It Takes Two
It Takes Two
PG | 17 November 1995 (USA)
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Identical 9-year-olds from very different backgrounds: orphaned Amanda and wealthy Alyssa meet at summer camp and decide to switch places -- and play matchmaker between Alyssa's dad, Roger, and the kind social worker who cares for Amanda.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
nwilkie-34702 I was so pleased to see this laugh-a-minute romp, fun for the whole family! The Olsen twins are as charming as ever, the characters have depth, and the plot was beautifully complex and unpredictable. I was miffed to see a flagrantly inaccuate portrayal of the therapeutic administration of fluoxetine (Prozac). As you well know, dear reader, fluoxetine is a long-acting first generation selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It is still used today, it's efficacy being as timeless as the plot to "It Takes Two". The mechanism is still poorly understood, however what we do know is it usually takes 4-8 weeks to reach therapeutic efficacy. Why, then, did Ms. Kensington take one of the wedding-goers' Prozac as an anxiolytic prior to her wedding? "That would be entirely ineffective!" you might say. You'd be right. I hope in future Olsen twins movies we will see more appropriate medical humor. Thank you for your time.
artmargo Very enjoyable film! I watched it back in 1996 and I loved this film. The Olsen twins made great job the same like Kirsty Alley and Guttenberg. After this movie I became a fan of Kirtsy Alley and Olsen twins. One of their best movies. Since then I got it on the tape. I still watch it sometimes and it brings me back to the childhood when I was a kid of 10 years old.It is a simple film about twins that meet and want to change the worlds. Lots of laugh, funny situations and quotes. A summer vacation begin. Nice shots, very good script. A movie to learn from. This film is very suitable for kids. Good actors, cast, screenplay and action! A movie for whole family!
George Attwood IT TAKES TWO (1995) ***1/2 One of the first Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen vehicles, it's a nice little family film which the young and young at heart will enjoy. The story, which seems to resemble that of 'The Parent Trap', has the Olsen twins play opposites in social standings - Mary-Kate, an orphan who lives in a foster system; Ashley, the daughter of a well-to-do millionaire - who cross paths at a summer camp. In hopes of getting a taste of a different lifestyle, they trade lives for the weekend, and their caretakers don't deduce they're both taking care of different girls. The production's whole is not extremely intelligent by any means, but noteworthy Steve Guttenburg and Kirstie Alley are very watchable in their roles.
Sandcat2004 When I used to live in LA in 1995 I went and saw this movie in the theatre. Now, given I was 19 years old at the time (and a guy), it seemed a little odd that I would go see this. Of course, that year I saw so many movies that it bordered on the ridiculous. Although Kirstey Alley has had a spotty movie career, I still like her (remember the ridiculous "Madhouse" with John Laroquette?). I have never liked the Olsen twins. I find them almost creepily unattractive and hammy in terms of their acting (this is prior to their growing into pin-up model). Anyhow. When I saw this at the Hollywood Galaxy I was surprised how welldone it was for its genre that relies on heavy-handed cliches. Granted, there are so many standard scenes that have been recycled over and over again. Yet, so many films are like that and that should not negate them from becomingeffective viewing experiences. Alley and Guttenberg are quite believable intheir chemistry, and shocking the Olsen twins are cute (even if they have poor delivery in much of their dialogue). This movie is not groundbreaking, but for its use of conventions it works quite well. Even if you are not a family man/women there is enjoyment in this film.Although the comparison to "Home Alone" is a credibility stretch, it is satisfying if you like that film. I was not sure who directed it until I looked it up and realized it was an Andy Tenant film. He is not necessarily an auteur director, but has had some nice moments in some of his films (which the exception of thedisappointing "Anna and the King;" is it possible to have chosen a less suited director for that film-- Jodie what were you thinking?) Tonight I saw that "It Takes Two" was on HBO Family and decided to watch it. I thought it would be background noise while I did other chores, but I wassurprised to find myself drawn into the film. Everything I enjoyed about it the first time I saw it over ten years ago worked just as well, and sometimes better. Don't discount this film because of the cast, premise, or even a dislike for Tenant. It is a cute movie that is filled with cheesy charm, cliched scenes, but they all work.I am shocked, especially given the tightness of the film, that it didn't do too well. It wasn't a flop, but it seems like it should have launched a feature film career for the Olsen twins; instead, they made their fortune on those awful direct to video sleuth films, and eventually tropical locale movies showing off their budding sex appeal (which I don't really get-- but being gay I guess that negates my lustful desires).Bottom line: See this film if you want some nice cheesy fun and don't mindfamily films. It is a good break from watching "Blade Runner," "Punch DrunkLove," and "Gattaca."8 out of 10n (for the genre....not comparatively speaking with great filmmaking).Thanks for reading the longest, most winded commentary on a simple film thatwill soon be forgotten in the years to come, unless the Olsen's have a film boom with "New York Minute."Note: Non-sequitor.... Watch "Idle Hands" with Devon Sawa and "The Hidden,"a great 80's cop-hunting alien movie with Kyle MacLaughlan.Take care...... blah blah blah Also: Since "Master and Commander" is notreally doing well in regards to its cost.... go see it. It is one of the best films of the year (Peter Weir's triumph).... "21 Grams" and "In America" are also good. If you like unique unique narrative structures not centered around drama and plotspoints, "The Company," Altman's latest is also beautiful. Long-winded guy is now done.... :P