Legion of the Dead
Legion of the Dead
R | 25 October 2001 (USA)
Legion of the Dead Trailers

Two guys, handsome William and his side kick Luke have just started their trip through the beautiful California desert when they're kidnapped by the notorious Psycho Mike, The Kern River Killer. Securing their escape through hilarious means and the aid of an old friend they soon stumble into a small desert town where unbeknownst to them a mysterious tall Blond Man and his sadistic henchmen are killing people to create a Legion of the dead. Here's where it gets tricky. William falls in love with Geena, the beautiful waitress at the local restaurant and Luke spins out of control hormonally. The restaurant is suddenly attacked by the LEGION and the tall Blond Man gives an ultimatum to hand over Geena within two hours or he will personally come in to get her. What is the mysterious secret that Geena and the Blond Man share? The clock ticks as the ultimatum draws near. The fight against evil has just begun...

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Executscan Expected more
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
DigitalRevenantX7 Two stoners are on their way to a desert town to visit their cousin when they are picked up by a man offering them a lift in his car. But it turns out that the man is a psychotic killer. Their cousin tries to rescue them. Meanwhile a pair of astonishingly inept undead hit men are 'recruiting' people to become undead soldiers for their master Togaio, an evil immortal. Togaio is also after Geena, a female immortal who is the last member of her race, now working as a waitress in a bar. After being rescued from the psycho, the stoners & their cousin arrive at the bar at the same time as Togaio & his army. When their presence triggers one hell of an ugly barroom brawl, the stoners attempt to save Geena from Togaio. Legion of the Dead (or to use the on screen title, which is simply Legion) is perhaps one of the worst films I have ever seen. It really staggers belief that an extremely pathetic piece of trash like this would b e made in this day & age. The film is the directorial debut of visual effects artist Olaf Ittenbach (it would be ironically fitting that Ittenbach would later be doing effects work for fellow German filmmaker Uwe Boll on his film BloodRayne).You get a sinking feeling when the film starts with two stoners clearly stoned out of their mind having a ridiculous discussion about genitals, to the point that you wonder if Ittenbach is pulling your leg & making some kind of satire. Alas, that is not the case – the film tries to copy the success of Tarantino's early works (in particular Pulp Fiction), with two astoundingly inept & idiotic undead hit men killing people & having a running argument over the colour of their suits (one prefers the grey suits they are wearing but the other thinks they are ugly so makes the decision to get yellow suits). This madness grates on for what seems to be forever but is in fact one scene intercut with the plight of the two almost as stupid stoners being abducted & held prisoner by a crazed psychopath. Then we see the life of Geena, the friendly female immortal who has a sunny disposition & who cannot be killed except by a virus created by her opposite member.Having seen the film numerous times (in an effort to discern the almost totally insane plot), I can say with certainty that Olaf Ittenbach probably wrote a horror comedy but somehow lost control & the film was badly edited together to point that the story was jumbled up like a plate of spaghetti. Case in point the barroom brawl, which looks quite spectacular (particularly with the cool techno song playing in the background) but is the very definition of "mindless violence", mainly due to being incoherently edited & with several elements being left unexplained. The film ends on an equally incoherent ending that suggests some sort of time warp taking place.The acting is mostly bad. Matthias Hues is his usual self, making his role of Togaio the evil immortal quite good, although the only actors who comes close to matching him in the acting department are Kimberly Liebe as the good immortal & a madly glass-munching Christopher Kriesa who gives his role of the psychopathic killer some enthusiasm.
siderite This could almost become a cult movie. It involves idiots working with and against the powerful demon Tagaio, played by my favorite actor of all time: Mathias Hues. He played in so many bad US movies that his Germanic accent is almost gone.In this one, he doesn't even fight. He is just the comic relief. The other actors play their parts (of idiots) really well, completely immersing the viewer in the atmosphere of the movie. The end part is an almost exact replica of the From Dusk Till Dawn bar fights, and by exact I mean really funny and completely different.In the end (spoiler!!) Mathias Hues reveals his real identity: he is also an idiot, and the Legion of Idiots is finally defeated.Now really, a bad movie, with decent low budget effects and good film editing. But other than that, the script, acting and directing sucked. If you get really intoxicated with something, you might find it hilarious.
KHayes666 This movie pizzed me off. It shows flashes of being a great movie then fizzles out, then shows another flash then fizzles out again. It also seemed like a two part movie with the first part being the 2 idiots getting kidnapped by the rabid madman while 2 morons kill people for The Blonde Man (played by karate master Matthies Hues) I mean when you have a hot female lead character, chances are the movie will turn out OK but not this one.The second half of the movie was basically a From Dusk Till Dawn rip-off with the worst ending possible. After all the main character's friends are dead...instead of going into one on one combat with The Blonde Man (and probably getting killed giving his fighting background) he recites some mumbo jumbo and presto....turns out it was all a dream Talk about a waste of a promising movie. With a lot of touching up on the script this might have been a good movie, as it turned out it had more holes than swiss cheese 5 out of 10
nilsdalole I did not pick this DVD from the shop because of the stupid cover. That was a mistake. This film is brilliant if you like splatter or Tarantino humor. 5 stories put to getter in the end. Good actors too,special the unlucky vampire who is unlucky ALL the time,felling down stairs,driven over by cars and get shoot himself in the leg. If you like this kind of humor it is a killer. Saw it 3 times i a raw. Looking forward to the next film from this producer. I was surprise when i find out it was Garemies men how made it, shoo some scenes i Carlefornia and put up the rest in Dutchland. The first ten minuets is very boring, to be honest, but when it start, its a killer whit humor and action and splatter. The plot is that the legion of the dead need more soldiers, and for do that they have to kill them and so bring them to be vampire in the legion.