Camp Dread
Camp Dread
| 15 April 2014 (USA)
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The “Summer Camp” horror trilogy was one of the most popular franchises of the 1980s. However, the decade ended and so did director Julian Barrett’s career. Now Barrett plans to resurrect his gory series via a modern reboot patterned after reality filmmaking. With his former leading lady and an eclectic group of 10 young “contestants,” Barrett returns to the same locale where his old splatter-fests were filmed. When one of the campers is found savagely murdered, they realize there’s more at stake than just fame and fortune. Each of them is in a fight for their lives as they realize summer is over – forever.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Steineded How sad is this?
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
jwnewbury I am so angry at myself for paying for this DVD without reading more reviews. It is an Inept, dull, lifeless, low-budget, boring, rip-off of a movie. I threw it in the trash half way through. Avoid this dreck . You have been warned!
billbeast I liked the sound of the premise, really anything to do with camp gets me excited to watch, but Camp Dread is so bad, and it never even comes close to the so-bad-it's-good pile.What I really hate in this genre I love so much is when endings make the whole film seem pointless and in my opinion thats what this film does. It's misleading, and im not just talking about Danielle Harris getting a star billing.The death scenes weren't too bad, but when the movie finished I was extremely disappointed. If you like low-budget trashy camp flicks try Bloody Murder 2. It's so bad its good. This is so bad it's not even worth wasting your time on.
tdeladeriere Don't go into "Camp Dread" with expectations of something new. This is a by-the-books slasher, and all the rules are respected (for a reason). Dumb and horny teenagers, a cabin by the lake, a mystery killer, gory offings every 10 minutes or so, down to the finale where the survivor keeps running into the dead bodies of her former inmates as he/she tries to escape the killer.References abound in more than just the tired, if necessary, format. Felissa Rose plays the star of a slasher 80's trilogy, much like she did in real life as the cult hermaphrodite killer in "Sleepaway Camp". Most murders are recreations of classic offings from previous slashers, like "Friday the 13th" but also "Psycho". Of course, this all fits into the script, since this tells the story of a twisted slasher producer experimenting on a new reality-TV format for the 4th installment of his long-forgotten horror franchise.Bodies are dispatched at a slower rate than usual, which is the movie's main setback. Unlike successful slashers of yore, most of the offings happen after the 40 minute-mark, with a crescendo during the last 20 minutes. For that reason, there's no real final girl, or suspense for the climax.Although villains are a-plenty in this amoral marathon, the movie succeeds in keeping the audience wondering who is the killer, and a few final twists will actually keep you off-guard. That and a fair amount of blood should satisfy any slasher fan's basic needs.
justinandemily10 This movie will have you second guessing who's who as far as the killer of this movie.Several young adults are brought to a camp competing against one another for a grand prize as part of a new reality show rather than facing jail or rehab. The twist, the camp is part of a classic 80's horror trilogy "Summer Camp" (like we don't know it's a spoof of Sleepaway Camp")and that there is suppose to be a "killer" that takes you "out". The problem, people are going missing for real and the bodies are about to pop out.Overall, it's your typical suspense thriller/horror film trying to get back to the roots of the hayday horror films of the 80's. However, the plot twist as to the killer's identity and motive will greatly surprise and shock you. Nothing is as it seems in this film and you will be trying to figure it out to the very last minute.