Primal Rage
Primal Rage
| 31 July 2018 (USA)
Primal Rage Trailers

A newly reunited young couple's drive through the Pacific Northwest turns into a nightmare as they are forced to face nature, unsavory locals, and a monstrous creature, known to the Native Americans as Oh-Mah.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
BOGEMSKY What a total mess this is! An ex-convict, his blonde girlfriend, a pack of hunters, a couple of native american police officers and -I guess- Bigfoot stars this garbage, which includes a very cheap disguise of the monster, a long -and inexplicable- scene where the couple is naked, letting their clothes dry, after having fallen from a mountain and a extended Native American ritual.This has to be money laundering, otherwise, I can't explain how someone can green light a project like this rubbish.
rayzor-48900 Yes, it's not going to be an Academy award winner but it's fun to watch. Reminds me of the 1990s creature feature films. The killing scenes are pretty cool too. Little to none CGI meaning practical effects are great. Just grab a popcorn, sit back and enjoy the mindless gore. We need a sequel: Oh Mah vs. Predator
TheLittleSongbird Was drawn into seeing 'Primal Rage' with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive. 'Primal Rage' is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. As a film it's lacklustre, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too). Having said that it is one of the better bigfoot/sasquatch films out there, which generally have not fared well at all on film.Lets start with the positives. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky and 'Primal Rage' is surprisingly well shot.A few nice and creepy kills and the effects are surprisingly fairly reasonable.Unfortunately, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague and under-explained. Especially in the interminably drawn out and stupid last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. There is far too much of an emphasis on the Indian mysticism angle, which tonally gave off a weirdness and made things muddled and difficult to take seriously.Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés and no depth whatsoever (definitely one of the worst assets), while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags with very little going on worth caring about. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the complete lack of tension and suspense, cheapened by the dull pace and sometimes gratuitous gore effects. There are a good deal of underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. There is not enough threat here and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, it is completely unimaginative and more odd than creepy, with little sense of horror or urgency. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden, inexperience seems to be all over the film. There is little creativity or anything shocking.Other than the dialogue, the acting was the worst asset apart from the hunter, a role attacked with gusto. The two leads, especially the male, are wooden and emotionless and have no chemistry together in sketchy roles and exposition-heavy development not worth investing in. The sound and editing are not great.The sound is intrusive and obvious, with some of it happening in random places. The editing is haphazard and affects the coherence of some of the goings on and story structure.Overall, lacklustre but far from unwatchable. 4/10 Bethany Cox
Randall-Flagg01 Puzzled at the 1 and 2 star reviews. What did you expect? This a good throw-back creature feature with some really decent gore. Yeah, its a guy in a gorilla suit and the ending resembles Predator 1& what? Sit back and enjoy some mindless entertainment.