Raise Your Voice
Raise Your Voice
PG | 10 August 2004 (USA)
Raise Your Voice Trailers

A coming-of-age story centered around a small-town singer brokenhearted by the death of her brother in a car crash, who had secretly submitted her for a summer session at a performing arts academy in Los Angeles. In the academy, she experiences a whole new way of life in the big city, far from the small town lifestyle she's used to.

GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Nick Damian The story was boring and aside of from the violin player and the piano player, the rest of the musicians were pretty bad.She has a horrible voice and her screen performance isn't much better - in fact it is worse.Her songs are horrible in themselves - the lyrics are cheese and her voice makes them even worse.It's not that I'm picking on her - well maybe I am, but the movie just seems really pathetic with her and anybody who had any real presence doesn't get anywhere near the time they deserve.Uninspiring, boring and very slow and not entertaining. Watch something better like Back To The Future.
Conrad Carlo Venzon Whoa, this movie received mainly poor reviews from critics and did not live up to box office expectations garnering just $13,573,284....Now that's bad... But none of those critics saw the potential of this movie.... OK, the plot is a somewhat common in the world of movie industry. OK maybe many people expected more out of this. But think outside of the box for a moment. Watch the movie but first of all, take your egoistic-critic-character out when you do. Now, that's it.You would never see anything beyond what you think of it. Pay attention to the movie's moral lesson. Look at it closely. Then rate it...I, myself, have seen many movies that received really high reviews from critics but when I watched it, it doesn't really add up to the fact of its high ratings.I love this movie... Period... See it for yourselves but remember to throw away your... aw, you know it already so whats the point it saying it..
fastrunnergirl When it comes to Hillary Duff's acting, I give the film a 10/10. The depth of emotion she gives to her character is bottomless. When it comes to the plot, I give the film a 5/10. The plot is one of those familiar schmaltzy plots, but not awful. Her singing, however, I give a 2/10. Hillary's voice is fine for pop music, but if she was trying to pull off being an academically serious music student, she failed. I do not wish to sound pretentious, but when singing an Eighteenth Century Italian Aria, one must at the very least use proper Italian. No pop fan likes to hear an opera singer singing pop. Well no one who properly understands classical music wants to her a pop singer with bad diction, spread vowels, no breath support, bad posture, neck tension, and a locked jaw take her chest voice up higher than it's naturally supposed to go. Also, it was very clear that her voice had been edited and enhanced. The significant number of missing overtones make it clear that she should not be singing standard classical repertoire. Some pop singers would do well with classical repertoire because they have strong technique. Hillary Duff is not one of them. I have no problem with the premise of the movie and I think her acting is terrific, but if they wanted Hillary to be portrayed as doing well at a prestigious music program, then they should not have chosen Caro Mio Ben or the Hallelujah Chorus as music to have her sing.
chrissyj84 Hillary Duff (who else?)stars in this predictable, fluff piece, teen drama about a backwoods small town girl with an overprotective and over assertive father keeping his daughter with a singing dream from going to a prestigious music school (and experiencing all the evils of Los Angeles.) Family drama also ensues when her stupidity leads to the death of a family member. But of course she finds some way to get to the school and 'what a surprise!' She's too sweet and goodie goodie and no one likes her or has time to deal with her emotional wah wahs. Falls for cute foreign popular boy, has a run in with the school's resident biotch, and in the end becomes the most popular popstar wannabe there.Ugh, there was so much mushy sugar on this thing it made my teeth hurt. waste your time on something more productive to society, like finding the cure for dumb teenage starlets.