The Cheetah Girls: One World
The Cheetah Girls: One World
G | 22 August 2008 (USA)
The Cheetah Girls: One World Trailers

Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua are off to India to star in a Bollywood movie. But when they discover that they will have to compete against each other to get the role in the movie, will the Cheetahs break up again?

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
subxerogravity In my opinion, this was actually the best of all the Cheetah girls movie. I'm not saying that cause Raven-Simone is not in the movie, in fact that was its biggest flaw.But it definitely feels like they wanted to up the flavor of the movie in order to make us forget she was not there. The movie has more music from the cheetah girls which needed more music videos to promote the movie. So the film acts as one huge music video, using the story of the three remaining cheetahs going to Bollywood to star in a movie as inter cuts between them.Out of the Trilogy, the last one got the formula far more down pack than the first two. Strange, usually the first film is the best and they go down in quality after that, but Cheetah girls three sends the trilogy out on a high note.The music is not bad either.
jasminebarao I really didn't like the movie. Argh! It was a disappointment. Gosh. I liked the first and the second movie better.Loosing Raven as one of their casts really made the movie B-O-R-I-N-G. Although, shooting the movie in India was great. But still, the movie itself was really, really lame.They didn't even narrated why Galleria wasn't a part of the third movie. Not even a glimpse.My niece keeps on asking me why Raven was out of the picture because no clue or information in the movie was included.They should at least stated in the synopsis of the film why they didn't include Raven in the movie. Didn't they know that the kids who watched and will be watching that movie would ask? Doing so doesn't make them a really good film maker.
screen-name-1 Okay, so obviously I wasn't going to expect that a Cheetah Girls film would be 10-star material, but this is Ridiculous. Firstly, it seemed that the film was too short and simplistic. There was only one main plot line, and even that was kind of boring. The romantic subplots seem to be added as an after-thought. And even thought the film was only and hour and 30 minutes long, it was padded with songs. Mediocre songs. Speaking of the music, I think one other reviewer noted the lack of "Bollywood Music". As far as I could see, the "Indian Flavor" in the film's music was limited to a few generic tunes from a few generic Indian instruments in the background. It wasn't just the music either; it almost seemed like the Cheetah Girls watched one or two random bollywood flicks and decided to go to India. There was very little Rajasthani Culture displayed in the movie. Sure they ate some North Indian food (the kind you find in Western restaurants) and wore low quality saris, but that was about it. That was the extent of their "in-depth" travel to India. It kind of annoys me that everyone in the movie and this website assumed that India=Bollywood. Which, I assure you, is not true: that would be like saying all European movies are from France. And in response to Brian Camp, I could recommend some other bollywood movies, but not Aishwarya Rai. And I can only recommend Taal or Devdas for music, that's all. For more substantial films, I recommend "LAGE RAHO MUNNA BHAI"(2006) or "RANG DE BASANTHI" (2006). Or for some Indian movies that aren't from Bollywood: "ROJA" (1992), "ALAI PAYUTHEY" (2000), "GODAVARI" (2006), and "ANUKOKUNDA OKA ROJU" (2005).
marebare10 Unlike Brian Camp I thought the movie was at the best it could do and be, mainly because in Cheetah Girls 2 when they went to Spain I didn't see how in anyway it could hold my interest so in that case they failed. Except for the songs and some scenes. But in this movie it was easy to follow and there were no twists. This is a film that represents unity between 2 countries and that is the meaning of one world and together we sing one song. And just because they made the setting in Mumbai that does not mean they must exactly have to sing the songs in Hindu or whatever, I mean this is a film for children not only the people in India. Anyway this was an amazing film and tells about how 3 teens are moving on in to college and trying not to move into things that can destroy their friendship. I recommend this film to people who are interested in cultural things and are getting tired of the usual films expected from Disney Channel.