Girl on a Bicycle
Girl on a Bicycle
R | 04 April 2013 (USA)
Girl on a Bicycle Trailers

Paolo, an Italian tour bus driver living in Paris, has just summoned up the courage to propose marriage to his German girlfriend Greta. However, a chance encounter with a French woman on a bicycle the very next day turns Paolo's life upside down.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Leftbanker One Star = Awful on the IMDb voting guide. Yes, Awful. I couldn't have said it better myself. Here is a little hint for film makers: if you are trying to make a comedy try hiring humor writers and don't just imitate lousy sight gags you've seen in other films. Here are a few things that aren't funny: falling down, soap flying out of someone's hand, jokes about imperfectly speaking a foreign language, chasing a bike with a tour bus, running a girl on a bike over with a tour bus, and everything else in this movie that tried to pass itself off as humor. Had he killed her with the bus it could have been good for a laugh.They did an even worse job at romance.
film_ophile Very much like a Hollywood RomCom (formulaic, predictable, fluffy romantic comedy)some of the other IMDb reviewers thought it was awful and some thought it super duper. For me, it was neither extreme. The lead actor carried his part well and the chemistry was fun and believable between him and his German girlfriend. After the bus incident, you could pretty much write the story yourself, but it was still enjoyable enough to watch it all develop (though I did consider fast-forwarding it in a few places.) The screenplay had a few very good lines, but they're gone from memory as I know the film will be by tomorrow.
Voyou Nobodysbusiness For the sake of fairness, I have to say something to balance the other reviews. Shortly: This comedy isn't funny at all.Characters have no screen presence, except for Mr Considine. They just ooze around and talk to each other, in many uninspired dialogue scenes that will quickly bore you.The film lacks personality and energy. The plot may sound interesting, but it would have been better delivered as a short. Plus, the whole thing looks amateurish.This is the kind of film you may watch on TV on a countryside stormy day, when chances of power cuts are higher, for you can miss several minutes about anywhere with no fear of getting lost.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . France, which has the added bonus of being mostly in English. When there are subtitled passages in a GIRL ON A BICYCLE, they are just as likely to be spoken in German or Italian as in French. Further, the character of Paolo (played by Vincenzo Amato), an Italian tour bus driver based in Paris, is quite good at pointing out how all the quintessential highlights of "French" culture are actually Italian. As you can see, this charming romantic comedy has a lot going for it from the get go. Throw in an ill-fated soap commercial shoot, a madcap tour bus-bicycle chase scene through some fairly narrow streets, and some Hijinks on airliners, and you have the recipe for a flick that kept the audience in stitches during my showing. Nora Tschirner is fetching as Paolo's lover of three years who's nobody's fool, and Louise Monot is appropriately alluring as the title character (though maybe not so much up close and personal). Paddy Considine rounds out the quartet of main characters as Paolo's fellow tour guide, cleverly stepping into the breach to save a situation looking hopelessly muddled.