Love Wrecked
Love Wrecked
PG-13 | 21 January 2007 (USA)
Love Wrecked Trailers

18-year-old Jenny Taylor is ecstatic when she finds out that her favorite rock star, Jason Masters, is a guest at the tropical resort where she is working for the summer. When they are both thrown overboard during a Caribbean cruise, she saves his life and they find themselves stranded on a remote beach. Deliriously in love with the idea of time alone with him, she manages to hide the fact that they're a stone's throw away from their resort.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Taylor Butz Well, before I watched this movie, I'll admit I didn't have very high hopes for this "feature presentation" just by looking at the cover. But, I will also admit that if you come into this movie not expecting much, then you will enjoy it much more than if you expect a Academy Award out of this flick. There's nothing really wrong with this movie, it's pretty much about these kids on a tropical island paradise with rock star "hunk": Jason Masters. Jenny Taylor (Amanda Bynes) and this other girl come up with many wild and ridiculous schemes to win over Jason Masters. The jokes in this movie along with what they say can be pretty stupid, but that's why its an entertaining movie, because you just laugh at how dumb it gets in some parts. This movie hits the pinnacle of dumbness when Jason Masters states very eloquently to Jenny that, "You rock me babe, you rock me two times around the world."....What???? Must I say more? Well, overall, if you and your buddies want to entertain yourselves, and have a few good laughs, I would recommend this movie to you. But, if you're looking for a work of art that will change your perspective on the world, this movie will never satisfy your needs.
Robert W. I don't exactly know where Lovewrecked came from and I have to assume it was just a hobby for most of the cast and the director because there isn't anything amateur about director Randal Kleiser who has been directing for over 3 decades and helmed absolute classics and cult classics such as Grease, Flight of The Navigator and The Blue Lagoon. And Amanda Bynes has been up and coming and a terrific comedienne for quite some time really giving a hilarious performance in such great films like She's The Man and What A Girl Wants. Nonetheless here is Lovewrecked which is not quite a teen movie but ultimately turns into that and despite a rather amusing premise never really takes off the way you might hope. It would have made a better after school movie perhaps?? The most important thing to consider about Lovewrecked is that it's fluff...pure fluff and in this case that's not a bad thing. The film is watchable, it even has some rather amusing moments and it's as pure as the driven snow with nothing a parent need worry if their young ones watch it. There is no sexual content, no bad language, no really inappropriate humor with the except of a slightly crude 'fart' scene involving a noise maker which for once a 'fart' scene that was actually half decently amusing mostly because of Amanda Bynes.Amanda Bynes is still neat and tidy and just funny and cute in her role as star obsessed Jenny Taylor who has an unhealthy fascination with a rock idol Jason Masters. Bynes still has great comedic timing but the script doesn't exactly do her justice and she could do far better...we've seen far better from her but she makes some of the more flat jokes seem a little more funny and she brings life to what could have been a rather dull film. Jason Masters is played by former O.C. alumni Chris Carmack who does an okay job but his role and his performance is a little mundane and laid back. He has his moments playing the shallow and pampered star but overall you don't really get much from his character. Jonathan Bennett is a sadly underused addition to the cast as Jenny's best friend since child hood Ryan Howell who happens to be completely in love with Jenny despite her obsession with Masters but Jenny doesn't know. Bennett does a good job, much like Bynes, considering the script given to him which doesn't give him much to play with but as the underdog secret admirer he is really good and him and Bynes have great chemistry and I would love to see them do something of a higher caliber together. Lovely Soprano's actor Jamie-Lynn DiScala leaves her Jersey accent and tough girl demeanor behind to play the pampered and popular Alexis Manetti, Jenny's nemesis who is also obsessed with Masters and the two girls find themselves at each other's throat over him when they stumble upon him in real life. Bynes and Manetti have a great rivalry and I have to harp on the script again because the creators of the film lost out on what could be a great comedic rivalry between them. They have almost hilarious moments against each other but it's such a light movie that nothing ever takes off.The thing with Lovewrecked that so many people are having a problem with is that it's 'cute', and absolutely nothing more than that. You can't get any more out of it because it tends to be a shallow and short little film with a 'cute' story but little depth to it at all. But even still there are far worse things and the demographic for this film is probably far younger than what they anticipated making it appropriate and watchable for girls under 11. But they like movies too so that's fine and dandy but if you're looking for a romance for yourself or adults then this one isn't gonna fit the bill but if you want something the whole family can enjoy with no worries and no explanations needed then you could do worse than Lovewrecked. 6/10
Daniel I saw it at the 1st Annual Dominican Republic Int'l Film Festival at the Sun Village Resort in Puerto Plata (as already stated, this is the location where it was filmed). I thought it was pretty good. The version they showed us was still in a rough cut stage.It is most definitely a movie for fans of Amanda. I'm not a big fan but I like her acting style and her "cuteness factor." I would recommend the movie to anyone looking for a light hearted youthful sort of teeny-Hopper movie.As for the filming location, I would recommend Sun Village to anyone looking for a great Caribbean Vacation. :) Best, Dan Dan is an idiot! Second of all the movie was horrible, I can't stand those goofy faces that chick makes. And for anyone thinking about staying at Sun Village BEWARE. The food is disgusting, the beach and water are nasty and the drinks suck! Go to the Bahamas, you'll thank me later.
DICK STEEL My friend CK asked me to go along for this movie, as he's a huge Amanda Bynes fan, having followed her television series What I Like About You, and both of us agreed upon her comic potential in She's The Man, which was a pretty fun gender bender movie.With a title like that, there's nothing too cerebral about Lovewrecked. No, it's not a doomed spoof of the Love Boat, but the teenage romance here is quite as cheesy and predictable. Bynes stars as Jenny Riley, and we're quickly introduced to her character's idol worshipping of screen pop singing sensation Jason Masters (Chris Carmack), going totally bonkers during his concert, much to the detriment of best buddy Ryan (Jonathan Bennett).During their summer job at a Caribbean resort, she finds herself caught in a man-overboard situation with Jason, and the two of them thus began a Robinson Crusoe life - until of course Jenny discovers that they aren't really shipwrecked on some remote island at all, and keeps this as a secret from Jason. When her love rival participates in her little charade, it becomes like the reality TV series Survivor, where each have to outplay, outwit and outlast the other in order to get the affections of the lone pop star.Directed by Randal Kleiser of Grease and The Blue Lagoon fame, this movie too had Bynes strut around mostly in bikinis, the apparel of choice for any girl working at a resort / stuck in a desert island. Bynes still haven't lost her comic timing, however here she's let down by an extremely weak story, and an even more disappointing lack of laughs from the stilted comedy. There are comedic situations which either make you laugh, or make you laugh from how bad it is. Sadly Lovewrecked had more of the latter, and for one scene, had to rely on the toilet humour favourite of the fart sequence.As for the other characters, they're basically all one dimensional. The catty love rival, the handsome scheming nice-on-outside-unethical-on-inside pop star, the pining buddy, the mean resort manager, the horny colleague, the arrogant star assistants and minders, the list goes on. The Riley parents were such throwaway characters that you wonder if their inclusion was for the sake of extending the run time, which clocks in at a short 86 minutes.So unless you're a true blue Bynes fan, or have that penchant for teenage romance movies, do steer clear or you'll find yourself getting pretty bored at predictability.