Cadet Kelly
Cadet Kelly
G | 07 March 2002 (USA)
Cadet Kelly Trailers

Hyperactive teenager Kelly is enrolled into a military school when her new stepfather becomes the Commandant. At first she has problems fitting in and taking orders until she tries out for the drill team.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Micitype Pretty Good
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
monikamolnos OK this movie needs some work. I know Hillary Duff was all cute and stuff in it, but honestly do 13-14 girls really act like that? She was all jumpy, hyper, and completely childish... I am sorry but I have never met a teen girl like that. Honestly, it needs work. Also the whole movie was a cliché, the beginning was "been there done that" and the ending you basically saw coming. The ending was also not logical, you may watch the movie on why, but I absolutely did not like the movie.This deserves a 3/10 because I don't want to be harsh, but I am pretty sure it might even be a 2/10. I don't recommend it.
nils-33 Kelly, a bubbly (well, ditsy) teenage girl is yanked out of her New York school by her incredibly selfish mother en dull stepfather and put in a military school. Her boring step-dad is the new headmaster you see, 'commandant' even. She doesn't like it at first, in a (as a lot of people have already mentioned) Private Benjamin kinda way. Hell, who can blame her, she had absolutely no say in this pretty drastic turn of events. When she's about to quit, her extremely self absorbed mom announces she's pregnant, and Kelly decides to make it work after all, so the baby(!) won't be upset. Luckily, there's the gun twirling team to sort her out. Believe me, it looks as lame as it sounds, but at least Kelly can now put her girlie girl skills to some good and decent military use. And, after jeopardizing the twirling contest to get her absentminded (and selfish) birth-father out of some non convincing danger she is finally turned into a fine specimen of Disney Jugend. Since this movie was made in this newest of millenniums, they don't actually win the contest, of course, but they are the moral winners.So, the message is this kids: Conform, but do it in a quirky way! Thank you Disney. Still, Hillary Duff and Christy Carlson Romano are irresistible as usual, so it is pretty fun to watch, if you like high school type movies, like I do. But if that's the case you're still better off watching Mean Girls or a John Hughes classic.
papabear1962 This was a great movie. Not only does it show the ability of a separated family to become an extended family that can function, I believe it also conveys some good life lessons as well. This is the type of movie I would have my children and eventual grandchildren watch. Although you see a lot of hype now days about actors and their own behaviors off the set, this was a great family flick that I think should be a classic family film for future fanilies to watch. Of course that is just one man's opinion. What is yours? Very well done. At the end it said dedicated to Carol Rubin. Can anyone tell me who she was? E-mail me at, Thanks.
Helly I couldn't believe my eyes when I came here and saw all the positive comments about this movie. For God's sake, it's a children's movie which presents an obligatory military school for kids in a positive light! Finally, I did find one reviewer who shared my views, but then I noticed that he was from Germany and most of the others were obviously from the States.Are you Americans really this different from us Europians? I have heard about your patriotic tendencies, but I'm still surprised. Isn't a militaristic Disney movie too much even for you? If not, I'm really concerned. Obviously, I would be regarded as a radical pacifist in your country, even though I'm a pretty mainstream person in my thinking here in Europe.