R | 16 September 2016 (USA)
Snowden Trailers

CIA employee Edward Snowden leaks thousands of classified documents to the press.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Steineded How sad is this?
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
sergelamarche How Snowden came to be one of the important whistle-blowers of the world. After Manning, which revealed crimes the US military did, Snowden chose to flee and stay free. This film holds a neat and simplified narrative that explains the work and the revelations. The fact that the US has secrets courts to obtain permissions so that no one is aware is a huge trampling of freedom. Frankly, how can they expect us to believe in their democratie if the public is never informed of the actions of their government.
cclee-87430 As in hibernation can be as equally as boring. snow-job.
Mihai Toma A young man by the name of Edward Snowden is about to tell the world deep secrets from his past jobs, when he secretly worked for CIA and NSA. Together with three experienced journalists, he's about to tell the story of his life, how it all started and how it managed to get so wrong in the end.This movie, inspired from real facts, depicts the power of the American intelligence agencies which were spying on people in order to protect them from terrorist attacks, but it all got much deeper than intended. It's a very interesting movie, captivating I must say, which describes in detail the life of Snowden and what happened behind the scenes of the notorious intelligence agencies, who's programs were doing a lot more than invading privacy.It's very well presented, alternating present and past events, very well played by its cast and very well executed overall. A must see for everyone, especially for IT fans.
Ian Like most folks, I probably picked up on the Snowden papers through the press and media. Assuming you don't believe it was 'fake' news, you'll already have a good idea of the story.What's verging on the unbelievable is that there were calls for 'his head' among US politicians (although, as we now absolutely know for certain, election to office is no guarantee of intelligence, reasonableness, open-mindedness or sanity). The NSA et al think they are powers above all else. And that's such a dangerous stance. It's held by a few scared egotists at the upper echelons of power and the fear and paranoia pervade down through the entire system.We need people like Snowden and other whistle blowers to hold the 'government' to account and it's impossible to know how much of a sacrifice such people have made in order to attempt to secure the freedom and liberty - such as it is - for the rest of us. It's when good men do nothing that evil prospers.And so to the movie :-) It's absolutely excellent, from the acting to the direction, editing, production, music - the lot! If you knew nothing about Snowden you'd approach it as a political thriller and you'd be engrossed. Even knowing the history, the movie and story move along at a cracking pace. It never drags, it's never dull or boring; it's always engrossing. Snowden's little speeches are eloquent throughout and it's impossible to come away from the movie without knowing that this guy did the right thing.It's a thriller with a message. If not for people like Snowden we'd be on our way to 1984. Orwell may have got the year wrong but the prospect of Big brother looms larger now than it has ever done.Watch it. Enjoy it. Learn. Remember.