R | 14 May 1988 (USA)
Catacombs Trailers

In the 17th century, an order of monks in Italy capture and entomb a demon that has possessed a member of their group. 400 years later, school teacher Elizabeth Magrino visits the monastery in order to do some research. What she and the current monks do not realize is that the evil hiding within the catacombs has unwittingly been released.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
a_chinn I'm usually a big fan of cheesy Charles Band horror productions, but this was was pretty bad. The story is about a demon trapped in a monastery 400 years ago who gets inadvertently released. This film is lacking any kind of knowing campiness, which makes most Band productions unpretentiously entertaining, with camp ranging from subtle, such as "From Beyond," to the ridiculous (and ridiculously fun) "Killjoy" films. This production simply did not have the budget or behind the scenes talent to pull off something like "The Exorcist" or "The Church," which this film clearly wanted to be. The film does boast a classy score by Pino Donaggio, but that's about it.
stancarter The creepy catacombs are a treat for the eye, and so is Laura Schaefer, and I'm definitely saving my DVR recording of this movie. But if you like logic in your films, you're in the wrong catacomb. Brother Marinus warns the other monks about the demon running loose, and the brothers think he's crazy. If they believe in God, why don't they believe in demons? And when a monk doing research in the catacombs dies, no one seems to notice he's missing (unless that was edited out of the TV version). And why isn't Elizabeth more alarmed when her nose suddenly starts bleeding and sand (?) starts pouring down from the ceiling? And if this demon is so powerful that he can kill at a distance by waving his arms, why doesn't he stop Father John when he grabs that shiny mirror thing? And if Father John knows the mirror-thing is the key to defeating the demon, why doesn't Brother Marinus know that? And where is Elizabeth during the final battle? And why did she visit the monastery in the first place? That was never really fully explained (but again, that might have been edited out). But despite the illogic, I love this movie, especially since goodness triumphs in the end -- without the cop-out of evil getting the last laugh, which is such an annoying cliché in so many horror flicks.
chaosnbeer Catacombs (Curse IV on video) is a boring religious drama that is trying to pass itself off as a horror movie , it pretty much isn't. It involves an albino demon who is the only interesting thing this film offers , oh and Jesus murders a priest for eating a candy bar..that was dandy. This movie pretty much has the look and feel of those cheesy cheap movies that church's and evangelist produce warning people they are sinners. Only 84 minutes it feels like it's 3 hrs , and it also feels like hours are going by without any action at all. I'd avoid this one2/10
aaronzombie First of all this isn't CURSE IV. It was filmed in 1988 under a different title, but wasn't released to video until 1993 under the title CURSE IV: THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. Anyway, this is a lame thriller with cheap special effects, no suspense, and a laughable monster. The only good things are that the plot is o.k. and the actors are decent, but the film is just plain boring. ** out of *****. I don't really consider this part of the CURSE series, since 1-3 are much better.