The Dead Undead
The Dead Undead
| 13 May 2010 (USA)
The Dead Undead Trailers

Good Vampires battle Zombie Vampires while trying to hide their own identity and prevent the infection from spreading.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
BA_Harrison The Dead Undead. What the hell does that mean? Dead is no longer living, and undead means technically dead but reanimated. So does that mean that 'the dead undead' are the undead who have died again? If so, doesn't that mean that they are just dead?Beats me! As it happens, the dumb title isn't the worst thing about this film. It all starts out promisingly enough with a group of young vacationers (three hot babes, two guys) arriving at a strangely deserted motel, the girls immediately opting to get into their bikinis and go swimming, but goes rapidly downhill when the group is attacked by zombies with vampire like traits. It turns out that these are ZVs—zombie vampires—vampires that have turned into zombies after feeding on bovine blood infected with mad cow disease.Hot on the heels of these horror hybrids are a highly trained and well-armed team of 'good' vampires (led by Luke Goss) who hope to deal with the problem before it spirals out of control. Cue lots of repetitive action, plenty of random gunfire, much macho posturing, crap CGI blood, stunt-men leaping from hidden trampolines onto the roofs of cars, dreadful flashbacks to pad out the running time (with two of the most unconvincing Vikings imaginable), truly awful acting, a pointless cameo from Forrest J. Ackerman, and Vernon Wells (of Mad Max 2 fame) passing time between signing autographs at movie conventions.3.5 out of 10, generously rounded up 4 to IMDb.
Andrew Goodman When will he, will he be famous? If this is the mark Luke Goss has reached then it'll still be a long time coming. Luke plays Jack, the leader of a group of 'good' Vampires … sorry, 'Nightwalkers' as they term themselves, in Anderson and Conna's The Dead Undead. The premise behind the film is that a group of five teenagers go to a remote hotel in the back-end-of-nowhere (although based on the scenery I suspect that it was just outside LA) and are attacked by a number of rather nasty zombie-type creatures. They're saved by Jack and his team who are determined to use every round of ammunition they have within the first five minutes, but remarkably discover they have enough for the rest of the film. Phew, that was lucky. Jack tells the surviving teenagers that the creatures are ZVs. What's that, they ask? Zombie-Vampires, he says. Yeah, really. Jack and his team are trying to wipe out all of the ZVs before they can reach heavily populated areas and cause their condition to spread across the whole country. The film quickly deteriorates into a series of badly orchestrated shoot-'em up scenes which smacks of the producers having a SFX budget that, by God, they were going to use. The humans quickly die off until only Summer (Cameron Goodman, no relation) is left and (surprise, surprise) she forges a relationship with Jack. Summer? Some Buffy reference, perhaps? I guess so, and that's what the tone of the film felt like: it was trying to give nods to so many other genre references that it didn't really have an identity of its own. There are many issues with The Dead Undead; the casual acceptance of the teenagers to their predicament not least amongst them. The characters are so two-dimensional that I swear on a couple of occasions when they turned to the side you couldn't see them. The use of laboured flash-backs to show the audience how the Nightwalkers came to be what they are was sooooooo badly done, the person I had watching the film with me asked if it was supposed to be a comedy. The 'Viking' flash-back reminded me of a poor pastiche of the live role-playing scenes in Role Models, it was so poorly done. Oh, and by the way, the two 'Vikings' were named Ares and Gabrielle – I guess they felt that going all-out and calling the woman Xena was a step too far. And the ending (such as it was) was sign-posted so far off that when it came I was just glad it was all over: Jack believes in a mythical place where the blood of a Nightwalker can be used to bring them back to life – or unlife, I suppose – it wasn't clear which. And quelle surprise one of Jack's buddys turns up to save the day (deus ex machina, anyone?) and he tells Jack that he's found the second parchment which leads to the mythical place. Jack then turns to Summer and asks if she wants to 'go on a trip?' 'Yeah', she says with a big smile, 'we could do that.' Hello! You're friends have all just been horribly killed and mutilated, and you're treating this as a date? Good God, woman. Anyway, cue The Dead Undead part deux. Although why beats the hell out of me. Oh and Luke ... you owe me nothing. Nothing at all.
Boloxxxi Dull, amateurish, zombie effort about a group of militia vampires who are trying to eradicate other vampires who've become infected from drinking bad cow's blood and who are now on a rampage as "zombie vampires". The movie begins with a bunch of young people (of the vacuous type you've seen in countless horror flicks) stopping at an out-of-the-way hotel out in the woods some place (hmmm...that can't be good). What they don't know, at least right away, is that the whole area is crawling with zombie vampires and that they have in fact landed in a war zone of uninfected vampires vs. infected vampires or "zompires" (I'm calling them). The former is armed to the teeth and the latter is just running around crazy.This movie does not want for firepower and the number of zombies running around loose. I'll say that much for it. However, I'll also say that if you spent an hour and a half tracing the lines in the palm of your hands it would be as interesting as this movie if not more so. I can only surmise that the people who made this film believe in "shooting first and writing a decent script later". I would have gladly taken half the shooting and zombies in this movie for a more interesting story of which there wasn't much beyond what I've outlined; just a bunch of heavily armed people out in the woods somewhere playing soldier vampires hunting zompires. That's the plot. As a respite from all the dull shooting and fighting, there are some EVEN DULLER, disruptive, amateurish intervals traveling back in time to explain how some of the militia vampires became vampires (Who cares!). That's like me wanting to know the life story of uninteresting people.So there you have it. In my opinion you're better off staying home watching a couple of Tom & Jerry cartoons or playing some computer games than wasting time with this. Although there was one point in the movie (hardly sufficient to warrant you going to see it) where, in the course of explaining themselves to 2 non-vampires, the vampires were asked what they did for a living and one responded that one of them "sold stuff on Ebay". For some reason that cracked me up. And ironically, I viewed that "getting acquainted little chit-chat moment" as the best part of this dull, trigger happy film. Go figure. Love, Boloxxxi.
Bobby Raja (acapulsky) I watched this movie last night out of boredom. The movie has a pretty decent story line but loads of flaws e.g. if they had focused more on the ZV's(zombie vampires), as they are referred to in the movie, rather than on the guns and bullets used it would have turned out to be much better. The story starts interesting but after 10 minutes into the film quickly diminishes and you end up wondering when it would end(not a great sign). Talking about the cast, I remember Luke Goss from Blade II(Nomak) and Hellboy II(Prince Nuada), both roles were played extremely good especially in Hellboy. He had really good action scenes in both movies and I really enjoyed the ones in Hellboy II..but having said that, the action sequences in this movie are pretty bad. There is a part where Luke gets to fight a whole bunch of ZV's...well I could not believe it was the same guy from what I had witnessed in the other mentioned movies. There are parts in the movie where the director took the liberty of showing how each one of the good guys became vampires, starting from vikings, going through the jungles in Vietnam and ending up in the wild west. I found it pretty funny but it was a good effort and with some good visual effects(which BTW the movie lacks) would have made a good impact on the movie. With a bigger budget this movie could have got somewhere but as it is it will not be ending up in my collection and I would not recommend it to anyone. Watch it if you are really bored and don't have anything better to do.