Trojan War
Trojan War
PG-13 | 26 September 1997 (USA)
Trojan War Trailers

Brad is about to hook up with the girl of his dreams, but runs into a problem, no condom. So Brad sets out into the night to find one, running into many obstacles along the way, while not knowing his best friend, Leah is in love with him.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
bkoganbing I've always been a fan of Will Friedle, I think he's a very funny comic actor and at the time Trojan War was made he was just coming off years with Boy Meets World as Eric Matthews. He was the best one in the cast of that show.Trojan War is a film that's a decade behind the times, it's something that the 80s brat pack would have done. In fact a refugee of said pack Anthony Michael Hall has a small role as a psychotic bus driver. It reminds me a lot of Tom Cruise's Losin' It.Friedle plays this slightly nerdy kid who's funny in his own way if people actually listen to him. He's tutoring the teen dream girl of his life Marley Shelton when because she wants to make jock boyfriend Eric Balfour jealous she offers herself to him. But alas no protection so poor Friedle spends an adventurous night trying to get an elusive condom.Some funny scenes, but it really has been all done before. Especially by Tom Cruise and Anthony Michael Hall in their salad days.
whpratt1 A friend of mine told me not to see this film because it was going to be boring about the Trojan War and the story about the Trojan Horse. Good thing I paid no attention, he probably never heard of a Trojan Condom and it is a wonder he knew what they were used for. Anyway, this was a very entertaining film with lots of laughs and good acting by the entire cast. Jennifer Love Hewitt,(Leah Jones),"Garfield",'04 was very beautiful and did everything possible to get the attention of Brad Kimble,(Will Friedle),"Less Than Perfect",'04. Brad grew up with Leah and liked her very much, but his big dream was to score with Brooke Kingsley,(Marley Shelton),"Sin City",'05. Brooke was a chick that had everything in the right places and was very hot to trot in the fast lane for guys. Well to make a long story short, Brad Kimble went entirely crazy thinking about Brooke and a single CONDOM. Enjoy
ForReal84 It's a shame when there is a good movie and it never makes it in theaters. That's what happened with TROJAN WAR, it's a charming movie about a guy who is in love with a living, breathing barbie doll. Since the very day he first laid his eyes on her, his breath was taken away. Trying to achieve the one thing he has wanted to do forever, the movie centers on Brad's wild adventures all to get a condom. Along the way he encounters some of the strangest people ever to walk the face of the earth. In this some times over the top film, BOY MEETS WORLD funny man, Will Friedle plays Brad. He is very funny in this role. It is a stretch from his role on WORLD. Jennifer Love Hewitt plays the role of his best friend, who is in love with Brad. This is one of her best movies. Love's acting ability has never been a question, but this performance is one of her best, while it is not Oscar worthy, she embraces the character and took a simple role and owned it. Marley Shelton gets throw in the mix as the "eye candy", her role as Brooke has been done before. Although she is a good actress, this part could be played by anyone. The same has to be said for Eric Balfour, who is supposed to be the "Big" man on campus. There is nothing great about his performance. To add some comic spice, Danny Masterson and Jason Marsden play two strange teenagers trying to find that one special girl. Kathy Griffin has a small, but funny role. All of the acting is good. It could be worse, example Drive Me Crazy. The music only adds to the movie. All of the songs in some way find their place in the movie. TROJAN WAR is a fun film with laughs and even some touching moments. It's a story about wanting more, but not seeing what's right in front of you. Like the tagline say's, she has 24 hours to convince the guy of her dreams that she's the girl of his. It's a story for anyone who has been in love, a story about growing up, and a story about finding yourself and losing your head along the way. All in all it gets 3.5 stars out of 4.
goodbaddog Nifty movie! Will Friedle is fantastic. The film often drifted into extreme cheeseball territory, but Friedle kept it funny and charming nonetheless by shifting between frenetic and nonplussed as the scene needed. He's just enormously funny (though, a couple of scenes stirred up an interest in seeing him perform drama -- very charismatic actor). Danny Masterson and Jason Marsden were a hoot and a half as the film's Greek Chorus.This movie isn't a classic, per se, but I'll definitely rent it again, next time I'm in the mood for a good, light-hearted comedy!