The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
R | 07 October 2016 (USA)
The Girl on the Train Trailers

Rachel Watson, devastated by her recent divorce, spends her daily commute fantasizing about the seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes every day, until one morning she sees something shocking happen there and becomes entangled in the mystery that unfolds.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
jonnysolem Rating this as a 6,5, witch is the current status, is absolutely absurd. Movies below 6 are are often rubbish, one have to rate 7 or up to rate a good movie. This is a good movie. The plot is not super-original, but it is original above the average thriller. Rachel, the main caracter, alcoholized, is suberbly played by Emily Blunt. She even have the alcoholics red skin around the cheek-area. Superb make-up. Apart from that, the story is well put together, and the last half of the movie makes up for the kind of slow beginning.
amir-85128 Not just because I really love Emily as an actress but the film is really refreshing, nicely done, interesting, keeps you trying to follow (you might want to rewind it at certain points) a rather complex story, which is also good, it is not a shallow feelgood movie about nothing at all, it actually has a plot, which was developed perfectly by the director. Well done!
Neil Welch If you watch the trailer you will be shown that this film is about a woman who sees certain events from a train and is possibly implicated in a mysterious disappearance. And I'm not going to tell you any more than the trailer does.I tend to open my reviews with a synopsis of the film in question. In the case of The Girl On A Train (adapted from a bestseller which I haven't read) I'm not going to do that, because I wouldn't want to deprive anyone of the experience I enjoyed, namely the unusual and well-crafted way in which this story was told. Providing a synopsis would damage that experience because it would inevitably entail revealing details which would ruin the way those details are revealed in the film.I have a fascination with storytelling. Most stories have some form of exposition dump in their early stages, whereby the reader/viewer is provided with information they need before the plot can get under way. The plot then unfolds before arriving at a resolution of some sort. In this film, however, we are initially provided with character studies of the main characters. These include expository details, of course but this is almost secondary. The film appears more concerned with creating mood and atmosphere, much of which is calculated to make us ask questions rather than simply supplying us with information. Information is provided, of course, but subtly, and in dribs and drabs.The characters are all well conceived to discharge their functions in the plot (the plot proper doesn't really start until nearly halfway through the film) yet the character traits and the connections between the characters are all natural and believable. For instance, each of the three principal characters has issues concerning childbirth: all are appropriate, relevant and credible, and all drive the plot.Thinking about this film as Story reveals how well-crafted it is, but you don't have to do that. Just enjoying the experience of having the story gradually reveal itself is perfectly sufficient.I don't normally care much for Emily Blunt, but she is wonderful in this. The rest of the cast is good, but she is exceptional.
saraccan I started watching this movie with no expextations but got pretty intrigued within the first 15 minutes. It kept getting more and more mysterious but also there were a ton of flaws. Its one of those crime movies where the police is a joke and dont do anything while regular people are playing detective. Also the timeline is incredibly confusing. Even though i like confusing timeline movies, this one wasnt done well. Its about a weird murder drama between a drunk woman, her ex-husband, his new wife, their babysitter, babysitter's husband and psychiatrist.