Flight World War II
Flight World War II
NR | 02 June 2015 (USA)
Flight World War II Trailers

International Flight 42 is on course, when all of a sudden a massive and weird storm crops up around the plane. This sends the plane back in time to the year 1940- smack dab in the middle of WWII! Now, the crew and passengers must not only find a way back to their time, but fight off the Axis powers.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Ian Thompson I pride myself in knowing a bit about history, especially WW2. This movie insults the intelligence of most viewers. Where to begin...? Perhaps the reference to the raid on St Nazaire in 1940 (the British raided it in 42 and it was bombed through 45 due, mainly, to the sub pens). How about the ME-262's, not in service in 40' and when they were they weren't armed as depicted. I stopped watching when one of the cast stated that they were watching the invasion. Hire an historian next time.
Enrique Sanchez Forget all the naysayers who have NOTHING to say except the planes were not accurate or this plot line or that plot line should have not have been used, or should have been expanded upon. Let them write and finance their own movies, and we'll see.Apparently, a lot of people who think they should be in the movie business are clearly SUPERIOR to the rest of us. Let them scream in horror.THIS was a fun movie, full of tense moments and intriguing ideas that were delivered quite well to my eyes and mind. Maybe I am into mawkishness as another reviewer derided. I plainly do NOT care. This movie was an interesting ride and never wallowed in sweetness or pointless tangents that were not crucial to the story at hand.I recommend it highly to anyone who has not sunk in the mire of superciliousness in their own jaded lives.
phoenixinvictus Okay ....... first of all there are loads of historical errors but it's a sci-fi movie!! The writers didn't care about historical accuracy and neither should the viewer. A group of people get sucked into a vortex that transports them through time to smack in the middle of WWII. There are moral dilemmas and heroic acts from everyday people who rise above their selfish needs and then there's the usual jazz that comes with time travelling plots. I thought the movie was very entertaining if you suspend belief and it's loads of fun from beginning to end. The acting is pretty good considering that it's a low budget flick. Just don't demand or expect too much from a movie with cheap special effects.
rickiemjames It is not that bad! You and I have turned allot worse off - switched channels...! It is B movie but done very well! Like B movies from the 50's but with a bigger budget.The acting is real- no over the top - you cannot be serious you got a job as an actor, Acting! AGAIN it is a B MOVIE!Who cares who made it-Company-backers, respect what it is!I never watch TV- follow "corp feed bs". But when someone does good work regaurdless of what they were handed. I think respect needs to be had! No I had nothing to do with this film- know anyone involved!I just know a good B Movie!AGAIN IT IS A B MOVIE!