Winning London
Winning London
G | 27 March 2001 (USA)
Winning London Trailers

When Chloe and Riley Lawrence are invited to London to participate in the international Model U.N. competition, they enjoy seeing the sights and head over heals romance with cute british boys of course.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
erogroove I love this movie!!! It may be because i am in Model U.N. and i am the U.K. (which is the country they are). Anyway it is good but real off. I mean the conference is nothing like the real ones. For one you usually don't go all the way to London to have it and you are only on one council and they were on crisis council (when they got kidnapped) and some other ones. Also there is no way they could have just switched country. You have to write a position paper and a speech and all that. It was really a disgrace to the real Model U.N. but it is still a really good movie. This movies really good but if you want to watch a movie about the real Model U.N. this isn't it.
Black_fishy This film is fun! If you are one of those people who only like films you have to think about then don't watch this film. In fact don't watch any of the Olsen twin's films but don't watch them and then whine about how bad they are. You knew what they would be like before you watched them so don't complain afterwards!!! But if you just want a laugh and a feelgood film then watch this!!! I have to admit I don't mind the Olsen twins and I quite like this kind of movie, you know predictable but fun. So if you are like me and sometimes like to watch films just to watch them and not to think then this film is perfect for you!! It has love, cheery actors and a happy storyline!!!!!!!!!!!!
nygurl1687 I love this movie. I can watch it over and over. The twins were great in this movie. There were great jokes and memorable quotes. I am a huge fan of the Olsen twins and am looking forward to many more movies. I know we each have our own opinions and I don't care what anyone else says this was a great movie.
AgntAeon This film was a bit of a change to the twins' usual charade of marketing-infested "hey we don't care, we're rich!" junk. It certainly stands out from others I've watched like When in Rome and Holiday in the Sun.It didn't seem fake at all, most stuff that they do they try to pull it off like it's a normal thing, but most teens don't go around in limousines and private jets. This one was believable, the whole gang looked like actual tourists and took cabs all over the joint. The only thing that really didn't seem right at all was one of the actors had the most fake and put on British accent I have ever heard. Being directed by Craig Shapiro and because I've seen Our Lips Are Sealed too, there's a couple traits in there that I knew what was going to happen before the whole scene had finished. Although I don't blame them, I'm not too bright on cockney rhyming slang either.Overall, it's predictable, it's funny in places, and it has a happy ending.All the things a romantic comedy should be.