PG-13 | 28 October 2016 (USA)
Inferno Trailers

After waking up in a hospital with amnesia, professor Robert Langdon and a doctor must race against time to foil a deadly global plot.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
VitoCorleone1972 Ok, so here's another review where I have to begin by saying that I have not read this book. Anyway, this movie is basically what would happen if someone made the movie "Memento" with Robert Langdon as the main character.The story is essentially told backwards, with the audience receiving the answers first and the questions later. There's nothing wrong with this, and, in fact, nonliner storytelling can be very interesting. I always cite "Pulp Fiction" as an example of this. No, the problem with this film isn't how the story is told. The problem with this film is the story.Said story is rather bloated and unnecessarily convoluted with characters popping in and out for no reason and the whole thing not being as focused as the previous film in this series, "Angels and Demons."The direction is also at fault here. The whole thing is pieced together in a way that is rather meandering and slow, a rather odd choice for a story taking place over the course of only a couple days. The score is very standard and shockingly forgettable, considering it was composed by the amazing Hans Zimmer, one of the greatest film composers working today.The characters are mostly generic and boring, with the exception of a couple. Robert Langdon is still great. Tom Hanks has yet to give a bad performance and he does the best he can with this material considering the fact that he's somewhat confused and forgetful for most of the runtime. In addition, Irfan Kahn is his usual awesome self, portraying a character that is somewhat interesting. Felicity Jones should also be commended for giving her all to a character that is rather run of the mill, save for a halfway decent twist.It isn't horrible, though. The story is still fairly investing, and once Robert Langdon is back to his old self, his knowledge proves entertaining. It's simply not put to proper use here.All in all, this is a fairly forgettable excursion that doesn't really add anything to the Robert Langdon character. It doesn't deserve to be thrown into the inferno, but it also doesn't belong with the angels.
micheal-ballack-y This is the worst I've ever seen. If you read the book , try not to watch this movie. 1.the characters are nothing as described in the book, many as well not even in the movie! Where the hell are they? 2.what the fuuuuuuu just happened to the ending?????? Why changing it so much!!! The ending has nothing to do with what the writer described in the book, why did the hell they changes it and made it too easy and not even fun? 3.WORST THIS I'VE EVER SEEN! STOP DESTROYING THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE BOOKS JUST TO GET THE DAMN MONEY! 4. So many scenes are not even close to the book. This is just some poor production , and bad acting, everyone seems to be just want to finish the damn movie.
cinemajesty Movie Review: "Inferno" (2016)As much as I wished for a December 2015 major event movie release starring Tom Hanks as reprising character of Robert Langdon for the third time, intently introduced by author Dan Brown in his spectacular novel "The Da Vinci Code", firstly published in April 2003, when Academy-Award-winning Hollywood director Ron Howard, at age 61, can not build juvenile accelerated thriller scene toward a 100-Minute-Cut necessary for a wide-audience release in favor for this Multi-Million-Dollar original source optioned material by Hollywood major studio Columbia Pictures, acting as Sony Picture affiliate, to rebound former successes with two already released Dan Brown novel adaptations "The Da Vinci Code" (2006) and "Angels & Demons" (2009) also directed by Ron Howard, which at least had the advantage to expose a major story-telling twists in the final thirty minutes into visual major league extravaganza at "Vatican City" as out-of-the-ordinary showdown location, when "Inferno" just fails to amaze and fades; too much of mimicked as staged-felt "Istanbul" water reservoir interiors final moments where Dan Brown's page-turner fourth novel of a "Robert Langdon" adventure, released in May 2013, just put an random Sunday afternoon read into satisfaction. This picture, as cut off his hundred-million-dollar production budget, has emotionally-undermined supporting characters, especially with almost no dramatic peak existing essential nemesis character of Bertrand Zobrist, performed by behind-indentifiable nevertheless utmost capable actor Ben Foster, when actress Felicity Jones as Robert Langdon sidekick just keep face and French actor Omar Sy, already neglected in another major Hollywood production "Jurassic World" (2015) concerning screen-time as Irrfan Khan, recouping some thrilling moments of the fairly-written novel as character of Harry Sims, operating a major world-wide operating company as CEO to put then in the movie version "no-present" character of "Zobrist" under pressure for an awaited-viral video release as Tom Hanks' keeps professional face with a franchise near its conclusion, if there were not the hard-boiled presumingly "R-rated" fright-night, out-of-the-dark, close-to character-death experiences as major "Washington D.C." located, third novel-storyline of "The Lost Symbol" to bring some vibe back to a somehow declining-in-popularity leading character of recent Hollywood history. FAZIT: Picture rejected (underdeveloped)Copyright 2018 Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC
Gafri Ariansyah This movie is so confusing and the storyline is not rules .. Clichéd storyline .. The final scene is so cheap ... Inferno is the worst movie I ever watched .. So boring ... The lines are so confusing ... Do not waste time watching this movie!