Hit and Run
Hit and Run
R | 13 January 2009 (USA)
Hit and Run Trailers

A young woman tries to cover up a deadly hit and run accident, only to have the supposedly dead victim come back to terrorize her.

Wordiezett So much average
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
zardoz-13 Freshman director Enda McCallion's gripping little thriller "Hit and Run" is a nimble, well-made melodrama about a college student on spring break who may have accidentally killed a man that she has never seen. The premise of "Hit and Run" is a nightmare that everybody who imbibes eventually will experience. After a night of binge drinking, you wake up the next morning with dread in your heart as you struggle to remember whether you hit and killed a pedestrian with your vehicle. Good camera placement, effective thesping, suspenseful atmosphere, and above average helming make this low-budget nail-biter a rewarding experience. Although the idea is straight out of "I Know What You Did Last Summer," "Hit and Run" is a worthwhile chiller.Mary Murdock (Laura Breckinridge) is on her way home after she leaves a bar where her friends and she were trying to drink the place out of liquor. Mary's worthless boyfriend Rick (Christopher Shand) tries to dissuade her from leaving to no avail. While they are saying goodbyes to each other, Mary steps into the road and a speeding vehicle narrowly avoids hitting her. On her way home, Mary swerves past something in the middle of the road and winds up off the asphalt. She recovers her senses and the vehicle and then cruises home. Conveniently, Mary's parents are away for the weekend leaving her to hold down the house. Later, Mary is lying down in bed when she hears something go bump. Imagine Mary's apprehension when she discovers the body of a man (Kevin Corrigan) stuck on the front bumper of her jeep. When she tries to help the poor fellow, he turns on her, and she seizes a golf club and pummels him unconscious. Afterward, she drives him to a remote place in the woods where she digs a grave while rain pours down on her. She wraps the victim in a blanket from her vehicle and places him in the shallow grave. Later, Rick shows up at her house and Mary confides in him that she has killed a man. Since Rick's arrival, Mary has learned that the man she ran down was a popular school teacher. Mary freaks out when she realizes that she wrapped the dead man in a blanket that the authorities will be able to trace back to her jeep. She calls Rick on her cell phone and they agree to rendezvous where Mary buried the corpse. Mary is in for a rude awakening when she learns that the body wrapped in the blanket at the burial site is not the school teacher!McCallion opens "Hit and Run" with a shot straight out of "So I Married an Axe Murderer" as a bartender fills shot glasses on a waitress's platter. The Fluid camera work, straightforward scripting, and the use of reliable stalker movie scenes make "Hit and Run" a rather compelling sit and watch experience. Although it is somewhat derivative, "Hit and Run" qualifies as an impressive debut film for McCallion. This exciting, 84-minute never wears out its welcome but it may rattle squeamish viewers with its blood and gore element.
crutch234 " Hit and Run' was an interesting take on the hit and run problem in America. Especially how things go to hell when you don't call the police when you should. She should have reported it right off the bat and saved herself doing time, but then there'd be no fun of watching the killer come back from the dead (I think) and go after her. By the way, I wasn't sure if Emmsir was really dead or just in really bad zombie shape. I recently saw another film that had to do with a hit-and-run called Stuck, from a real case in TX. There is some similarity in the events, except in Stuck the man is stuck on the windshield. In Hit and run he's on the bumper. Also the girl in the Hit and Run is way more attractive and hot than the girl in the other flick. Other than they are two really different movies. Stuck is more art house, this is more heavy on the action and teen stuff.
sleepyduke Film is a study in what goes wrong when you make one wrong decision after another.It's a like a nightmare that snowball out of control. like some kind of train wreck in slow motion.Hot Mary swigs a few too many at spring vacation blast. She gets out of the slimy hand of her dude, who can't keep his lips to himself. Mary don't listen to common sense and drive home stinkin' drunk. She accidentally kills maniac teacher off his meds on her bumper. He don't come off that bumper easy, he's like impaled on that thing.Tell the police, right? Nope. She hides the body and of course everything goes wrong. Because he wasn't totally dead, and he's mad as hell to kick her butt. Bad influence boyfriend trying to get into Mary's pants, even while she's figuring out what to do about the supposedly dead guy. To sum it, Mary gets attacked at home and taken for a real nasty ride, The end.
georgekinderling *spoilers* When Mary buried him it looked like Emser was dead. She did whack him like 5 times with the golf club in the head and he was already close to dying on the front of the car anyways. But she didn't take his pulse or anything like that after. So I was not totally sure if he was really dead, or just like in a coma or passed out. When he comes back from the woods he looks like more than just a guy who was buried alive. He looks like a zombie or the living dead. I'm thinking he was pumped up on adrenaline or he was superhuman because he was like nearly indestructible. I'm not sure if he's really dead at the end or not. It was way better than I expected and actually had a good horror action sequence packed in there, but I wish it was more clear if he was actually dead or just totally bashed up.