R | 28 October 2014 (USA)
Grace Trailers

A unique horror film told from the first-person perspective of Grace - a naive, virginal college freshman trying to deal with campus culture and her outgoing roommate as an evil entity takes over her body and unleashes chaos.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Rorschach This is one of the movie that gives me a pleasant movie experience and like in a game of a first person view. I felt like i'm with Grace throughout in the movie too.. I love it.. Its not about the scariness but this film captured my feelings for it.. I watch lots of Exorcism or Possession films, this film is a new experience for me on such films.. Really appreciate the work of all the people who are involve in this film. The actors also do well in their role.. The only thing this film need to improve is the advertisement. I feel lots of people are not aware about this movie.. I dunno about what others think about this film but to me i give it a 10 stars here to support the creators, actors and actress. Good job!
Claudio Carvalho The eighteen year-old Grace (Alexia Fast) is a Catholic teenager raised by her grandmother Helen (Lin Shaye) since her mother died giving birth to her and her father is unknown. Grace joins the university and has frequent blackouts. The doctor diagnoses her and tells that she might have a mental condition, suggesting her to visit a psychiatrist. However the pious Helen brings her granddaughter home and forces her to frequent the church. Soon Grace discovers hidden secrets from her mother and the priests tell that evil is inside her."Grace" is a boring, unoriginal and lame low-budget horror movie of exorcism. The movie is destroyed by the awful and irritating camera work. My vote is three.Title (Brazil): "O Mistério de Grace" ("The Mystery of Grace")
begob The best horror of 2014.The POV camera is more than a gimmick, and really comes into its own in the final conflict.This is a simple story of possession, with stock elements of religious repression and a cruel grandmother. There is a dark secret to do with sex, which is revealed at about 60 min and isn't unexpected.The POV technique gives an engaging insight into the heroine. I imagine this was real difficult for the director and actress to get right, but they succeeded. The only draw back is you don't get to see much of the beautiful actress. Also I thought a couple of scenes were prudish - I'm sure they thought hard about the POV, but it should give a full experience.None of the characters from the college scenes appears later on (apart from one hallucination), so that's a problem with the structure of the story.The real strength is the new angle on the exorcism rite, and the shock of the demon taking control. Makes for a powerful ending.Amazed only a few hundred have rated this movie, and more amazed they rated it so low.7/10 - for a horror, that's top marks.
gavin6942 This is the story of Grace (Alexia Fast), an orphan whose mother died in childbirth and a father she never knew. These are her experiences in her college days and the terrible things that happen soon after.Up front, it must be said that this "Grace" has nothing to do with the film "Grace" from 2009 starring Jordan Ladd. This shared title is unfortunate, as it will likely confuse horror fans. On the plus side, this is probably the better of the two films, so if the two are going to be inevitably compared, at least it will be favorable.Viewers should be warned that this is a POV film, shot from the vision of Grace. Now, to be clear, it is not found footage and is not supposed to be a camera filming -- it is merely what Grace's eyes see during different events, including tug of war, meaning we only ever see the title character if she looks in a mirror. (The mirror moments provide for some interesting camera tricks, and whether they are practical or not are a good feat.) Besides the mirrors, another interesting element is that even dreams are from Grace's point of view. And these are terrifying, realistic dreams. As much as POV can generally be a hindrance, or even annoyance, director Jeff Chan was clever enough to take it in some new directions here and should be complimented on his efforts. (The drinking scene is reminiscent of The Prodigy's music video for "Smack My B* Up", in a good way.) The POV even pays off later on, with a slight twist that may be the most clever of all. (Unfortunately, it would be impossible to reveal that plot point, so you will just have to watch and see.) We also get some better than average possession effects, including burns, vomiting blood and the loss of teeth. The scares grow as the film moves along, and the suspense is built up quite nicely.In a supporting role, we have Joel David Moore as a deacon and youth group leader, which is a much more serious role than he is known for playing in such films as "Dodgeball" and "Hatchet". In the second half, he becomes the object of Grace's questionable affections. In some ways, this is the most troubling and gets into the dangerous territory of priests and sex.Another supporting role has Lin Shaye as an ultra-religious grandmother (or foster mother). Shaye has been a horror staple at least since "A Nightmare on Elm Street", and she is fine form here, even if her role is rather small.Is this worth checking out? Yes. While maybe not the hit of the year, it is not a film that should be going under the radar and it would be great to see where Alexia Fast goes next. (She is already carving a nice horror niche with films including "Fido" and "Last Kind Words", not to mention her appearance on "Masters of Horror".)