he sent in Puppet Master 4 come from? The body count is again far too low, several of the main character's from Puppet Master 4 return including Lauren who manages to psychically control computers while she is in a coma! Also what happened to the murder charges against Rick? Did the police just forget about them? Again the once cool killer puppets don't kill anyone, aren't evil & generally are portrayed as the heroes which to me is just all wrong & evidence the makers wanted to tone things down for a newer & younger audience. Although the duration of the film is just over 80 odd minutes there's a fairly long compilation of footage from Puppet Master 4 to act as a recap or to fill those in who haven't seen it.After his absence in Puppet Master 4 the cool puppet Torch makes an appearance here as does Blade, Jester, Pinhead, Tunneller, Six Shooter & the new puppet Decapitron. They are still very cool & the film picks up whenever they are on screen but not much is done with them & they don't get to be evil anymore which just doesn't sit right with me. The special effects are alright, there are less of them than in Puppet Master 4 & a lot less stop-motion animation. Like Puppet Master 4 the violence, gore & nudity of the excellent first three Puppet Master films have been reduced to virtually zero, there's a few cuts seen on someone's face & a bit of blood splatter & that's it. If not for some strong profanity this would pass as a PG. The final fight between the Sutek creature & the puppets looks a bit silly & like the sort of thing your six year old kid brother would set-up & stage with his Star Wars figures.Like Puppet Master 4 the Bogeda Bay Inn scenes are well lit & shot but the rest of it looks cheap & Sutek & his liar look absolutely awful & feel like they belong in a different film (for some reason the actor playing Sutek is not credited in either Puppet Master 4 or 5). The acting is OK, the two girls from Puppet Master 4 barely feature this time around while British veteran actor Ian Ogilvy brings a bit of class to things.Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter wasn't the final chapter at all although considering how poor it is & what the makers have done with a once great franchise it maybe should have been. Followed by Curse of the Puppet Master (1998) & you know a series is in trouble when the makers stop numbering them...
nas4e68 This movie never made it to threaters . I saw every puppet master movie and this is the seond worst one of them (The SIXTH BEING THE WORST ) . I'm not even going to get into this movie . Just igore it and dont watch it . If you do you will 9 times out of ten go to sleep . 0 *'s out of four .