Passport to Paris
Passport to Paris
G | 09 November 1999 (USA)
Passport to Paris Trailers

Sent to Paris to visit their grandfather, the twins fall in love with France, not to mention two French boys.

Micitype Pretty Good
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Katie This movie is deliciously cheesy, and undoubtedly a childhood favorite. If you're looking for a "quality" film, you obviously won't find it here-- but that's the whole point of Mary-Kate and Ashley's movies. They aren't really meant to be quality. They're meant to ooze a sort of hokey charm that you can't help but roll your eyes at. They aren't meant to be taken seriously, and obviously the general population takes itself too seriously to see that."Passport to Paris" is chock-full of poorly written dialogue, cheesy editing, and a ridiculous plot-- which I can say all only continue to contribute to its hilarity.It isn't meant to be a prestigious indie film, so why treat it as such? If you have the guts to stop being a self-titled "film aficionado" for 90 minutes or so, I suggest that you lay your pride aside and let yourself chuckle at the "so-bad-it's-good" essence that encompasses this movie.
KevinB12 I have seen this movie and I did not care for this movie anyhow. I would not think about going to Paris because I do not like this country and its national capital. I do not like to learn french anyhow because I do not understand their language. Why would I go to France when I rather go to Germany or the United Kingdom? Germany and the United Kingdom are the nations I tolerate. Apparently the Olsen Twins do not understand the French language just like me. Therefore I will not bother the France trip no matter what. I might as well stick to the United Kingdom and meet single women and play video games if there is a video arcade. That is all.
AngusYoungBinge Everyone knows that the Olsen twin movies from 1999 and on have had one basic plot: the girls go to a touristy foreign country, meet two hot guys, kiss them a couple of times, wear great fashions, have 'exciting adventures', and then go home after a couple of weeks.Well, this is one of their better ones.When I was little I loved Mary - Kate and Ashley, so of course I saw this movie. Basically, two twin girls named Mel and Ally Porter go to France to stay with their grandfather with their parents hoping that they'll pick up a little culture. After the first few days the girls almost get hit by those two 'hot Perisian boys', meet a supermodel, and manage to effect the way things are going on in their grandfather's house.While Mary - Kate and Ashley's acting is so - so, the real talent comes from the other cast members. Brocker Way is excellent as Jean, Ashley's interest throughout the movie. Yvonne Scio and Matt Winston are also funny as Brigitte (the supermodel) and Jeremy, the man assigned by their grandfather to watch the girls.It may be stupid, but if you've got nothing better to watch on the weekend then I suggest you give it a try.
DirrtyX_84 Now, I watched this when I was hungover one Sunday and my auntie and uncle were visiting one day with my 2 cousins (one was 11, the other 9). We stuck on the TV and Passport To Paris had just started. My cousins both had said that they watch Two Of A Kind sometimes and I said they could watch the film if they liked. Since I was in no fit state to get up, I just stayed in the living room with them and ended up watching the film! I have to say, as a person who has no interest in those kinds of TV shows or films, I actually enjoyed it... it must have been the alcohol lol but I do admit, it would probably only appeal more to girls aged between 6 and 13, but it was a movie to pass the time. There's always a movie or a show that you don't think you'll like, but for a laugh, you enjoyed it.