Lovestruck: The Musical
Lovestruck: The Musical
| 21 April 2013 (USA)
Lovestruck: The Musical Trailers

Harper was one of the best dancers to hit Broadway, but an injury caused her to leave the spotlight, become a choreographer, and raise her daughter Mirabella. When Mirabella decides to quit the show to get married, her mother is determined to put a stop to the wedding and show Mirabella that she cannot give up her career for love.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
normabacke When I want a movie that simply entertains, I am often disappointed with a movie with foul language or a dark movie when I was promised a comedy. This movie was an absolutely delightful surprise in that it entertained from start to finish. The effects and scenes were not silly but sweet and the music and dancing were icing on the cake. Good acting all around and solid light-hearted entertainment.
Don Mitchell I liked this musical. Maybe it's because I'm old, but I thought Jane Seymour was very attractive & fun to watch. She was the main reason I tuned this in. Everybody in the cast did a good job, but I do agree with the other reviewers that the lead male, the bridegroom, was a major disappointment- he just had no real appeal or depth.The musical numbers rocked, especially Usher's Dj. The story did leave a lot of unexplored territory, which I attributed to Disney family format. The main plot seemed to be a girl getting married, her independence & resolving family issues. Lovestruck is a breezy, light-hearted romp with a good soundtrack. Feel-good flick, never bogs down.
Jeffrey Roegner Lovestruck: The Musical is the latest in the recent string of made-for- cable musicals and the first of it's kind for ABC Family. Itemploys the "Glee" idea here and covers popular songs as well as original ones, and features such songs as "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston "Like A Virgin" by Madonna, "Everlasting Love" by Robert Knight, and "DJ Got Us Falling In Love" by Usher. The storyline is rather silly. A selfish Broadway choreographer and producer travels to Italy to sabotage her daughter's wedding, and ends up drinking a potion that turns her young. Through a series of events, her ex-husband also turns young by drinking the potion and they have to right the wrongs that she did while trying to sabotage everything. The cast is what pulls this one off. Jane Seymour plays the older Harper and Chelsea Kane plays the younger. Kane gets most of the screen time and is engaging and fun to watch. Her singing is mediocre, but her dancing is competent. Seymour may not have been the best casting choice (had I been doing the casting I'd have gone with Bebe Neuwirth). Her singing is dubbed and her dancing is the weakest in the film. Sara Paxton plays the daughter getting married and has an awful solo song that is heavy with auto-tuned production. Paxton, who has always been a favorite of mine, is a competent singer and does not need the auto-tune. Adrienne Bailon is also here as Paxton's horny best friend and maid of honor. Bailon adds her expert vocals to a few songs and also serves a purpose to the plot, unlike Mary J. Blige in "Rock of Ages" who served no purpose in that film. Drew Seeley and Tom Wopat play the ex husband in his younger and older forms. Wopat lays on the comedy thick, and Seeley has never been more charming. He gets to show off his great dancing and singing in the highlight number of the film "DJ Got Us Falling In Love", a duet with Kane. It's also nice to see Wopat's singing skills not wasted. The cast is rounded out by Alexander DiPersia, who is unmemorable, if flat as Paxton's reformed philanderer husband-to-be.As a whole, Lovestruck is silly, and at times overly cutesy, but has several moments of amusing comedy and fun music. It seemed to get lost in it's musical numbers at times. "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" seems to go on forever, as did "Like A Virgin". It also seemed to be emulating "Mamma Mia" too much, with it's foreign locale and daughter getting married plot. Some of the choreography was hokey in the ending sequence (i.e. the cast bending into each other making a heart with their arms from the bride and groom to walk under). Despite a lot of it's flaws, I still found it to be an engaging hour and a half.
Leon Gisclair I rather enjoyed this movie. Sure, the plot's predictable, but the songs that they choose fit the scenes so well that it kinda makes up for it. With that being said, I think they sort of overdid the songs they had in the movie; sure, the performances were great, but they literally had a song in almost EVERY SCENE, which kind of bogged down the movie. But the part with the dad turning young was fun, especially the dance her and the mom do to Usher's DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love; it's probably the best part of the movie. All in all, it was a decent and kinda cute movie, but would probably have been better off as a Broadway musical. Just saying.