Last Knights
Last Knights
R | 03 April 2015 (USA)
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When an evil emperor executes their leader, his band of knights – bound by duty and honour – embarks on a journey of vengeance that will not come to an end until they've destroyed their mortal foe.

Alicia I love this movie so much
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
jamalking15 Although building slow, it draws greatly on the ethical struggles a warrior faces when under the authority of big government. When one pledges allegiance to leaders, then the leaders become corrupt. Conscience, character and loyalty are displayed carefully and in good detail to keep those interested who value such.
david-sarkies Apparently this film was based on the 47 Ronin, but not being familiar with the tale means I can't really comment on how close it really is. Then again, I suspect that I have come across it in the past, and the story is pretty straight forward. Basically the lord of a group of knights is put to death, and the knights end up becoming leaderless. However, behind the scenes they are planning on extracting revenge against the corrupt minister who was behind the lord's death. I'm sure we can pretty much work out what happens then. Honestly, this film was rather boring. Well, boring, and in parts difficult to accept. It is set in an unnamed empire which is supposed to be racially tolerant. This really put me off, namely because there was a mix of all races here, something that sort of rubs me in the wrong direction when you are trying to create a medieval world. Sure, it might actually be a fantasy world, but still, it didn't really sit with me all that much, particularly since Western Europe really wasn't all that cosmopolitan back then. Okay, there were some good aspects to this film, such as the bad guy. In a way he came across very much like Macbeth, in that he was having nightmares and hallucinations over the fact that he arranged the death of this lord. Maybe it is also due to the fact that he knows that he is a crook, and really can't live with it. I also noticed how he went to great lengths to fortify his palace. However, in the end I was pretty glad that it came to an end. It just seemed to drag on for way too long, and while it did finally pick up the pace in the end, it was simply trying to be something that it wasn't.
banzanbon First of all, this movie is a potpourri of accents, most of which makes for VERY awkward line deliveries and just stilted English.Next, the annoying mish-mash of cultures and ethnic identities, alongside the equally annoying meta-historical timeline, is not only forced, but embarrassingly hokey.Finally, the script is badly paced and the arcs never come, or if they did, they were sooo subtle that they flew over my head. I have read that it is originally a Japanese story; unfortunately, its transposition was just not handled craftily enough for a non-Japanese audience. Frankly, this isn't even fun kitsch.
mbridgham110 I ran across this while sifting thought Netflix. 47 Ronin is one of my favorite stories and the blurb sounded enough like it, with a cast that sported Clive Owen and Morgan Freeman, that I decided to give it a shot. Very glad I did. It was, for me, an enjoyable, solid, and faithful retelling of 47 Ronin, with a unique European/Samurai/Byzantine/Hollywood setting. It features lovely scenery/setting and cinematography. The acting is fair to better though the script is a bit wooden in spots. It has a careful build-up as anyone familiar with 47 Ronin (and Samurai films in general) should expect. It won't be for everyone. Lots of meaningful looks and still moments. The two turning points were the great moments I was anxiously awaiting. The reveal and sword-play pay-off for the careful build-up were fully exhilarating and satisfying. This was a buried treasure find for me. Give it a look. Belongs in my library on the shelf with "13th Warrior", "Equilibrium" and similar gems.