PG | 03 March 2006 (USA)
Aquamarine Trailers

Two teenage girls discover that mermaids really do exist after a violent storm washes one ashore. The mermaid, a sassy creature named Aquamarine, is determined to prove to her father that real love exists, and enlists the girls' help in winning the heart of a handsome lifeguard.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
GazerRise Fantastic!
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
lagfox This is the worst movie I have ever seen, the acting is terrible, the characters are lame and it's just...UGHHH!! It's a lame movie and most of all a waste of time! Did I also mention that it killed TEN of my brain cells per minute?! This movie is cancer! Stay away from this crap pile!
kalendra274 9/10 stars What a great movie.I started to regret this movie at the beginning, because I thought it was going to be another old typical chick flick, but I was wrong, I surprisingly enjoyed it.This movie is more than a chick flick, it's about true friendship and love, confronting your fears and sticking to your to friends no matter what. That was really great.It gives you a mixture of feelings, it makes you laugh, cry, wonder and also gives you butterflies.And what's also great about this movie is that the plot was steady, simple and solid (or you can call it "SSS") and it didn't have too much plots, so that it excellent.The performances were all splendid, but Sara Paxton (Aquamarine) did a phenomenal role of playing a mermaid who's looking for love and she is very amusing and lighthearted too. So well done.This movie is perfect for a sleepover or a Girls' Night Out or even if you want to have some "me time" it's perfect for that as well.Another point, about this movie is that, it gives a great message to you as well, that always be a true friend to your friend/s and always support them and also help them no matter what. That is what makes a great friend. Which is a important message for girls.Overall, a wonderful romantic comedy, with great performances and a great plot. It also gives you a fantastic feeling in your heart and leaves you with an important message. So well done cast and crew, this movie was definitely a success.
Dingataca Aquamarine is about two preteen girls who rescue a stranded mermaid and find themselves giving her lessons in love. Aquamarine (Sara Paxton), the mermaid, who is trying to escape from her serious father and pending sea marriage, needs to find love in 3 days or she will have to return to the ocean to be married. Claire (Emma Roberts) and Hailey (JoJo), two girls who live on the beach, decide to help her, and together they try to get the new hot lifeguard Raymond (Jake McDorman) to fall in love with Aqua.Performance wise, this movie lacked a lot. Sara Paxton as Aquamarine was the only half-good thing in this movie, along with the creepy caretaker Bruce Spence. Emma Roberts as Claire was pretty annoying - I don't like her weird little show Unfabulous, and I don't like her here. As Julia Roberts's niece I would have expected more. JoJo wasn't anything great either, I'm not a fan of her music, and after this, I'm not a fan of her acting. Jake McDorman suited his part at Raymond (in terms of looks - he's kind of cute), but his hair-flipping and showoff/jock accent got on my nerves.I'm a big fan of The Little Mermaid, but this adaptation, to be honest, sucks. The ending is a little unpredicted but very cliché. I guess for young girls (or really feminine boys...whatever floats your boat) up to age 10 or 12, it would be okay, perhaps even good. But anyone else, I'd avoid this at all costs.
unapalomablanca Aquamarine tells the story of a young under-the-sea kingdom princess who meets up with two girls. She wishes to show her father the concept of love, but in the process, the girls encounter a love quadrilateral, the b-girls and an angry town.When it comes to the positives, costume design is definitely the best. Aquamarine's tail was so amazing, and all the costumes she wears flatters her character.Now here's the fun part...The movie offers a very cliché storyline. Definitely this alone makes the most scrutinizing viewers find it dry. What is this? Little Mermaid without the animation? Cecilia in this movie looks like she just had Botox. Honestly, the b-girls look like they should be playing roles older than what they play here. Makeup is definitely challenged here.Aquamarine offers young girls a movie to love and praise, but definitely not a movie to imitate! I wouldn't want my daughter to see this film and end up looking for love like it's some sock under her bed. The movie's somewhat clad in stupidity and some scrutinizing viewers might find this-- uncomfortable. Costume design saves this movie from total wreck.Final say? This is definitely the female version of "Dude, where's my car?"
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