Billboard Dad
Billboard Dad
| 06 February 1998 (USA)
Billboard Dad Trailers

High above Hollywood Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are playing Matchmakers! One's a surfer. The other's a high diver. When these two sisters team up to find a new love for their newly single Dad, it's a fun-loving, eye-catching California adventure gone wild. Mary-Kate and Ashley star in this fabulously funny love-struck comedy filled with crazy schemes and cool surprises. Determined to find their Dad, Max, a new love, the girls paint a personal ad on a giant billboard in the heart of Hollywood. After a few disastrous dates, Max finally meets Brooke and it's love at first sight. There's just one hitch, her unruly skateboarding son is the girls' arch rival. Now, with the girls plotting every action-packed step of the way, they've got to find out if love really does conquer all. Full of outrageous events, mixed-up matches and lots of laughs, Billboard Dad tops the charts as Mary-Kate and Ashley's coolest mischief-making adventure ever!

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
bethlaubenthal Maxwell Tyler is an overworked single artist. His girls, Emily and Tess, see how much he has changed since their mother died. The girls are on a mission to help their father find true love again. They paint a billboard to advertise their dad. It makes the news. Their father is not all that happy about it. Maxwell's agent is a shady character. Maxwell's agent tries everything to discourage potential relationships between Maxwell and other women. Emily and Tess soon catch on to that. Although I don't watch many Mary-Kate and Ashley movies, I really liked this one. Emily and Tess have a sense of duty to their father, to help him regain a part of his life that was destroyed when his first wife died. It is a touching story with a surprising ending. This movie is aimed at the younger generation of viewers. However, I would recommend it to anyone.
mmartins-1 Aaaaaa i just finished watching this movie and oh my. wow. that was. just. so. gosh darn. horrible. I mean it started out kind of good, kind of interesting story line but then wow. they just took a hatchet to its neck. I mean they killed it. How anyone who acted in that movie is still earning money in any sort whatsoever is beyond me, especially Nigel. He was bad at monologuing, singing, and acting for Christ's sake. I mean whenever he opened up his mouth, it was just awkward. you just want to pull your hair out whenever he talks. wow. everyone involved in that movie should be ashamed of themselves. The Olsen twins better be thankful to god that their good looking because if they weren't wow. they would be nowhere after that movie.
helpless_dancer The 2 cutest kids in the world decide to help their dad rope in a mate by advertising his stats for all the world to see....much to dad's chagrin. Naturally, this leads to adventures for the girls and romance for dad. The usual stuff from the Olsons': in other words, no great shakes, but a fun time just the same.
Willow192 Is it just me, or are all of Mary-Kate and Ashley's movie exactly the same? How many more times can I see them in a family where the mother is dead, and the dad is raising them while trying to find some happiness of his own. I'm tired of seeing them trying to switch places to get their dad to meet the girl of his dreams. The movie was so horrible that you could drive a truck through the plot holes. Like...if Ashley was so horrible at diving...what would make her all the sudden have a better dive than her sister who is like the "almighty champion" of diving? And how would a 12 year old little freak wannabe have a tattoo and an eyebrow ring? The only thing that's cute in this movie is Mary-Kate and Ashley's hair. Save you money and watch it on FOX Family.