NR | 14 February 2015 (USA)
GirlHouse Trailers

In an attempt to make some extra cash while away at College, Kylie moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan hacks in to determine the house's location, she finds herself in a terrifying fight for her life.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Walter Sloane Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
crackedhalo11 GIRLHOUSE comes from Canadian director John Knaut who was also behind the fun JACK BROOKS, MONSTER SLAYER (which features some amazing practical effects) and THE SHRINE). The result is a slick, stylish and suspenseful thriller that only once in awhile trips over itself when trying to make A STATEMENT. The interesting thing everyone here is generally likeable; none of the women are played out as TOTAL sluts (and there are even some attempts to defend their career choice) and the men aren't typical, sex-starved assholes. The killer (donning a genuinely creepy woman's mask that seems an homage to TOURIST TRAP) is a bit generic but his ruthless nature offers some nasty kills in the process. A solid recommend on this one!
GL84 Living together in a remote house, a woman joining in a supposedly secure online webcam site with the others living inside the house find themselves under attack by a spurned psychopath targeting them for his past traumas and must outwit the tech-savvy killer to get out of the house alive.This was a rather fun and enjoyable slasher effort. One of the better qualities featured here is the fact that this one manages to readily make the early set-up here pretty enjoyable for once. The early scenes featuring the group going around and introducing themselves in a rather friendly manner is nice to see and handled in a great manner so that the later scenes are given that much more meaning. Those stalking scenes in the house are where this one really works well, focusing on the utter inability of everyone around the house to be unaware of the action going on around them as these scenes are rather fun. Starting with the initial murders on the house grounds with the security staff or the first few victims unsure of what's going on that goes into the first real attack scenes as the private session ambush showing him sneaking up and taking out the one victim, sneaking up on the couple in the S&M gear or going after the others trapped in the various rooms of the house which are incredibly fun and rather chilling. The fact that the majority of these kills results in a series of incredibly brutal and vicious attacks gives them an extra intensity that helps this one incredibly well, fueling the action along by going for a far more vicious streak than initially expected and making for some memorable setups here with the way the kills are played out which is a nice factor here featuring plenty of solid kills to go along with the straight-up chilling scenes of him in action beforehand. The finale also comes off rather nicely with the fine trick to finally setup up gives this a nice bit of cleverness to go along with the frantic action that's incredibly fun to go through. This makes for a rather enjoyable slasher scenario here that gives this a lot to like here by taking place within the enormous house that gives this a lot to really like. Coupled with the generous nudity and the rather ingenious way to go into modern technology and the pornographic sites, this one has a rather sizeable amount of positives to make up for a few minor flaws. One of the films' few problems is the central killer here, who has a lot of flaws featured. The fact that this is yet another tormented and picked-upon loner with psychological childhood issues prone to fantasizing about killing the women around him isn't exactly all that interesting as a backstory here as that's incredibly cliché and routine, creating yet another hulking simpering psychopath that isn't too original. That also makes him completely non-threatening beyond his size advantage as this creates a completely banal feel being done so often that it doesn't generate any kind of impact, a big problem in these kinds of slashers. Likewise, the film also manages to feature quite a long buildup to get to the actual slashing which is so crammed into the final half hour that it seems like a lot longer than it really is. These here are all that really hold it back though.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Full Nudity, Graphic Language, strong sex scenes and drug use.
KineticSeoul Hmm well for a straight to DVD and Netflix slasher flick that deals with webcam girls. This movie is actually a pretty decent flick. I was also surprised with the production value of this movie. So if you are a audience member that enjoys watching blood, violence, nudity and a okay narrative when it comes to slasher flicks. This movie just might work for you. Some women and feminist might be against some aspects of this movie. The first half is the build up with the setting and the characters, including a not very important romance aspect to this movie. I also liked the direction they took with the slasher villain this time around. He is the type of misogynistic creep that becomes vile and evil because he got rejected and taunted by women. You probably met people like this, people that hates girls because of past hurts and bad experiences with them. Thus, although they don't get driven to what the slasher masked guy does in this movie. They still turn into jerks that put down other people and discourages others because of their own insecurities. Hating on women and detesting guys that are handsome or more successful than they are. The slasher parts in the second half wasn't all that original but it does get the job done and it wasn't executed terribly. It may however offend some viewers, because it does sort of send a message that being a pornstar is a cool way to make money by embellishing the whole thing. So yeah, besides that I thought this was a alright slasher flick.6/10
MattyGibbs A young girl gets a job as a web cam performer at a house. When an unstable client is humiliated by them, he seeks his own sort of justice. I can't say I had much hope for this film and it was only in desperation that I turned it on. However it proved to be a pleasant surprise. It's well filmed, gory, very tense and quite scary which I find is a relative rarity these days. Although the script is pretty standard, where Girl House succeeds is that it makes you care for the central characters. Rather than some empty headed bimbo the lead character Kylie ( played well by Ali Cobrin) comes across as intelligent and likable as does her boyfriend Ben ( a good performance from Adam DiMarco) who is not the stereotypical jerk. You find out pretty early who the killer is and also why he does it. He is suitably scary and again it's another good performance, this time by Slaine. I found this pretty entertaining modern day slasher. Although not in any way groundbreaking this is a decent addition to the genre and worth checking out.